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Enema Bandit's Dad 5th Mar 2011 19:55

Virgin Sacks Flight Attendant
Anyone know the other side to this? Overheard locker tot outrage | Herald Sun :{:suspect:

Sunstar320 5th Mar 2011 20:23

Sounds like a joke gone wrong.

"I was devastated. I was absolutely devastated. "I was crying. My husband was in shock. For days on end I was crying."
Crying for days on? There has got to be more to this.

Ando1Bar 5th Mar 2011 20:32

This was a skit in BBC's 'Come Fly With Me'. Obviously the FA was just trying to have a joke.

Although it's not the most sensible thing to do, I'm suprised this woman is carrying on the way she is and her son is having problems after being put in the locker for 'a full ten seconds'. I would understand if the kid was hung outside of an emergency exit...

"The manager on board came up to me later and said: 'I need you to complain, I need you to do something. Write or ring. Do whatever you can',"
Obviously the FA wasn't a popular boy in the first place and this was an opportunity to kick him out.

Bypass ratio 5th Mar 2011 20:46

Enema Bandits Dad.........who gives a sh!t

Get a life:ugh:

Wildpilot 5th Mar 2011 21:02

Only if all kids could be stored in the over head locker it would be allot more pleasant for the other passengers.:ok:

Cactusjack 5th Mar 2011 21:19

I thought the FA was exhibiting flair ?
Flair not allowed anymore ?

snakeslugger 5th Mar 2011 22:59

The FA involved and subsequently dismissed was a very competent and well liked staff member. From what I was told the kid and parents were being an absolute pain in the arse and the FA was trying to humour the boy, maybe not the smartest idea to put him in the overhead locker, as for 10 sec closed in there...rubbish, I don't actually believe the locker latched closed it was just moved down then straight up - the father thought it was a great lark, however the mother did not...boohoo!
As for crying for days afterwards, farken hell get a grip.:{

scam sniffer 5th Mar 2011 23:17

Of course she was in tears for days afterwards. No tears no dollars.

Ahhh litigation and the smell of money. Nothing like it.

Was she american by any chance?:rolleyes:

Keg 6th Mar 2011 00:08

Perhaps the boys anxiety issues and desire to sleep in Mum's bed are more to do with the fact that Mum and Dad are no longer together- something that the poor kid is reminded of every time he wakes up- than any lingering memory of a few moments in an overhead locker.

The shame is that this is reported as 'news' rather than someone 'calling' the woman on it and telling her that being separated is far more likely to be affecting her child than anything what happened on an aeroplane. :ugh:

It reads as though the CSM may have been wanting something on the F/A to make their job easier- or that they thought that if they made the pax do the leg work that they wouldn't bother and we all would be none the wiser about what is a pretty insignificant event. Let's be honest, what parent out there hasn't playfully thought about and/or pretended to put their toddler in an overhead bin?

Gate_15L 6th Mar 2011 00:14

Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed.....:rolleyes:

flying-spike 6th Mar 2011 00:18

Class action Possible?
I hope she gets zillions.

Then all the traumatised kids who got put under a blanket in the back of the car by mum and dad so they didn't have to pay for us to get into the drive-in might get a few bucks!

Honestly, the flight attendants in that organisation have been encouraged to do some weird things to make the "Virgin experience" a fun one. THis bloke just joined in and got carried away. Or, maybe he is plant from Ryanair trialling a new seating arrangement for the "little people"

capt.cynical 6th Mar 2011 00:33

Don't know about kids in the overhead lockers but there were times I could have put some mothers up there for longer than 10 seconds !! :E

Capn Bloggs 6th Mar 2011 01:00

Let's be honest, what parent out there hasn't playfully thought about and/or pretended to put their toddler in an overhead bin?
Not until now. I'd try it with my 11 yo but I fear I might drop her half way up! :}

stubby jumbo 6th Mar 2011 03:05

Big Deal
.....I can recall going on a BOM-LHR flight on the 743 classic when we discovered a "parent" had made a bed, with blankets, pillows etc in the O/H locker (above the HJK row).

The kid was as snug as a bug in a rug.......'been there for hours when we found it.

When we told her ....it was not kosher......she ranted and raved like a trooper.

Oh...times have changed.

Leave the little bugger up there.....make him appreciate mums(dad-less bed) a bit more.:ok:

As for the F/A in this sorry saga. He's obviously been lined up and been on the hit list.

Skystar320 6th Mar 2011 03:10

I believe that this is someones keep on getting there 10secs of fame. After sympathy and a hefty cash payment

C441 6th Mar 2011 03:42

Don't any of you buggers let that ol' blackfella that used to climb in the pod of the 206 know about this. :ooh:

skipper1981 6th Mar 2011 04:29

What a lot of BS!!!!

framer 6th Mar 2011 04:31

I've seen hostees jump in the overhead lockers on turn arounds...they seemed happy enough and they're much bigger most of the time.

S70IP 6th Mar 2011 05:30

?......now 20 months, had seen various specialists since the incident after suffering from anxiety and withdrawal.
The human race is doomed. Our gene pool is polluted with stupid people.
We are done.
Global warming will be the last thing to kill us.

Our grandfathers and great grandfathers, fought hand to hand to the death on many a battlefield. Their grandchildren were bombed from great height. Survived to rebuild societies and become our parents who overcame great adversity...

Now look what we are producing. After 10 seconds in a dark area...

As a friend quoted to me...

