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DEFCON4 16th Aug 2007 01:25

Surveys indicate that levels of Customer Satisfaction in QF Economy are rapidly declining.
IFE failures,lack of manpower and an aging fleet have nothing to do with these declines.
Its the Supervisors fault.
Annual KPI reviews are now in full swing.
It is being made quite clear to Supervisors that their position is under review.
Dont conform and you will be demoted.
Concentrate on the negative not the positive and intimidate.
The tried and true motivational tools of the outstanding QF management team.
The Third Reich is alive and well masquerading as Cabin Crew Team Management.
Resistance is futile.
Civil disobedience isn't
The Supervisors job is the most thankless on the aircraft.
50% of the crew,70% of the passengers and 85% of the problems.
Very few tools and no support from anyone anywhere.
But falling Customer satifaction levels are down to them.
On a 3 class a/c there are 315 pax and 6 crew in Y/C
You never see the two assists.
Meal services can take three hours.
Those customers who receive their meals first can sit for over two hours with trays in front of them.
No one will admit that procedures and lack of manpower are responsible for satisfaction declines.
Its easier to blame/scapegoat the Supervisor.
Animal Farm at its best

speedbirdhouse 16th Aug 2007 02:25

Very true DEFCON4.

What the cretins, who direct the other cretins, who inhabit the glass fishbowl DON'T understand is that the more they bully, the more they harass and the more they seek to intimidate the worse satisfactions levels will become.

It staggers me to see just how far removed these [so called] managers are from what exactly it is this business does.

They live in some kind of parallel universe that must exist up some senior executives arse. The kind of arse that has NEVER even sat in an economy seat.

An example is the recently concocted zonal [read "anal"] service. A set of rigid rules made up to direct the actions of, not enough cabin crew who "apparently":rolleyes: work in a " perfect world."

The kind of world that DOESN'T have equipment failures, medical issues, IFE failures, violence on board and everything else that DOES happen when you cram 300-400 people in an aluminium tube.

Read ANY passenger review on any website for ANY airline and you will see what drives a positive opinion of a passenger's airline experience.

Happy smiling and valued staff. Not harassed, stressed and frightened employees terrified that they might get a dob for not adhering to your pointless, destructive and fear driven micro managing nonsense.

Your days must surely be numbered "lislie."

You and your team are nothing more than mindless, clueless and unimaginative, oxygen thieving thugs.

The longer you remain the further passenger satisfaction is sure to fall.
At some point YOU will be held responsible.

What concerns me is that you Lislie, are the cabin service manager of two failed airlines AND that you are also on a hat trick.:yuk:

TITTYIMBOBULATOR 16th Aug 2007 03:32

Next time you have your review, make sure you ask your manager for a form to fill in on their performance.

speedbirdhouse 17th Aug 2007 04:15

A cut and paste from another thread on management "worlds best practice".
Geoffrey Thomas | August 17, 2007

THE New Zealand born-again award-winning airline is rewriting the airline staff management relations book with executives rolling up sleeves and working side by side with staff getting a dose of the "right stuff".

Every month, chief executive Rob Fyfe - and the rest of the airline's executives - don flight attendant uniforms and serve coffee or a fine New Zealand sauvignon blanc or might spend a day on the check-in counters or loading baggage.

And while they are doing that, they are reinforcing Charles Darwin's great quote that "it's not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but the ones most responsive to change", for they are completely changing the way management deals with airline staff.

Air New Zealand has travelled an extraordinary journey since the bleak days of 2001 and it has all been built on interaction with staff, initially under former chief executive and current Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ralph Norris and now under Fyfe.

The result? Air NZ is now the most admired brand in New Zealand.

According to recent survey by Britain-based TNS Global Research, the percentage of customers who would recommend the airline has grown from a paltry 44 per cent across the international network in 2004 to 90 per cent for the first time ever in November last year. "Our people are our brand" is the way Fyfe describes it. Every month or so, Fyfe hosts a staff barbecue for charity on the veranda outside the open-plan executive offices.

