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teresa green 15th May 2008 20:11

I am off to LHR today, but was prepared to swim. Don't let up lads, keep going and stick it to em..

Sunfish 15th May 2008 20:53

I am very impressed with the "New" ALAEA management.

BTW, PAF can be safely added to your ignore lists as he knows nothing about that which he continually squeaks about.

employes perspective 15th May 2008 21:26

i just rewarded my staff with a 15% to 26% pay increase for the last 18 months,they are a semi skilled workforce,and my cost has been rising also for that period(transport,cost of capital,rents,new taxes,capital expenditure),but i see my staff as my most valuable asset,oh and at there Christmas party they got a bit more than a $10 voucher.
Before long my staff will be on wage parity with a grade 3 LAME and don't forget they are semi skilled,perhaps in the near future i will be able to offer you guys a better paying position.cheers:ok::ok:

ferris 15th May 2008 21:36

PAF is a troll. A stupid troll at that.

How do you reconcile your views on "the free market" with

Quote from PAF
"What I do point out is that striking should be illegal, and those that do strike are morally bankrupt. Willing to deliberately harm others to achieve their aim."
How is withdrawing one's labour, against the working of the free market? Surely it is the purest form of the market in action? Striking morally bankrupt? When a plumber quotes a job, is he morally bankrupt if he elects not to do the work for less than what he quotes? A fairly idiotic position really- declaring your love of the free market but finding it's workings reprehensible. As for "harming others"- isn't the employer trying "harm" the employees by paying them less?

Capt Wally 15th May 2008 22:02

There will always be the 'PAF's" of this world, they keep us on our toes. But the more you debate with this guy the more you feed him.
The fight is with GD & the ugly at the top, not with PAF, don't waste yr energy on him.


Capt Kremin 15th May 2008 23:55

To the ALAEA: Please confirm; the OT bans are still on and a professional and assiduous approach to defect reporting from tech and cabin crew would not cause the ALAEA professionals who are tasked with the rectification of same, any unwarranted stress at this time?;)

Trojan1981 16th May 2008 00:11

PAF is a troll. A stupid troll at that
Agreed, and if he does work for defence I hope he enjoyed his recent 2.5% rise(well below inflation).
A capable person would stop making enemies find employment elsewhere.

Point0Five 16th May 2008 00:15

Trojan1981 If you’re going to make misleading statements, can you at least post the correct % increase figure?

wanty 16th May 2008 02:17

CaptKremlin To the ALAEA: Please confirm; the OT bans are still on and a professional and assiduous approach to defect reporting from tech and cabin crew would not cause the ALAEA professionals who are tasked with the rectification of same, any unwarranted stress at this time?

Absolutely write up 110% of any defects you see both in Techlog and
cabin cond/IFE logs. The more hold items that choke the front of ALL logs the better.

Even the slightest perception of a defect,WRITE IT UP. With NO ONE doing O/T and people away on stress leave or sick etc,pressure builds at an exponential rate.CASA don't like too many of those green coupons,as I'm sure you guys don't either.

electroted 16th May 2008 04:08

I am not a union members and never have been. Having said that, I am not anti union either.

What outraged me in recent times was the 160% wage rise that Geoff Dixon gave himself and his fat cat Management buddies at Qantas.

Qantas are a typical greedy bunch of ruling class tools that take, take and take for themselves whilst denying anyone else more than a 3% pay rise.

On top of that Qanats was poised to use an alternative work force (or scabs in union terms) to do over Australian workers similar to the attacks upon the MUA 10 years ago.

If they do that Qantas can shove their Ailine where the sun don't shine!

I support the action of the ALAEA

Short_Circuit 16th May 2008 06:00

You find-em

We'll fix-em

(if we had the time, manpower, license, parts, tools .....):ugh:

Capt Kremin 16th May 2008 07:11

Copied.... will comply!:ok:

amos2 16th May 2008 09:42

So, with the help of Sharon, Dicko wins again!

Is that how you see it? :ok:

BLF Goon 17th May 2008 00:14

Public Perception
P.A.F The general public and people travelling will look at the facts.We arent asking for a rise that isnt fair.They will be upset that they have been inconvenienced, but the reason is that management have forced us into this protected industrial action because of its own greed.Surely you have to agree with me on this.:sad:

Acute Instinct 17th May 2008 02:11

Must Listen to this!

2UE RADIO MANDATORY LISTENING! Sad isn't it? Time for a reality check!

wanty 17th May 2008 03:34


Any hackers no how to crash a web page lol

Flugbegleiter 17th May 2008 04:04

What a fantastic spiel on 2UE. You guys are not being unrealistic. You're not being greedy. Nor is any other part of the company. As a flight attendant, I've seen how far the company is prepared to go to screw its staff over. We were backed into a corner and being an "unskilled" workforce, were easily replaceable. We lost our industrial fight years ago. But you guys still have a chance to make a difference - not just for yourselves, but for all other parts of the company.

As was said on 2UE, when a company is doing well, the staff should do well, too. We all had wage freezes when we were duped into believing that times were tough and we have never recovered that lost income, even after QF made record profits that year. And I'm not talking about one off bonuses of $700 after tax. All we want is reasonable pay increases when we are doing well. A 3% pay increase can be considered a 1.8% pay cut, due to inflation. And inflation has been at around the 4% mark for years now and none of us has got any more than 3%, so we are all behind.

And PAF, I hope you are not Australian, because you sure don't seem like an Australian. Our country was always about fairness, and when things aren't fair, we stand up to bring things back into balance. We have fair industrial rights, not through the kindness of employers, but by fighting hard for it. A lot of what has been fought for in the past is now being eroded. Trust me; I fly to the US often enough and I know what things are like there. We DO NOT want to become like that country, but we slowly are.

Guys, stay united. Speak to staff who can help you out: pilots, cabin crew and ground staff. Make sure they understand what this is about. It's not thuggery or greediness. That is what management is about.

Capt Wally 17th May 2008 04:39

Great report, nobody who is in the know would say otherwise. BUT those almost heroic words are falling on deaf ears. We hear them & we agree but GD & his thieves are hardly going to take any notice of that or any other speach. Mr & Mrs general public share holders might think geeeez I wasn't aware that it was like that in our national airline & and after a little time they shall forget what anquish is being felt amongst the troops as long as QF's shares stay stable, the planes keep flying & some other sector of the work force gets the front pages of the editorials & it slowly dies off. To weaken the top of any structure you need to undermine the foundations, this is where I believe the engineers have the tools to do the job:ok:
I guess the engineers have got to 'test' the waters before they plan their next move. Greed is the engineers biggest enemy & it starts right at the top!


Ngineer 17th May 2008 04:54

Good stuff 2UE, but what a lot of people are forgetting is what Qantas originally offered. 3% (plus 1% super for SOME) was the final outcome after 18 months of exhaustive work by the ALAEA. What we were originally offered was a package that had the potential to cut most LAME wages in half. (XPT & Def of a LAME). I think that we should also let the media know of this.

ejectx3 17th May 2008 05:24

I posted this link to the editor of the Australian and Herald Sun

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