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Foie gras 11th Jun 2012 01:52

Just thought I'd bring this thread back to the top of the page, from the gutter where it probably belongs.
I'm afraid it is just not going away.

Some options, depending on where you think we are at, courtesy of ZH:-

TheWholeEnchilada 23rd Jun 2012 07:20

Jock p 25th Jun 2012 08:13

.....and more and more gets revealed :=

Logical absurdity is coming to the fore. This is not going to end well.

The Scam Wall Street Learned From the Mafia | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Foie gras 1st Jul 2012 04:20


gobbledock 1st Jul 2012 04:48

Our father, who art in finance, give us our daily profit....
This is a good idea. Get rid of religions tax breaks or get rid of religion altogether and take what has been stashed and hoarded and give it the people!

February 16, 2012

Monti moves to end Italy Church tax breaks

by Philip
, ROME, Thu Feb 16, 2012

(Reuters) - Prime Minister Mario Monti, a Catholic crusading to put Italy's economy in order by ending entrenched privileges such as tax breaks, is striking against an unlikely target - his own Church.
Monti's government issued a statement on Wednesday night saying it
had informed the European Commission that it would pass a law ending the Church's exemption from local property taxes on its properties used for commercial purposes.

Estimates on how much this can bring to government coffers have
ranged from 700 million euros ($908 million) to more than 1 billion

Italy's Church - once an unshakable, and some say untouchable,
institution - has come under fire for what some consider unfair privileges at a time Monti has asked Italians to make unprecedented sacrifices as part of a "tears and blood" austerity plan to thwart a Greek-style crisis.

The European Commission in 2010 opened a probe against Italy to
determine if tax breaks for some Church properties amounted to illegal state aid and distorted competition.

Some political parties, particularly the tiny, liberal Radical
Party, and some intellectual leaders, have led a campaign to strip the Church of tax exemption on properties that are not used exclusively as places of worship.

Throughout Italy, the Church owns many private clinics, hotels, bed
and breakfasts and guest houses that enjoy tax exempt status because parts of the structures are occupied by priests or nuns or have a chapel for worship.

That created a grey area where many structures were essentially
commercial but covered by the religious exemption law.

The government statement said the proposal to be presented in
parliament would limit the tax exemption to structures that are "exclusively non-commercial." It did not say when it would present the bill.

In mixed-use cases, such as hotels run by nuns, the exemption will
apply only to the parts of the structures that are non-commercial, such as chapels and residences for priests and nuns, and the statement said the Economy Ministry - not the Church - would decide which is which.

CHURCH LEADERS NOT INFORMED Although contacts have been going on for a few months, Monti's move to take the bull by the horns surprised Italy's Catholic hierarchy."We are waiting to see the exact formulation of the text in order to provide a detailed judgment," the Italian bishops' conference said in a statement.
The Catholic Church is one of Italy's largest private real estate
holders and, if the Commission were to rule against Italy, Rome could be forced to order the Church to reimburse the government for unpaid taxes.

While the law would affect all religions, its impact on the relatively tiny property holdings of the Jewish and Muslim communities would be

The controversy over Church tax exemptions had been bubbling for
years but boiled over in the past few months, particularly after the Monti government re-instated a local property tax on primary residences that had been abolished by his predecessor, Silvio Berlusconi.
In a 48-hour period after the austerity package was passed in December, more than 130,000 people signed an on-line petition demanding that the Church be stripped of much of its tax exempt status and pay its fair SHare.
At first, the Church dug in its heels, saying tax laws had to take
into consideration the social benefit of many of its activities.

But, as austerity began to bite into the budgets of ordinary
Italians who were forced to pay more taxes and delay their retirements, Italian Church leaders softened their stand and said they were willing to negotiate and rectify any past abuses.

(1 euro = $1.29820)
by Alessandra Rizzo)

mightyauster 1st Jul 2012 11:02

And so it should be GD. The Catholic Church would have to be one of the greatest criminal organisations on this planet. Tax exemptions for all religious organisations should be withdrawn immediately in this country too.:mad:

neville_nobody 1st Jul 2012 22:05

The Catholic Church would have to be one of the greatest criminal organisations on this planet.
Abolishing the Vatican's Sovereignty would be a better option than just taxing them.

If you like some serious intrigue including everyone from the Vatican to the Mafia to the Freemasons; Google ' God's Banker scandal'.

Meanwhile over in England................

Vince Cable calls for criminal investigation into Barclays bankers | Business | guardian.co.uk

teresa green 2nd Jul 2012 00:45

And all those happy clappy organisations, where people pay big money to sing, sway and be loved by the Lord, Hallelujah. And they get to take the loot home, the organisers and the Govt. does not ask for a drop. And then they start buying up big time in real estate, and the people just keep singin, and swayin and think they have bought a first class seat in heaven! We are, and have been, in the wrong business!:{

TheWholeEnchilada 2nd Jul 2012 00:52

Questions of the day: Who was on the board of Barclays during LIBORgate? Was the board aware? Did the board authorise the systematic & fraudulent mis-pricing of the LIBOR of which $300 Trillion of interest rate sensitive products are priced off?

gobbledock 2nd Jul 2012 05:22

Questions of the day: Who was on the board of Barclays during LIBORgate? Was the board aware? Did the board authorise the systematic & fraudulent
mis-pricing of the LIBOR of which $300 Trillion of interest rate sensitive products are priced off?
Easy. Start with the Rothschilds.

