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DEFCON4 3rd Jun 2007 01:08

The Secret
Mouth Shut
Ears Open
Eyes Open
Try it some time

Zeus Ex Machina 3rd Jun 2007 01:42

"Promoting fools to positions of responsibility is only setting them up to fail"

twiggs 3rd Jun 2007 03:27

Originally Posted by DEFCON4
Mouth Shut
Ears Open
Eyes Open
Try it some time

That's funny, I told lowerlobe that's how I get my info.

surfside6 3rd Jun 2007 06:19

Something Is Rotten in Coward Street
Three friends,all supervisors were not going to apply for promotion.
It was suggested to them by management that they should.
None did any preparation
All three were successful
All three are amazed
They have been offered MEL
All three have said no thanks
Something stinks

outandabout 3rd Jun 2007 06:22

Has anyone heard that no one who is a BFA were successful in their application for VR. Did this only apply to BFA's all other categories

lowerlobe 3rd Jun 2007 07:32

From Twiggsy girl....

"Mouth Shut
Ears Open
Eyes Open"

"That's funny, I told lowerlobe that's how I get my info"

The reason I know you work in the office Twiggsy is..

(1) You never criticise the company or management decisions...

(2) You only criticise those who are critical of the company

(3) You never or rarely comment on issues that are important to the industry such as the takeover etc....Yes I know you will say you don't know about these things so you don't comment.Maybe it is because you are in the office and won't comment

(4) You are always supportive of the company actions such as hiring MAM casuals which effectively reduces our flying and promotional prospects.

(5) The kicker was though when you posted information about a delayed MEL/NRT trip.

How did you know about the delay?
How did you know the details of what was offered to the L/H crew and what the reaction from the crew was?
How did you know that a S/H crew was called out?
How did you know the details of the pattern the S/H crew had..such as paxing to NRT and when that was?

Also remember about the pearls of wisdom such as..

"It is the destinations that are important and it aint the money!!!!

Then there was the comment about J* international not wanting or having to fit crew rest seats because there were perfectly good jump seats for the crew to use.

Defcon's post was one of supposition whereas your post especially the one about the NRT delay was one of specifics.

Oh yeah your crew and Kevin Rudd votes Liberal as well......

Tropicalchief 3rd Jun 2007 10:23

Promotion L/H
The system has been corrupted since it's inception. Anyone who thinks that they are selected on merit is deluding themselves. More often than not they are selected on the basis that they will do managements bidding, irrespective of whether it is right or wrong. The majority of FSD's/CSM's selected have been hopeless and created more problems than they resolved, particularly on board an aircraft, and that is precisely what management wanted. The strategy continues today, aided and abetted by greed and self-interest.

lowerlobe 3rd Jun 2007 10:28

Here is an invitation Twiggsy girl....

Tell us what you think about the CSM selection process.

twiggs 3rd Jun 2007 23:06

If you really want my opinion, which I doubt, then start by paying me the respect of using my correct username without the sexist additions.

radiation junkie 4th Jun 2007 00:05

Well TWIGGS, are you going to give us your thought's or an excuse not to ?

And5678 4th Jun 2007 00:06

Who cares about CSM promotions...
Morning Everyone....

Who cares about the CSM/CSS promotions. It's all water under the bridge now. When the hell are they going to advertise for B First and action the transfer lists?


Zeus Ex Machina 4th Jun 2007 00:13

Wasted Opportunity
The new management team had an opportunity to gain some credibility with the promotion process......instead we get more of the same.
The process was tainted and we get more dills promoted who eventually have to be counselled.
A prerequisite to be a CSM should be trust.Crew need to trust on board managers not ridicule them because they are inadequate.
50% of those promoted were useless as supervisors.
I feel sorry for junior crews who have to fly with them.

lowerlobe 4th Jun 2007 01:36

Twiggsy girl,
I have respect for those who are what they say and not pretenders.

I have not asked who you are.
I have not suggested who you are.
I have only pointed out that you are not crew.

You STILL do not answer questions yet you do your best to criticise crew. At every turn you are willing to damage the position of crew.

You have mentioned crew who were alleged to have committed acts of theft. By the way the crew member who you said had no defence won his case. Will you people in the office ever win a clause 11 or dismissal?

I have asked how you know the complete details of the NRT delay yet you continually evade the question.

I have asked you a perfectly sensible and topical question regarding the CSM selection process and once again you prevaricate.

