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packrat 18th Apr 2010 00:52

Rockstars Misbehaving
Kelly Rowland V Qantas

by Paul Cashmere - April 17 2010

Reports of a altercation between Kelly Rowland and her entourage and Qantas staff beg the question “Who really was the rude one?”

Rowland claims Qantas staff were rude to her and her entourage on a flight from Melbourne to Sydney this week.
Qantas staff had a run-in with the travellers when one of Rowland’s posse refused to sit in the allocated seat, another refused to switch off a laptop and another refused to turn off a mobile phone.
Rowland complained that her entourage were “treated like five-year olds”. Maybe that is because they acted like five-year olds.
Ms Rowland may not have noticed that a while ago there was this little thing called 911. People died and airlines had to change their policies.
It is not as nice as it once was to travel, in fact often it can be downright inconvenient, but Ms Rowland needs to stop acting like a five-year old and wake up to herself.
An airline is not your own personal space. It is a high security travel environment.
Kelly Rowland calling Qantas “****ty” because of her own bad behaviour is not only childish but arrogant.
The staff at Qantas deserve to be cut some slack on this one. Fact: they were in the wrong seat and refused to move. Fact: One was on a laptop and refused to turn it off. Fact: One was on a mobile and refused to turn it off.
Ms Rowland and her friends could have been arrested for their behaviour. They should thank Qantas for not permanently banning them from the airline.

Watchdog 18th Apr 2010 02:55

Failure to obey a direction from the crew. The perpetrator/s would have their asses firmly removed from the aircraft if it were on my watch!
I presume they complied eventually as I'm sure the QF skipper would have done the same.

CenAir 18th Apr 2010 03:07

Ahhh the Rich Ones don't like being told what to do and think they can do anything of course, sounds like they crew handled them well and the flight took off. Now they are bad mouthing the airline I guess, too bad they didn't get thrown off the flight by the crew and detained by the police for a while.

Captain Sand Dune 18th Apr 2010 03:12

Perhaps they were treated like 5 year olds because they behaved like 5 year olds.
Hopefully Q will take a leaf out of CX's book when that talentless bunch of cretins otherwise known as Oasis misbehaved on one of their flights. CX banned them for life.

Worrals in the wilds 18th Apr 2010 03:35

What a bunch of bogans. :ugh:

Funny how A grade celebs like U2, Elton etc are usually well behaved and charming (or at least reasonable) and Z grade wannabes no-one's ever heard of behave like a bunch of chimpanzees and throw their weight around.
Good on the crew for sticking to their guns.

planedriver 18th Apr 2010 04:35

That's because the 'real' bands have their own planes to fly around in!

YPJT 18th Apr 2010 05:42

Something of a 'b' list entertainer.
Is there some correlation between the lower down the food chain you are in the entertainment industry, the worse you behave?

Van Gough 18th Apr 2010 06:58

when that talentless bunch of cretins otherwise known as Oasis misbehaved on one of their flights.
I certainly wouldn't class Oasis as talentless.....:confused:

MIss Behaviour 18th Apr 2010 08:00

For those who want to know Kelly Rowland was a member of the girl band Destiny's Child alongside Beyonce Knowles & Michelle Wiliams.

Maybe she was cranky she hasn't yet hit the dizzy heights that Beyonce has so behaved like a Diva.

What I find ironic with band members is some of them look like they smoke every substance known to man, yet when given a meal turn their nose up at it saying "has that got meat in it"?

It's more often the hangers on who love to bask in reflected glory that are the problem though.

I'm sure QF treated them exactly the same as any US airline would have had they been back home in the States.

If flying commercial is such a pain in the ar$e they could always hire a Gulfstream IV!

Destiny's Child - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dogimed 18th Apr 2010 13:49

Heard in an interview, she had no idea, and had enjoyed her flight, altthough was flattered media were making up stories about her....

Crew comment?

Worrals in the wilds 19th Apr 2010 02:15

Maybe she was misquoted.
Or...maybe that's what her PR people told her to say ;)

It's more often the hangers on who love to bask in reflected glory that are the problem though.
Very true. There's a special circle of Hell reserved for the League of Celebutard Personal Assistants.

Viva Iron Maiden, such a nice bunch and the coolest corporate jet in aviation history:ok:.

GalleyHag 19th Apr 2010 02:23

In an interview on 2dayfm on the weekend one of the group travelling said "they didnt seem to realise who we were" referring to the crew. Who gives a toss who you are I say.

Its always the D List that act like that, you would never see Nicole Kidman, Danni Minougue or Cate Blanchett spit the dummy they would have just turned their phones off like everyone else when instructed by the CSM.

DutchRoll 19th Apr 2010 03:57

Ahh, the good ol' "don't you know who I am?" line. I love it when they say that.

Yes, we usually do know who you are, and yes you are required to obey the same rules as the other passengers. You surrender your "diva" powers when you step past the entry door. You can have them back when you exit the plane.

