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U.K. SUBS. 23rd Dec 2007 09:48

I accept what you say G.B. Now apply that timeline to a facility that; at the time of SYD heavy closing was almost 1000 in numbers, now it's just over 700 with an attrition rate at about 35 a month. It is very quickly reaching a point where the labout hire company responsible for QF's project will not be in a position to reach its financial target set by its parent i.e. % of billable hours to QF.
I can see JHAS walking straight in and saying 'thank you'.

whatdouknow 23rd Dec 2007 20:54

from what I hear, Avalon is losing people left, right and centre, not sure it is 35 a month but it would be close in October/November.

Perhaps if Forstaff changed their spots and woke up to themselves, nar that aint going to happen. Who is the boss there? Are they visable? Do they have any respect?

As for not reaching billable hours, 1341 will probably never happen if it continues like it is. Rumour has it one hangar is close but the team is new and still optimistic. :rolleyes:

JHAS walking in, well perhaps at least employees will get a pay rise as there appears to be little chance of the greedy Forstaff (QF) delivering any value close to what people are worth.

Line your own pockets, hey Doug & Wally!

Torqueman 23rd Dec 2007 23:53

Well it's crunch time for the industry then isn't it?

People have had enough of the likes of DC, GD, on the QF front and DT, PM, on the forstaff front.

They've been playing them off against each other for years.

It's only now that forstaff are losing the strangle hold on the oppression they have manifested in Avalon, that the employees there are with their backs against the wall and are coming out fighting.

If the groups work together (QF & Forstaff) which appears to be happening. (it's good to see people looking further into the future with a genuine concern for their jobs and the next generation of workers I might add).

Well QF and Forstaff have lost their power we might say. The constant threats of we'll send work here or there, whatever. Anyone who has been overseas knows these other MRO's are full of work already. QF can't just dump it whole fleet of maintenance somewhere.

So what's left in the bag of threats that QF haven't tried. NOTHING. They have used up all their dirty campaign tricks. People are not that short sighted anymore and have a good memory of the last EBA discussions and the threats made back then.

Sorry GD, DC, DT and PM. There is no SARS, Birdflu, Terrorism or depressed travel economy to dangle in front of your employees. You are bursting at the seams with money and making record profits. Time to share the wealth. You have all already lined your own pockets.

Oh but wait, we can do to forstaff and QF in Australia what we did to SYD years ago. People will still remember the phrase we used. What was it again? OVERFLOW WORK.

Except this time we'll say we're doing a deal with a Malaysian MRO. What a great idea.

Good one gents. Their workplace is so snowed under that they too couldn't squeeze in a cessna let alone a 747. They have a shortage of workers just like in Australia. Why do you think they offer huge money for people to go over on short term contracts.

Well at least the folks in QF and Forstaff can now happily and without guilt take their own holidays and go over and make some serious cash in Malaysia. We'll it might be 'moonlighting', as management like to call it, but it is no longer a conflict of interest. They do have a memorandum of understanding for maintenance. Looks like a green light if I ever saw one. Good luck trying to sack a worker for doing that. I don't think the commissioner will agree with you.

But nice try with the MALAYSIAN thing though ! Seriously it just shows how desperate the QF and Forstaff Management have become.

They can't even think up some new scare tactics, just rebadge the old ones.

whatdouknow 28th Dec 2007 19:44


Sounds interesting, green light to moonlight overseas, not sure management would agree but alas if there is an agreement to set up 'overflow' then so be it.

Qantas/Forstaff appear to have another facility and those that wish to cross pollunate may well be legally allowed too.

Rehash the old threats to employees who are sick of hearing the excuses, sounds like disaster to me.

Come on Management get a new story, the old ones don't wash anymore!

All has gone quiet around here, where is the fight in the Avalon people, hello all?

HARDNUT 29th Dec 2007 00:18

Avalon Eba
Not knowing what is going on at avalon can someone please give me some details.when does your eba expire? What is happening with the 2 month contracts they were advertising in the australian?Sounds like this malaysian threat is just a pathetic bargaining tool.(like the a330/a380) in our Q maint eba discussions

AEROMEDIC 29th Dec 2007 11:27

EBA Discussions
"All has gone quiet around here, where is the fight in the Avalon people, hello all?"

The EBA was apparently extended to 31 Dec 07. As this EBA is close to expiry, it will be interesting to to see what's around the corner for Avalon.
I would expect that the Forstaff LAMEs are watching the Qantas action with great interest because it places them in an unusual position.

whatdouknow 29th Dec 2007 22:02

Lets hope the Forstaff LAME's don't watch the QF action but they actually assist in it. Don't take higher duties and roll over and have their bellie's scratched. I'm sure some brown noses will!

Torqueman 29th Dec 2007 22:09

Things seem to have gone quiet on the forstaff EBA front. Any news?

As far as support, well they need to receive some direction from their reps and the ALAEA. The shoe might soon be on the other foot. I hope the support will be reciprocated by their QF brothers down there. Unlike in the past.......................

U.K. SUBS. 30th Dec 2007 09:29

Any action in support of the QF Lames could result in the fining of the person and possibly the assoc. Remember it is Qantas Lames and not Forstaff Lames who have a legal right for protected industrial action. Through the years Qantas have been let off the hook by Forstaff Lames willing to step into the acting role, good for the Lame in that he gets the experience,(and the pityful allowance) but bad for him in real terms in that Qantas could never fill these positions and there are still outstanding problems with CASA in the structure of Avalon.
In the general scheme of things with the PIA, one would expect and hope that there would be support for the guys at Tulla, Syd et all. There is of course the expected push from Forstaff to engage certain Lames to perform 'work' at other ports. This happened during the Perth dispute when a certain ex-federal sec asked avionic Lames with LE to go there and 'help out'. No was the answer from us.........and still is.

whatdouknow 31st Dec 2007 00:59

^Good to hear there are some with Bottle at Avalon

Torqueman 9th Jan 2008 02:21

Anyone have any new news on the forstaff front?

All eyes seem to be focussed of the qantas action.

Don't forget the people down there folks.

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