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oh hello deiter 15th Jan 2008 23:03

Christ what a depressing thread this has been to read. As a current PB pilot I agree the company has got some major issues to deal with but so do most other airlines.

The reality is we get to fly a nice machine and live in NZ. As for the pay well I'd like a little more sure but hell its not that bad..my f/o pay nets out at around 6K in the bank monthly. I guess it depends on where you've come from...for us ex regional prop guys it pretty damn good even with the cost of the rating.

with the exception of the odd domestic day the rest of the flyings pretty cruisy 3-4 hours is pretty sweet for a sector (have a yarn, read the paper etc)

The tech and cabin crew are great and would reccommend it as a place to work :)))

Peace out

NoN1 15th Jan 2008 23:28

OHD, you have got to be kidding. Nice wind up.

But hey, reality is for grown-ups, isn't it?


oh hello deiter 15th Jan 2008 23:37

Why are there so many dicks on here? thought this was a forum for people to be open and express their opinions.

hope I can sleep tonight

NoN1 15th Jan 2008 23:46

Hey don't cry. :sad:

Just try looking beyond the ends of your own feet.

time4change 16th Jan 2008 02:14

Yarn and read paper hmmm no wonder we are paid such crap, Here was me all along thinking we were trained professionals, silly me

peace out to you all

time4change 16th Jan 2008 02:23

I think you miss the point peace out,

NoN1 16th Jan 2008 02:44

Did OHD remove his posts, or did the moderator? In any case, OHD has had his say, we all have our opinions on his opinion, let's move on :ok:

Cpt Link Hog 16th Jan 2008 05:09

"Peace Out" boy has to be ex Eagle :yuk: lets not get side tracked...I see "we say Goodbye" to two in Feb but has anyone got some actual numbers who are about to leave or have interviews


time4change 16th Jan 2008 20:41

yep well fingers crossed they do something, but havnt seen a 40Kpay rise yet.

slamer. 17th Jan 2008 00:06

OHD= 3-4 hours is pretty sweet for a sector (have a yarn, read the paper etc)

TIGER= - PB FLT ops mgr's all read Pprune and so do the knights of the round table .....it's highlighted a number of key areas of concern...

... and this would be..... that PB fly around reading the paper......or that they are stupid/green enough to admit to it on the internet....???

Wonder if CAA reads this site as well.... !!

PS; would have thought Air NZ would be more than happy to compare their OTP with PB.
As far as the Pax's are concerned, surely its more important to arrive on time than leave.

NoN1 17th Jan 2008 03:09

I'd go for stupid and green.

A lot of guys I talk to don't see the point in trying to stay and change things at PB. The management has has ample time and opportunity to 'engage' the workforce, but has chosen to distance themselves and arm themselves with big sticks.

Anyone who has been around in aviation, and in PB, is horrified not only by the way pilots have been treated, but more so the FAs and now even the new engineers!!

The cancer is widespread throughout PB, the lack of leadership and therefore stagnant culture at PB tends to make people give up before the fight has really begun, hence the looking over the fence.

PB will be bouncing off the bottom for some time yet, the current managers have lost the respect of the workers, and their credibility as managers and leaders. If PB has any hope of success, PB needs to clean house, and bring in some people of vision, charisma, people who have the courage to make real change, get rid of the hallway creepers and nest builders.

Trouble is there are trolls under desks everywhere at hq, protecting their turf at the expence of the airline and everyone else.


time4change 17th Jan 2008 04:44

that was very well said i couldn't agree more, I have a feeling Brisbane will be having a very close look at things from here on in, but like the rest Ill be long gone before things improve.

Choice bro 17th Jan 2008 07:56

NoN1 & Time 4 Change. Yep seems to me the damage has been done. Agree with all your posts. Its a real pity hey.............We have all put allot in to Pacific Blue and the sad reality is, nothing is going to change for some time. I just hope that my/our pending departures from PB brings better things for those who stay. One things for sure, I wont be around to see change, I'v waited 4 years for that. Anyway I would like to finally congratulate the great job senior management have done in distancing the company PB, as far away as possible from the Cabin Crew, Engineers, Pilots, Ground Crew, all your most important assets, obviously in the intreats of $$$$$$$$$$$$ and nothing else............................................That takes a very different type of leadership.:D: :yuk: :yuk: :ugh:

the_last_viirgin 18th Jan 2008 18:29

Where are all the Capt's and F/O's that are leaving heading to. Has the drain toward VB started again?

Knurled Knob 18th Jan 2008 19:01

There are at least 6 (inc 3 training capts) with interviews and or offers from jetstar (for F/O positions). There are another 1/2 dozen who have interviews with emirates and cathay, serveral looking to head to VB and 2 that I know of have been to interviews with ANA.
All told approx 15-20 pilots are looking to bale out asap. This may not sound like the end of the world but consider PB have already lost approx 30 in the past 12-18 months and of these at least 8 are experienced training captains taking f/o positions with other airlines. These are not just ozzies moving home as is the opinion of the management there are plenty of kiwis looking as well.

You are on the money, the few newsletters sent to pilots and cabin crew lately telling them "it will all be ok" is too little too late. The company cannot thank them profusely for all their hard work and professionalism on one hand and stick it into them with the other.
Why is it that pilots and cabin crew are expected to be professional and courteous at all times when our "collegues" (I use the term loosly) in the office exhibit none of these traits??

KRUSTY 34 18th Jan 2008 20:05

One of our Girls (Flight Attendant) off to Abu Darbi (excuse spelling) next week. We were talking about the expansion plans all over the world and it was mentioned that Etihad had just offered its pilots a 29% pay-rise. Not surprising considering the senior managements statement in Sydney last year. "Pilots won't be a problem, we will just pay them more than the others." No doubt Emirates will have to follow suit.

Last year was just a fortaste. This year (and for probably the next 5!) Not just PB, but all of the local carriers, including Qantas will be losing drivers by the truckload. As they say, you aint' seen nothin' yet. After years of being told, "if you don't like it F#ck off somewhere else", pilots, (many with long memories) are doing just that.

There is only one solution. Compete, and compete hard for labour. If you are unwilling or unable to do that, then be prepared to go out of business.

time4change 18th Jan 2008 22:58

Oh it its not just Captains leaving i know of 7 FO's looking Im sure there is many more, I think maybe we should lay off management because I cant believe they could be so blind to all this, It must be being controlled from BSN, I would say our managers hands are tied either that or they are totally stuped.

Cloud Cutter 20th Jan 2008 19:22

"Peace Out" boy has to be ex Eagle
What makes you say that? I'm ex Eagle, and their FMS leaves the Pac Blue one for dead. Not all ex turbo-prop drivers are prone to shiny jet induced, rose tinted glasses. In saying that, I do hold out some hope of things improving in the future - I won't be holding my breath though.

Capt_Zoolander 21st Jan 2008 01:44

Tips for PB management
(1)Immediately increase your Pilot's pay by 30-40%
(2)Give them decent rosters
(3)Make them full time employees instead of contractors
(4)Treat them with respect instead of like commodities

time4change 21st Jan 2008 02:40

yep thats what would be needed to keep most of us and same for FO's not just captains. But it wont happen we will leave and they will park aircraft.

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