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Erin Brockovich 18th Feb 2010 14:36

You have to solve the problem – not just treat the symptoms.
I was referring to the “problem” as how Australia might be viewed by religious extremists. We were relatively off the radar outside our region until our support of the ‘Dash for Oil campaign’ – and all the campaigns thereafter.

The Government caused the perceived “problem” with its foreign and defence policies. Airport security is now on the agenda in an attempt to be seen responding to a perceived threat as a result of the government created problem.

Bloody madness. The added bonus for government is the ability to control the population using fear. Terrorism has never been so popular.

Wally Mk2 20th Feb 2010 02:53

They (the Govt etc) can throw as much money/resources as they like at stopping terrorism, it's simply not stoppable! We now live in a society ( a sad one at that) where threats of terrorism is the norm world wide.
How many of us hear on the radio almost daily about some far away place where more have been killed by a terrorist act? We all do & what do we do about it? Zip we go about our business and wait for the latest weather report!!!!It's now common place sadly:sad:
911 just brought it to a head in modern times, well brought it home to the most powerful nation in the western world that is.
Terrorists can take out an airliner any time they want. It's a bit like locks on door/windows all this security screening, there only really there for the honest thieves!
The smart terrorist will hit you just where you think yr the safest, Pearl Harbor proved that! As nutty as these so called people are to our way of life security measures over the top like we are going to have won't stop the determined ones. All it will do is create chaos at our airports & heighten the fear, the end product the terrorists love & strive for & they didn't have to lift a finger to create it either, we can do that on our own perfectly!

A fanatical terrorist can stand outside an airport boundary under numerous covers of disguise & let go a shoulder launched surface to air missile like we saw against that A300 freighter over in sand country I think it was some years ago without even having to temp fate with our "to be seen to be doing something" security measures:ugh:
We are just damn lucky we live here in Oz a country with low strategic worth.
Basically who dreams up all the security? Who puts it all in place? Who runs/checks it? And who can easily breach it all?? HUMANS, we are our own worst enemy. at times believing in out own fairytales, organized crime can infiltrate ANYWHERE/ANYBODY! Our FEDS do a great job at "trying" to keep us safe but their as human as the next person.

Aviation has been a risk since the Wright bro's took to the air, today it's a calculated risk to fly & security is just part of it all now whether we like it or not.


YPJT 20th Feb 2010 14:19

Well said and very true. However we also have a large administration within the federal govenrment convincing us that the risks are all well and truly identified and as long as we keep listening to their warnings and accepting their doctrine, we will be safe.

Di_Vosh 21st Feb 2010 02:27

Is the penny dropping?
Australian airport staff smuggle drugs and guns | News.com.au

RedTBar 21st Feb 2010 07:32

Sorry for being blunt but it’s a stupid analogy. To stop pouring petrol on the fire would be more apt, so as the fire would eventually die down.
Sorry,but your analogy is naive and shows a complete lack of understanding of the problem with not only terrorism but of religious fundamentalists.This is not about Labour vs Liberal politics but of the view held by Islamic fundamentalists regarding western society.

I take it that you are were favour of leaving Iraq in control of Kuwait?

Do you think that even if the western powers said "sorry about that we'll leave the middle east for you to sort out" the fundamentalists would leave us alone.

Getting back to the problem of airport security I'll ask the question again.

Do we do something about airport security or not?

Most of those here who attack airport security do not suggest an alternative but instead come out with statements such as

Terrorism might be a real threat in Israel but it isn’t in Australia.How many deaths have occurred in Australia as a result of terrorist activity? None
Attacks such as the Hilton bombing in Sydney and the hijacking of an aircraft at Alice Springs had absolutely nothing to do with Iraq or Afghanistan but resulted in loss of life Erin.

Terrorism is not new and has been around for a long time.One of terrorists main methods is a very public statement and you can't get much more public than aviation and the media coverage of them.

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