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The PM 15th Mar 2007 10:19

Idiot near Williamtown

:mad: :mad:

Only thing I would add is : testicles and electrodes.

Pseudonymn 15th Mar 2007 10:21

The_PM, that's a bit harsh, mate.

I reckon a spotlight or laser pointer when he drives around at night would get the message across. :ugh:

The PM 15th Mar 2007 10:23

testicle electrodes connected to a light sensor perhaps?

Ultralights 15th Mar 2007 10:39

he needed the light to identify the aircraft type? hmmmm:hmm:

you can tell a hawk from a hornet simply by the level of the noise!

or if it was at night, what would his chances be of capturing the aircraft in the beam long enough to get a good look at it??

he is not that same guy who bought a house 2 miles from the willy range and rings up and complains every day is he?

Angle of Attack 15th Mar 2007 13:21

He can't identify the aircraft from a spotlight, and I think its stupid, I was once spotlighted on a visual circuit into a Black hole approach airfield and I can tell you its damn disorientaiting! Especialy when its a powerful beam which I was subjected to. These ba$tards need to realise if they have an airfield issue, heres an airfield tissue!! they had choise when purchasing property!

Taildragger67 15th Mar 2007 15:08

"The only way I can stay on top of it is to find out who they are and what they are, they come across that fast," he said yesterday.
1. "who they are": they're ours, and they are flying around so that they can make sure it stays that way.

2. "what they are": they're the ones which make sure it stays that way (in 1. above).

3. "they come across that fast": which is good, if they were going slower, you'd have to put up with either noise for longer, or a smoking hole.

His house looks like a relatively new-build; can anyone remind me how long Willy town has been operating fast jets? I'd suggest longer than this... man's house has been there.

Those jets mean, old mate, that you still have the freedom to live anywhere you can afford. If you don't like them, you might like to take full advantage of that fact.

MTOW 15th Mar 2007 16:57

The RAAF operated Hercs into Vietnam almost on a daily basis for 12 years duing the conflict there. Whilst the Hercs were fired at on the odd occasion - (and not always by the other side!!!) - as far as I'm aware, they never took a hit in Vietnam.

However, a RAAF C130 did take a round in the tail during the Vietnam years... in the circuit at Laverton(!) The idiot - (I seem to remember he was actualy a 'blunt' RAAF SNCO) - was upset at the noise the Herc was making doing night circuit training and so he took his trusty .303 out into the back yard and let fly. (Law abiding citizens could own a rifle in those days.)

Sadly, these idiots with lasers have no idea of the possibly disastrous consequences of flashing their 'toys' at an aircraft, and I suspect the courts won't treat the offense with the seriousness it deserves. God help us all if some people who do understand the potential of these very dangerous devices take it upon themselves to use them against military and civil aircraft.

Ultralights 15th Mar 2007 22:43

what are the chances of a laser guided weapon tracking onto the light source from these idiots??

maxgrad 15th Mar 2007 23:31

Testicles/electrodes,beam is the switch...
Locked on laser guided bomb...
But for me it was from Taildragger67...nicely said that man....or woman

I am required to conduct many a black hole approach and take very unkindly to any being doing the light thing from in or out of the modaplane.

No...changed my mind, the testicle/electrode and light activated switch is the one to go with.

Buster Hyman 16th Mar 2007 00:13

Well, I think that if he's built there after the base was established, boo-friggerty-hoo! I've spent almost my entire life under the flight paths of Essendon & Tulla, only to discover that I'm now seeing orange bellies heading into Avalon!!! We've only ever complained when the "heavies" cut across the normal paths, which sent the dog running down the street howling...

Perhaps he should have considered the risks associated with living near military installations. Oh, can I please be the one who tells him what generally happens in a "first strike" situation???:}

Minimbah 16th Mar 2007 01:47

Real of fake photograph
Looks to me like the "photograph" is a "composite" with the AC superimposed on the nice blue sky. Look closly. Also, look at the angle of the alleged offender's site line - he does not seem to be looking at the alleged aircraft!!!

