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27/09 2nd Jul 2009 21:25

"Ansett made 190 million dollar profit the year before ANZ got hold of it
Tell me, What had it made in the years before that? Might I suggest another News Corp manipulation of the books to make it look good for any prospective purchaser. Not to far different to what they did here in NZ with Ansett NZ.

News Corp raped and pillaged Ansett.

You guys (N-BW, Chocks away, The Green Goblin, Sand dune Sam etc) need to look in your own backyard to find many of the causes of Ansetts demise. I'm not denying that Brierley and Co had some impact but there were much bigger Australian factors.

Chocks Away

I agree whole heartedly with the second part of your post re Maquarie

Oktas8 2nd Jul 2009 22:31

An excellent and (IMO) well balanced article can be found here. It reports dispassionately on both Air NZ's mistakes and Australian business and political factors contributing to Ansett's collapse.

Some quotes:
- The purchase by Air New Zealand was widely viewed as a mistake. [No kidding - and if I had been directly affected, no doubt I would never want to fly on Air NZ again. But reading on.]
- The Australian government then changed the rules...
- Competition from Qantas ..., top-heavy and substantially overpaid staff, an ageing fleet and grounding of the Boeing 767 fleet ... left Ansett seriously short of cash, losing $1.3 million a day.
- Singapore Airlines then reneged on its July offer to inject over $500 million into Air New Zealand and Ansett...
- Ansett's administrators soon admitted there was no evidence of any asset stripping.

References are provided in the article.

slamer. 2nd Jul 2009 23:31

As normal this thread seems to be more about Australians slagging Kiwis.
I guess cause you see them as an easy target

If you want to point the finger at the real villians in this story...look to who pulled the strings behind Air NZ...... the Singaporeans.

Oh....but thats probably not as convenient

The Green Goblin 3rd Jul 2009 02:51

"Ansett made 190 million dollar profit the year before ANZ got hold of it
Tell me, What had it made in the years before that? Might I suggest another News Corp manipulation of the books to make it look good for any prospective purchaser. Not to far different to what they did here in NZ with Ansett NZ.

News Corp raped and pillaged Ansett.
Mate a few facts for you.

ANZ owned a 45% stake in Ansett with newscorp owning the other 50%. Singapore Airlines wanted the other 50% and in a web of politics and corporate deals Singapore was prevented from the deal under the table by Qantas and ANZ bought the remainder to keep Singapore out. If Singapore bought it they would still be flying today and VB would have gone tits up or remained something similar to Alliance in niche markets and mining/regional RPT.

ANZ with a 45% stake in the company already, had to know exactly what they were buying. To blame engineering practices when they stole all the spares is ludicrous and even more insane that they were mislead with the state of the companies finances when they already had a major share in the company. Bottom line is they borrowed too much, paying to high a price for the remainder and then when the 9/11 fallout hit and the revenue dropped they picked the carcass to prop up ANZ until it was either sacrifice the minor or the major.

IMO it would have been more prudent to piss of ANZ fly Ansett into the green and relaunch ANZ as a leaner greener machine.

10,000 jobless Kiwis is nothing to the 16,000 that were left in the lurch in AU along with 40 related suicides of which many of us were affected.

So keep competing with each other to get into your holy grail ANZ, just remember that it is still there because it shafted just about every Australian family doing so.


waren9 3rd Jul 2009 03:10

Dont go making it 41 now Goblin, will you.

slice 3rd Jul 2009 05:46

10,000 jobless Kiwis is nothing to the 16,000 that were left in the lurch in AU
Oh I see, eveyone else can go to hell.


Let's face it people, IF Singers had got hold of ANSETT the only thing that would be the same today would be the name - just take a look at the management style at Rex to get an idea of what you would be in for. Any owner of ANSETT would have found it problematic. Great service, high standards etc., but just too much of a legacy Dinosaur to continue the way it was regardless of the inadaquacy of the owners.

Stubby 3rd Jul 2009 06:19

Boy some passionate responses......:} Cant wait until Aug 24 this year with the 20th anniversary of the Oz Pilot Dispute, i'm sure that will have everyone firing !!!
Now back to the original thread :confused: Uh what was it again??:rolleyes:

sexy time 3rd Jul 2009 22:52

Didn't that Ansett circus have 767s with a FE position ?

Ansett was a heavily unionised dinosaur that ANZ (or its representatives) were dum enough to buy!

VBPCGUY 3rd Jul 2009 23:45

Ansett did have the B762 FE positions and it took a very long time and alot of money to get rid of them.

Ground crew guys were also paid a garenteed/rostered 10hrs o/time every week:eek:

Have also heard that the engineers never went hungry and were regularly fed un-used 1st and business class meals:ugh:

Pushback were done with up to three engineers, two as wing walkers and one on the headset:rolleyes:

slamer. 4th Jul 2009 01:42

Hmmmm..... so the post 89 pilot group were heavily unionised...????

tech-line 4th Jul 2009 09:42

ansett is dead and gone and i think people just have to get over it!
who cares how much money they made before it went under or how unionised it was.
passengers and employees should be glad that vb and anz were able to survive and become respectable carriers.

SOPS 4th Jul 2009 10:05

Ansett 767 FE station here

Sand dune Sam 7th Jul 2009 10:03

27/09...an atypical inbred response.........perhaps in Australia, we are not brought up to obsess about a country that is in every sense better than our own.....by the way, I'm proud to be of convict stock.......Australia was built on a mutli cultural society...........last time I looked, Kiwis didnt really add allot of value to Australian values and or culture....

nike 7th Jul 2009 14:30

Good Aussie Culture
Forget all this bickering, lets all go get hammered, flash the guests down the hall and crap on a hotel floor.

murdoch_disliker 8th Jul 2009 06:22

Hey sand dune sam, initially thought you were talking about Oz obsessing with USA in yr post. How ironic

porch monkey 9th Jul 2009 03:38

I really do feel sorry for you NBW. You are simply making yourself appear just as morally repugnant as those you castigate for the closure of AN. I guess I just really don't understand why someone would lower themselves to the level of wishing unemployment on thousand of others, who's only connection to your own loss is simply that they work for a particular company. The main protagonists of AN's demise are either nearly all dead, or have moved on. Large numbers of the employees you wish unemployment on weren't even in the industry back then.

I really do wish you some success with the therapy.:(

goodspeed 9th Jul 2009 04:13

:D Well said, could not agree more.

Lets move on now eh.

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