Had some interesting experiences with the celebs. Russell Crowe? Obnoxious prat. Tina Arena (who has a rep as a bit of a diva)? Absolutely polite and charming. My experience anyway.

ozangel 19th Apr 2010 04:27

Reflecting on my experiences, what everyone is saying seems to be true (i.e the less successful tend to be the worst behaved).

Angus Sampson (who? you ask - quite rightly) was a complete toss (he's the guy who occasionally appears on thank god you're here and was in a few aussie films such as the well known favourite 'You and your stupid mate').

That 'Blair' fella that was on Neighbours and Big Brother - equally so...

Catriona Rowntree behaved like a diva, snarled at the girls, but didn't mind the boys so much.

Exceptions include Guy Sebastian, Anthony Callea - both polite and friendly.

Im sure Tina Arena might be nice - but she smelt far to bad for me to get close enough to form my own opinion...

Russel Crowe I always found friendly, funny and the sort of bloke who's demeanor wouldn't seem out of the ordinary if he were a pilot...

TROJAN764 19th Apr 2010 09:24

Top Dog; Little Pup!
Had the pleasure of carrying HRH Prince Philip on tour many years ago and, despite his reputation for being rude and a head kicker, I found him to be an utter gentleman. When boarding the aircraft after a visit to one of the WA mining sites, his entourage thought nothing of tramping red mud right through the aircraft. HRH, on the other hand, stopped at the top of the stairs, removed his shoes, and asked the stewardess (yes, that's what we called them then) for a plastic bag to put them in.
The worst would have to have been the then secretary to PM John Gorton, Ainslie Gotto! She was surely a Platinum Member of the 'Don't You Know Who I Am' brigade and the most consistently obnoxious and unrealistically demanding individual I have ever encountered. Maybe, and hopefully, age has now mellowed her!

DirectAnywhere 19th Apr 2010 10:02

Its always the D List that act like that, you would never see...Danni Minougue
I think you may need to recalibrate your A,B,C and D lists GalleyHag!!

Nose wheel first 19th Apr 2010 10:02

A few years ago in another life I was a supervisor in pax services for one of the airlines seen frequenting the Aus and NZ skies. I worked with a lady who was one of the funniest and most relaxed people you would ever meet.

One morning when fog had closed the airport for a few hours, aircraft were diverting all over the place and there were disrupted passengers from ar$ehole to breakfast we had a gentleman (i use the term loosely) of the self-important variety who tried "Do you know who I am?" line on her.

She asked him to hang on a minute and then called loudly to the assembled gate lounge and said "Folks, we have a gentleman here who doesn't seem to know who he is...... can anyone help him find his identity"

Said passenger flushed red in the face and used some very naughty words as the gate lounge erupted in laughter.

ozangel 19th Apr 2010 10:21

That one was so fresh...

Hec - that woman seems to have worked at almost every airline - United, Ansett, Qantas, Pan Am...

Credit where credit is due - rarely is it told quite so well.

GalleyHag 19th Apr 2010 13:34


TRUE I was getting a bit carried away but by Australian standards
Ms Minougue is A list compared to Beyonce's back up singer "Rowland" (and I use the word singer loosely). Maybe thats why Sony wont pay for P class on international!!!

halas 20th Apr 2010 03:12

Ms Danni spat it on a flight l was operating from MEL to DXB....don't yous know who l am? :}


Madam Dash 20th Apr 2010 14:14

I hope when Miss Danni used the good old "Don't you know who I am?", the obvious answer was given by the Crew: "Yes I think I know, aren't you are the talentless little sister of Kylie?"
I also heard some radio interview with one of Rowlands offsider's and his opinion that they could do no wrong & the evil F/A had it in for them.
But what was most appalling was those interviewing him and their derogatory & misinformed comments towards the crew, without being first hand witnesses to the event!

Barberspole-5 21st Apr 2010 00:13

Unfortunate trend
Ms Rowland is from a twisted world where being a reasonably behaved person (and also tallented) won't guarentee her of fame and fortune.

Here's a few more examples:
If an employee asked inappropriate questions to a young girl whilst at work, they would be sacked. Not so for Kyle Sandilands who is still employed by the Ausstereo network.

If an employee got sacked from one company due to what can only be described as bullying (and it was public knowledge) they would find it very difficult to get another job in the same field. Not so for Kyle Sandilands. C7 picked him up when C10 gave him the flick.

Who can forget that Corey tool? His "tallent" was throwing a party so out of control that it warranted police investigation. Not only was he on Big Brother, he was recently offered a role in a Hollywood movie.

Unfortunately the public is half the problem. We endorse inappropriate behaviour by watching all these ridiculous shows and by spending billions on tabloid mags. If we didn't pay any attention to Rowlands and her mates, no one would give a toss when she throws a tantrem, and she would quickly learn how to behave like an "ordinary and normal" individual.

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