To quote Eric Cartman, "..well clearly I don't belong on this planet. I'm gonna go home and kill myself".

Ka.Boom 6th Mar 2011 06:25

Flight Attendant Sackings
CC get the pink slip for a number of reasons
Safety breaches
Behaviour that brings the company name into disrepute
A CC member at Qantas was rissoled recently for allegedly slagging off Cabin services management on a privateCrew website.Turns out they got the wrong bloke.No recourse for him
Crew are a soft target.
This situation sounds like a setup.
The mother definitely swims in the shallow end of the gene pool.No wonder hubby left

NAMD 6th Mar 2011 06:46

I've seen the occasional apprentice in one of those bins.

Cactusjack 6th Mar 2011 07:56

It does seem to be a bit of a tough punishment. It took for a QF flightie to chew off a movie star in the fwd dunnies before getting sacked !!

airtags 6th Mar 2011 08:46

Actually Cactus there's more ......

- one QF hostie got the boot because she didn't handle the stress of an engine incident on her first flight last november while another suffering a similar incident was placed on leave without pay instead of workers comp.....the kid in the locker was a dumb thing to do (although I s'pose many would suggest its a great place for kids on a plane) - Sometimes though I can't help thinking the CC are easy targets.

Chronic Snoozer 6th Mar 2011 09:36

Comment on the Herald website of the complainant:
"Large housing commission face"!! ROFLMAO:}

Wally Mk2 7th Mar 2011 00:45

..............ya gotta love a human interest story. The kid now suffers & has to sleep with mum, any wonder the kid now suffers!!! Give me the bin any day!:E

There's some very funny posts here:ok: But in all seriousness what has our society come too? Sure the incident wasn't the cleverest thing to do perhaps BUT terminating the FA/CC for such a stunt was also wrong. I would have thought some corrective training of sorts would have sufficed but no like most Co's these days sack 'em & get the problem as far away from them as possible.

God when I think of the things that we as kids got exposed to like being whacked hard at home & at school. I was locked in my room for many hrs & at times in the dark (belted if I turned the light on!) I didn't end up with enormous mental anguish, I shudder to think what we are breeding these days, sad really, the whole event is sad. VB should be ashamed of themselves for dealing with this event in a grubby cheap way.


Taildragger67 7th Mar 2011 01:39

what parent out there hasn't playfully thought about and/or pretended to put their toddler in an overhead bin?
not just parents, Keg, and maybe not so "playfully"... :E

But if anyone likes to strengthen up an OHB to handle my 90kg, 6'2" self, I'll happily get up there zzzzzz.........

Get over yourself, love.

Worrals in the wilds 7th Mar 2011 02:31

I've seen the occasional apprentice in one of those bins.
You can fit a small Catering guy in too, although it needs to be a team effort 'cos they tend to kick a bit. Blankets are useful.

While IMO it was a dumb thing to do, surely a kick in the arse and an all-staff email about not sticking kids in lockers would suffice? I thought Virgin were into this sort of inane theatricals, it's not surprising if one of the staff goes a little far with the flair thing.

It's no dumber than an aborted 'stunt' a Virgin crew tried a while ago, where they all brought along replica pistols (pretty real looking ones) and were going to stage a fake hijack on their flight :eek::eek:. Pre 9/11, but the concept still displayed an outstanding lack of judgement. They didn't get sacked, in fact Virgin management were pretty huffy with the AFP for kyboshing it until they threatened to start charging people.

Taildragger67 7th Mar 2011 04:49

an aborted 'stunt' a Virgin crew tried a while ago, where they all brought along replica pistols (pretty real looking ones) and were going to stage a fake hijack on their flight . Pre 9/11,
Can't have been much pre 9/11?

standard unit 7th Mar 2011 04:56

an aborted 'stunt' a Virgin crew tried a while ago, where they all brought along replica pistols (pretty real looking ones) and were going to stage a fake hijack on their flight . Pre 9/11,
You've got to admit that the idea was just pure, genius :}

Cactusjack 7th Mar 2011 06:08

You can fit a small Catering guy in too, although it needs to be a team effort 'cos they tend to kick a bit. Blankets are useful.
I love it, this is great !! May I suggest an attempt at placing the following in an overhead locker as part of a great challenge,and maybe the proceeds could go to charity ??

1) A dwarf, or maybe two, in the same locker
2) An Irish CEO
3) Clive Palmer
4) Ralph Feines and a hostie of his choosing
5) 120 Gerbils, 20 litres of baby oil (DG compliant),a trombone and a naked John Travolta and Branson


stubby jumbo 7th Mar 2011 07:20

Thats GOLD Cactus. :ok:

Needed a good belly laugh

unionist1974 7th Mar 2011 07:39

I Was told that GD needed a lot of convicing to sack LR . It was not his inclination to do so . but a certain HR manager conviced him she ho go . Jealousy!

bankrunner 7th Mar 2011 08:18

Any of the 4-stripers fit in the overhead bin? :E

NAMD 7th Mar 2011 08:57

Yes, but you have to remove their wallets first!! :O

unionist1974 7th Mar 2011 08:59

Really ? crying for days ? well what were you doing to let the FA have the child in the first place ? I hope the Union backs this guy as they should , losing your job is a terrible thing , teasing with kids is commonplace to settlle them . But Oh lets get a chance at a few thou compo and media coverage , I could be on 60 mins , a distressed Mum , devastated , until the cash come and then........................

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