The Bungeyed Bandit 2nd Jul 2012 05:43

To quote Frank Zappa:

"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down an bending over."

TheWholeEnchilada 2nd Jul 2012 05:50

GD, I'll give you a hint,:

(age 58) joined the Board on 1st October 2004. He is Chief Executive of Rio Tinto, having worked for the Rio Tinto Group since 1970. He has extensive experience of managing a business that operates in a number of global regions. He was previously Chairman of the Coal Industry Advisory Board of the International Energy Agency and until May 2004, a Director of Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Inc. He is a member of the Board HR and Remuneration Committee.

neville_nobody 3rd Jul 2012 01:09

So shall we be expecting a ASIC inquiry then? Or is he one of the untouchables?

Or will he use Dixon's ploy of claiming it was one rogue employee and he had nothing to do with it.

neville_nobody 4th Jul 2012 22:40

These guys need to find new material as the ex Barclays CEO is trundling out the exact same lines that Dixon used during the whole Freight Cartel Scandal.

Given the size and depth of both scandals I find it hard to believe that neither of them knew. It's always the 'rogue few employees' At least the Barclay's CEO resigned.

GEOFF DIXON: We do know there were a group of people who, within Qantas who are no longer with Qantas, who were involved in something that has been, which is believed to be, a cartel.

MARCUS AGIUS, OUTGOING BARCLAYS CHAIRMAN: Bad behaviour was limited to a small handful of people and I'm appalled by what happened and I couldn't be anything otherwise. But was it symptomatic of the rest of the bank? No, absolutely not.
Episode 384: The Little Lie That Rocked The Banks : Planet Money : NPR

TheWholeEnchilada 4th Jul 2012 23:52

Neville, what Barclays don't tell you is that modern (fractional reserve) banking is by definition FRAUD. Modern banks are by insolvent - they cannot fulfill their contractual obligations to redeem all depositor account on demand (aka bank run). They "borrow short and lend long" and earn the spread ie take short term demand deposits and lend for 30 years.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. The real maker is to create money out of thin air which they charge interest on. Banks do not have to "forgo" consumption to lend money (as they would have you believe), rather they conjure it into existence through an account sleight-of-hand. I repeat, BANKS CHARGE YOU INTEREST ON MONEY THAT DIDN'T EXIST - THEY CREATED IT OUT OF THIN AIR.

It just gets better, these banks have formed a global cartel through Central Banks and the Central Bank of Central Banks (BIS), and leveraged up this "money out of thin air" further, and placed bets and lent to governments allowing them consistently spend more than they can tax their citizen. If those bets and loans pay off, they take the profit. If the bets & loans go bad, they sell them to the Central Bank - usually at par, the is the classic bailout. The price all citizens pay - increases in prices as symptom of money supply inflation.

So LIBORgate is important, however, it is just another in a long line of manipulations of the monetary system by these private institutions. Enormous power over the populous though monopoly control of money is in private hands. Money, the thing that is extremely important but most people yet very few have even a superficial understanding of what money even is and where it comes from. Why is that?

Modern banking is fraudulent criminal cartel, simply a different form of Mafia family wearing suits and ties bestowing titles upon themselves. The real question is how it managed to get this far - ignorance by the masses is the answer. Why is that?

Ask yourself why the banking & financial industry always seems to have the largest profits, pay their executives the most & have the tallest buildings in the city.

References: The Mystery Of Banking Murray Rothbard
Modern Monetary Mechanics - FED publication

Here's a series of video's that explain it:
Crash Course Chapter 6: What Is Money?
Crash Course Chapter 7: Money Creation
Crash Course Chapter 8: The Fed - Money Creation
Of course, you should take the entire crash course, but those video's explain the basics.

Jock p 5th Jul 2012 03:21

I have no doubt these parasites will continue on with nary a care in the world.

Would love to see a class action on this. They need their banking licence revoked!!!

Inside Story - Rigged bank rates: Is there more to come? - YouTube

TheWholeEnchilada 8th Jul 2012 04:39

Steven Keen talks to Lauren Lyster on the debt black hole & event horizon.

Cost Index 8th Jul 2012 10:18

I only saw Lauren, was there someone else with her for those 20 odd mins?? :ooh::E

Foie gras 8th Jul 2012 10:27

Nice one TWE.
I prescribe to the Keen-sian Theory, and have so for years!

MR MACH 10th Jul 2012 12:11

Economist Steve Keen loses housing bet against Rory Robertson
This guy is really good!
What a joke!!!!

Economist Steve Keen loses housing bet against Rory Robertson

AN ECONOMIST known as the "Merchant of Gloom" will have to walk from Canberra to the top of Australia's highest mountain after losing a bet about the resiliency of Australian house prices.

Economist Steve Keen loses housing bet against Rory Robertson | News.com.au

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