Once again I will reprint a post from Twiggsy girl and see if it sounds like cabin crew speaking or someone from the office…..

“The cabin/IFE log was outlined in a recent Cabin Standing Order.
When you sign on you are verifying that you have read these.
There are many copies of these in QCC1 and there is one in the blue folder for when you are on board.
There is also a paragraph in the technical section of the latest cabin crew news which basically says what Bolty has just mentioned.
You can access this from the cabin crew web site if you are not going to be in the office soon”


twiggs 4th Jun 2007 12:27

Originally Posted by lowerlobe
By the way the crew member who you said had no defence won his case

Has he really?
Please give specifics how you know this to be true.

lowerlobe 4th Jun 2007 21:00

Well Twiggsy girl as you are in the office you should know!

As usual you office dwellers messed it up again as you have with every other case and will probably have to pay him out.

I think you said something like he doesn't stand a chance of winning, so again you are consistent(ly)wrong.You would not want him to come back to work and tell all the crew how he won now would you.

Don't let me change the subject for you though...as radiation junkie said are you going to answer any questions or are you going to prevaricate as usual.

Just to refresh our memories about Twiggsy's post here it is ....

In the delay in question, one option presented to the crew was to take minimum rest in Narita and get home as scheduled, and the duty was to be treated as a continuous one (lots of overtime), from sign on in MEL till sign off in SYD.

It was only an option given, not a request, and was probably declined as the crew in question did not consider that amount of rest to warrant the extra money or the fact that they would probably get home a day late.

The S/H crew that were called out, paxed to NRT had 12 hrs off and operated back to SYD, slightly easier than if the L/H crew had operated a delayed service, had less than 12 hrs off, and then operated back to SYD.

Does this sound like..

1: A F/A talking...or

2: Someone in the office...Mmmmmm I'm sure Twiggsy girl overheard all of these details when she picked up her uniform from her local dry cleaner....

And5678 4th Jun 2007 22:54


B First recruitment...



Oh and Twiggs, what's your view on the process and results of the latest CSS and CSM process?

twiggs 4th Jun 2007 23:13

radiation junkie and And5678,
I don't know who got promoted and who applied and missed out so I can't comment on that.
I reckon though that the company would rather promote experienced people provided they are willing to "play the game".
If you really want the job, you have to, whether it's in your heart or not.
That is how we survive in this job, or any job, from day 1.
That includes taking the job no matter what base it is offered in.
So many incompetents were promoted in the past just because they were willing to take Perth or Melbourne.
In fact when BFirst was introduced, one comment made by someone in management was that when promoting for BFirst, they were not going to "lower the bar" like they had to when choosing CSM's for MEL and PER.

radiation junkie 4th Jun 2007 23:13

Take it easy Lowerlobe, we don't want scare twiggs off, do we ? These office dwellers are easily spooked. Even if twiggs is CC, there are plenty of CC that spend every spare moment of their lives shimmying around the office for godknowswhat reason to ingratiate themselves to the "visitors" and other so called management wannabe's. It's a game of self worth or selfdom which usually ends in tears and disillusionment when even the most trusted of our office management shaft you to get their KPI indicators up to minimum Management Bonus levels. Our twiggs is acting like a WW2 double agent mixing with the enemy and living on the edge for the glory of god and country (read Qantas). It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it ! With the latest CSM induction, at least 50%+ of the successful applicants will fit this category. Galley gossip will become a reportable offence.

radiation junkie 4th Jun 2007 23:34

Quote from twiggs.....In fact when BFirst was introduced, one comment made by someone in management was that when promoting for BFirst, they were not going to "lower the bar" like they had to when choosing CSM's for MEL and PER.....

What a laugh ! This logic must of course apply to all the new Bfirst being "promoted" in "Jitconnict World" and other LCC bases. Just shows how hypocritical and two faced Q management is.

lowerlobe 4th Jun 2007 23:39

"These office dwellers are easily spooked"....

Your right Radiation Junkie, it certainly looks that way so I guess that confirms she is indeed a pencil pusher.She's probably upset about the guy winning his case against the company as well

Quote from twiggs.....

In fact when BFirst was introduced, one comment made by someone in management was that when promoting for BFirst, they were not going to "lower the bar" like they had to when choosing CSM's for MEL and PER.....

Thats right because Twiggsy would know if someone in the office said that....

Still no reply as usual from twiggsy girl but remember ...

"it's the destinations that are important and it aint the money"

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