When Norris took the reins in early 2002, Air NZ had just written off $NZ1.45 billion - the largest write-off in New Zealand corporate history - after the collapse of its Ansett subsidiary.



Contrast this story and the RESULTS achieved in the 6 short years since Lislie Grant well and truly screwed Air NZ.

It's so frustrating to watch these mindless goons masquerading as managers drive so many of long term, experienced, dedicated and professional crew into disengagement under the direction of that botox and collagen riddled, Prada and Channel wearing, kiwi slag.

Oh how I dream for the return of quality management at the rat................:{:{:{:{:{:{:{:{:{:{

Lyn.........? Lyn............?

ScottyDoo 17th Aug 2007 06:25

The Supervisors job is the most thankless on the aircraft.
50% of the crew,70% of the passengers and 85% of the problems
Why not go get a real job then?

I suggest Train Driver. The money is almost as good as boiler-grade rates for driving a trolley for the rat and you get technical training. Home every night. Job satisfaction. No more bitching. etc etc etc.......

Butterfield8 17th Aug 2007 06:38

Alma Mater...Doggy Doo Doo
From which institution did you receive your B.Sc Mr. Doo Doo?

roamingwolf 17th Aug 2007 06:43

Why not go get a real job then?

I suggest Train Driver.

nope i reckon i want to have a job which is a piece of cake and pays good.nothing hard and i sit down all the time mate.how about a pilot.how hard could it be?

everythings done for you and all you have to do is look like your working.piece of cake.the downside i'd have to marry a hostie and then divorce her and marry another and end up with no dough.bummer

is that what got you scottydoo?no dough 3 divorces and the ex's have married bluecoats and are happy now to be with a man

blueloo 17th Aug 2007 07:06

roamingwolf - I recommend dirty nappys at five paces - slapping is allowed, but fingernails are not.:}

QFinsider 17th Aug 2007 07:15

Read from Worst to First...Gordon Bethune

He inherited the mess Continental Airlines was after the Loronezo "era". Lorenzo was a cost cutter, used IR laws to divide workforces, transfer assets and set up department versus department...

Dixon is old hat, and eventually our business cycle will catch up with thiers...
In the mean time,remind everyone He wanted to sell us to APA, he made the money yet didn't own the business..What would the cost of all that debt actually be in the next few months had APA succeeded???

In the meantime the industrial divide and conquer continues, IFE, amenities packs, engineering etc etc...And of course a low yield unproven allegedly low cost carrier will save the day...

At 67 uneducated and wrinkled he is part of yesterday...
History will catch up with him and so will the regulators....


roamingwolf 17th Aug 2007 07:15

blueloo.mate i'd never hit a girl so scottydoo is safe.

speedbirdhouse 17th Aug 2007 09:48

I hope you are right QFinsider, I really do.........

busdriver007 17th Aug 2007 12:23

Where's Manager's Propective when you need him.....counting his bonus I guess.

ScottyDoo 17th Aug 2007 14:28

the ex's have married bluecoats and are happy now to be with a man
What's a bluecoat??? Is that another word for a hosty??? A hosty is a man???

Anyway it was a good suggestion - train driver. Imagine: no more having to clean up vomit, wait on people, dish out food, be a target for everyone's frustration and smart-arse comments, risk your job for a chockie, work your arse off day and night. You get to sit down and the money's pretty good. I don't know why you don't do it.

Yeah or as you said, become a pilot - but the workload to get there is a bit harder than train driver and that might put you off...

Butterball - well-guessed. And it was UNSW in 1988! What about you?

Butterfield8 18th Aug 2007 00:50

Unsw 1988
Aaaah Yes!......Kenzo Tech.
So for a 40 something peelot your emotional development hasn't progressed further than the analy fixated phase.
Peelot = Train Driver/Bus Driver
Peelotless Aircraft Technology now available
The dog/peelot scenario is gathering momentum.
Hope you have a nice Doggy.....Doo Doo

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