Launchpad McQuack 16th Mar 2007 02:04

That's a poor photoshop job if ever I saw one. Nice try :mad:

Lasiorhinus 16th Mar 2007 02:31

I guess the need to provide a photoshopped photo came down to the fact that the aircraft in question
a) dont actually fly over this fellows house after all
b) dont fly over often enough for the newspaper to get a photo
c) fly far enough overhead to not be clear in a photo
And the Defence Department should take note, that under the CRIMES (AVIATION) ACT 1991, this man is committing an offence against Section 19:

Originally Posted by Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991 Section 19
Prejudicing safe operation of aircraft
A person must not do anything capable of prejudicing the safe operation of a Division 3 aircraft with the intention of prejudicing the safe operation of the aircraft.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 14 years.

and section 21,

Originally Posted by Crimes (Aviation) Act 1991 Section 21
Assaulting crew
A person must not, while on board a Division 3 aircraft, assault, threaten with violence, or otherwise intimidate, a member of the crew of the aircraft in a manner that results in:
an interference with the member's performance of functions or duties connected with the operation of the aircraft; or
a lessening of the member's ability to perform those functions or duties.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 14 years.

Both of these offences carry fourteen year jail terms.
This man is a danger to the safety of the pilots on board, and a danger to the safety of the operation of their aircraft.
The Defence Department needs to press charges without delay, for the safety of all.

Keg 16th Mar 2007 03:12

Point of order Your Worship.

Whilst the bloke is indeed a dolt, there are a couple of significant issues here:

A person must not do anything capable of prejudicing the safe operation of a Division 3 aircraft with the intention of prejudicing the safe operation of the aircraft.
My bolding. Note that the Commonwealth needs to prove his intent to prejudice the safe operation of the aircraft. Hard to prove when he's using a ruddy great searchlight that actually is suitable to identify the aircraft at night.

A person must not, while on board a Division 3 aircraft, assault, threaten with violence, or otherwise intimidate, a member of the crew of the aircraft in a manner that results in:
an interference with the member's performance of functions or duties connected with the operation of the aircraft; or
a lessening of the member's ability to perform those functions or duties.
My bolding again. He certainly wasn't on board and so he ain't going to be charged with that second one.

This is not to say that there aren't other things he can be charged with. Shame he can't be charged with 'stupidity'.

Chronic Snoozer 16th Mar 2007 04:03

He says he was 'trying to identify' the offending aircraft, which could be complete crap. I mean if he lives under the flightpath he is hardly going to discover to his amazement that 'bugger me, thats actually an F15E' is he?

Therefore it may implied he intended to disrupt or prejudice the safety of the aircraft.

One could also reasonably argue that a reasonable person would understand that shining a spotlight at an aircraft at night would lead to a compromise in safety, therefore its definitely reckless endangerment.

Wiley 16th Mar 2007 04:34

There used to be rather tall, lantern-jawed OC Wing at Willy with a very commanding voice and presence who has now retired. Ronnie/Angus ought to consider dragging him out of retirement and have him to drop by Mr Stewart's place to explain to him in words of fewer than three syllables just how dangerous his searchlight antics really were.

Alternatively, a bunch of unhappy Boggies would probably get the message across just as clearly ...if not quite so diplomatically.

Joker89 16th Mar 2007 04:41

All i can say is "what a stupid w#nker"

noip 16th Mar 2007 05:16

I vote for the boggies .. maybe they should just take him on an ACM ride. He might have some more respect after that.

Alternatively, I know a grumpy 767 capt that knows MIIIs who might help.


TurboOtter 16th Mar 2007 05:23

Let's move Raaf base Williamtown, why do those guys need to be a place so close to Sydney, I woudn't mind so much if they didn't allways have these restricted aeras all the time.
The base there cost aviation a big bundle of extra flying for now real reason!:ugh:

noip 16th Mar 2007 05:26


Love your sarcasm.


Tankengine 16th Mar 2007 06:17

I reckon the guy your talking about is now a QF Captain and still lives Nelson Bay, If it is him I am sure he would enjoy the work!:}

Wiley 16th Mar 2007 06:21

Turbo Otter, hoping - (vainly, I fear) - that you're being very subtly ironic, I assume you can spell 'NIMBY' better than you can spell 'areas'.

And no, Tankengine, 'Chesty Bond' never went to airlines. He stayed in way too long for that and is now retired in Canberra.

The PM 16th Mar 2007 06:40

A thought I had today in regards to this issue,and perhaps someone with more legal knowledge than I can answer, is it possible for individuals or organisations without a direct involvement in this case, to make a submission to the court regarding this issue?

Certainly, the RAAF will be doing so, but imagine if the aircraft spotted by this goon, or anyone else for that matter, was a Jetstar A320, Virgin 737,Qantaslink dash 8, Brindy Metro etc etc and the crew were blinded as a result and an incident or accident resulted?

The court MUST understand how serious this issue is regarded by anyone who has flown as PIC at night, and the potential consequences.This fcukwit MUST be made an example of by the court, and the magistrate needs the information to do so.

Something for the AFAP, JPC et al to get united on and involved with perhaps? Keg, what are you doing at the moment? :}

Captain Sand Dune 16th Mar 2007 07:04

Typically, d!ckheads like this get the media coverage, and the public yet again do not get the full story. The RAAF will not be asked it's side of the story, and the small fact that RAAF Williamtown has been an active military base for over 50 years will be largely ignored by the ignorant ice-cream-licking public.:mad:

Let's move Raaf base Williamtown, why do those guys need to be a place so close to Sydney
I rest my case..............

Islander Jock 16th Mar 2007 07:28

One thing is for sure. This clown won't be doing it again.

On another note, I once had a copy of an answering machine message from some disgruntled Hunter Valley resident complaining about training flights in the area. Basically he called the RAAFies a bunch of "lying C&*s" for flying on days they said that they would not. Anyone got a copy?

Ultralights 16th Mar 2007 08:11

i remeber that call very well, sadly it wasnt his last call, and he is a know complainer to the raaf, so he is pretty much ignored..

though the call did provide us all with many laughs!

international hog driver 16th Mar 2007 19:52

Mail me Island Jock, I'll dig it off my hard drive for ya!

One of the most expletive laden triads about and we used it on the first day of customer service training!

Islander Jock 17th Mar 2007 05:21

We had a similar serial complainer living just off Lancelin range who would complain every time a few rounds were being lobbed into the impact area. Couldn't get it through her thick head that she brought a 5 acre sand pit on the edge of a military training area. I think the most fun I ever had was when I was DO one night and she rang to whinge and bitch and demand the activity be suspended immediately. Must have been something in the tone of my voice to prompt her to ask "you don't care do you?" Hmmm maybe she wasn't so thick after all. :rolleyes:

Thanks, I'll PM you. Maybe you should put it on a link to share with everyone for a good laugh. This was pure gold!
Just a thought; Maybe the old geezer with the spotty is the dad of the younger bogan phone caller :E

C-change 18th Mar 2007 12:21

Noise complainer
Ah, Mr Stewart, you bring back fond memories of Willy. I remember getting a kick up the backside because of you.
I was rostered one weekend as the Duty ATCO at WLM shortly after arriving off ATC course. The duty phone rang this day and it was Mr Stewart and he rang me to make a noise complaint. No problem, got lots of them at Willy but this one was different.
I took his details, stayed calm and professional until I asked what exactly was the problem, as no Hornets were flying that weekend. Mr Stewart wanted to make a noise complaint about the "bloody glider that keeps flying over my house". I was unable to speak again due to uncontrolled laughter and after a minute or two I hung up.
On Monday I was called into the Satco's office and informed that laughing and hanging up on genuine noise complaints was not the way to handle them. It was actually the noisy C180 taildragger he was complaining about. As I was new to the section, I thought the other ATCO's were taking the piss out of me.
Oh well, what can you do. Thanks for the memory Mr Stewart, your a champ. You shouldn't really complain unless they have red stars on their tails or perhaps you should have paid more attention to those big green signs that warn of the severe noise hazard within 16Km radius. :ugh:

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