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-   -   Super Hornets For RAAF (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/266841-super-hornets-raaf.html)

Groaner 29th Mar 2010 02:33

Saw a Comm Govt austender Friday for the secure destruction of 13 x F111 and 70 x engines. Funnily enough I can't find it now.

Pity they can't be put to a better use than scrap metal.

Taildragger67 29th Mar 2010 04:51


If the Pigs are/were our deterrent, then if they've never fired a shot in anger, I'd argue they were 100% successful.

God help us all if anything is ever fired in anger from the 'deterrents' quietly cruising around underwater.



Tiger35 29th Mar 2010 05:38

Our Canberras certainly dropped bombs accurately on opposition targets in Vietnam, sadly with some crew losses as well.

I'm not sure whether they dropped bombs during the Confrontation with Indonesia in Malaya in the 60's though.

Gnadenburg 29th Mar 2010 06:35

I know ex-RAAF Canberra crews who flew spy missions against Indonesia during Confrontation. Lonely missions, without escort, at a time when Indonesia had Russian SAMs & MIGs in considerable numbers. They operated from both Darwin and Butterworth.

I'd guess P3's and F111's have poked their noses about since- certainly during Timor operations.

Buster Hyman 29th Mar 2010 07:29

If the Pigs are/were our deterrent, then if they've never fired a shot in anger, I'd argue they were 100% successful.
ADF. :ok:

frigatebird 29th Mar 2010 07:58

Now that we have spent this generation's taxes on the latest version metal Deterrent, and while crews train to support our allies chosen favourite adventures, could we have some ideas for the 'grass roots' method of actually stopping foreigners from continuing to arrive on our doorstep in small boats. No money needed, just the ideas, - and the willingness to implement them, with our current equipment..

Or is that unpalatable.. ?

mohikan 29th Mar 2010 11:35


What is your other job exactly ?

It's commonly held in QF that you are an 'ex knuck legend' as opposed to an officer of the AAFC................

Nothing wrong with being either or both of course, both noble pursuits

ozbiggles 29th Mar 2010 12:07

The circus is missing its clown
What Mohikan does your vendetta have to do with the thread?
I'd like to come here and see peoples opinion on the super Hornet and debate those issues.
Not whatever you think you can achieve here. You have managed to achieve something here though......

Gnadenburg 29th Mar 2010 12:32

Agreed. What a nice prick you are mohikan......

Keg 29th Mar 2010 13:17

What is your other job exactly ?
Which one? I did leave a job external to QF a while back. I have colleagues from a number of different jobs. :ugh:

It's commonly held in QF that you are an 'ex knuck legend'.....
Lol. I doubt it. Certainly not by anyone who knows me or has flown with me.

I tend not to bring it up the AAFC unless someone asks about it. Sadly, occasionally the AAFC role intrudes into QF time (particularly phone calls and other work that precludes me from going out to the pub after work) and it becomes pretty obvious that I'm involved. About 2 minutes after someone has asked me about the extent of my AAFC involvement they probably regret having asked the question. If someone asks if I'm ex military they then get to hear that my strike rate of rides in military aircraft is 1 flight in 20 years service- pretty shabby for an AAFC staff member really. I know of cadets with better records in their first 12 months!

The real question posed by your comment is why it would be a 'commonly held belief' that I'm an ex-knuck. The only people that would think that are those who have been told it by others as it's not something I've ever put out there. I've never purported to be anything other than a short, round bloke who enjoys my job in QF, my role in the AAFC, and the roles in other aspects of my life. If you actually know me then you know what they are. If you don't know me then your opinion on the matter is pretty irrelevant anyway

So, now that we've cleared that up, how about you? Tell us all a bit about yourself? What burns inside you that you feel the need to to verbal me? You obviously know a bit about me but if you do you also know why I have a 'colleague from ACG'. Why bring up anything else unless you want to throw the impression out there that I talk myself up? The jokes on you I suspect given that 3000 posts means that most regulars know me (and my background) pretty well. I reckon there would be 20 plus times in the last bunch of years that I've mentioned the AAFC. The times I've alluded to being an RAAF pilot or former RAAF pilot? Nil.

What's most interesting is that the regulars will have learned far more about mohikan and raised more questions about the shabby way you do business and your character than they have about mine. := Good work on that front! Both barrels, right on your foot. :D

Taildragger67 gets it! :ok:

(Sorry Tail wheel, et al, Gnadenburg, ozbiggles and everyone else but I wasn't going to leave mohikan's crap without a response. Now back to normally scheduled programming :} ).

Taildragger67 30th Mar 2010 02:27

Sorry Keg, I know you're big enough to fight your own battles but this goes to a wider issue; I apologise to all for the thread-drift continuation.


What's your agenda, out of interest?

There are some people who come on these boards and make positive contributions and impart information from which others can learn. They rarely (if ever) seek to denigrate; rather, to educate. They have earnt the respect of many other long-term readers.

Keg is one of these people.

You are not.

StallBoy 5th Apr 2010 06:52

Australias obtainment of this impressive fighter bomber will send shivers through south east asia. :D
With an outstanding performance in the halfes, half as fast, half as high and half as far as most Russian planes :eek:and the PIG it reminds me of my younger days when the Zero was considered half as good as American and European manufactured fighters.:ugh:

Me thinks the Pig has become a Pig in a Poke.:{

Going Boeing 5th Apr 2010 09:01

Stallboy, I don't know what your experience is but all the ex-knucks that I've spoken to would rather be sent to war in a Rhino than any Russian aircraft. There is much more to the effectiveness of a fighter platform than it's top speed, range or altitude capability.

TBM-Legend 5th Apr 2010 13:37

I'm more concerned that Ronnie RAAF has enough $$$ in the budget to keep a full fleet of Bugs and Super Bugs going. The number of serviceable A/B models is not more than a couple of handfuls [out of 71] and the number of "trained killers" is another joke.

Looks like nothing has changed. We have establishments of trained folks in many areas that are not filled. Nothing has changed in 50 years!:ugh:

Like This - Do That 6th Apr 2010 00:35

Oh dear ....

Tony, you may not have picked up that many in the system, as it were, consider the contributors to that website to be full of Kopp. You're running the risk of kicking the lid off an ant nest.

[edited to add]

Having said that, it is a fairly interesting read, but I'm not a military pilot and thus would barely know if the author is talking out of his hat.


FoxtrotAlpha18 6th Apr 2010 04:59

And that was a very early model Block I model he flew in (c. 2001?).
The Block II is a whole 'nuther world again...:eek: :cool: :ok:

And I like the big, bold anotation at the top of the article that says it shouldn't be taken as an endorsement of the RAAF Super decision, even though he does nothing but raves about the jet throughout the article!

"Any attempt to present this article as an endorsement of the Super Hornet decision will be considered to be intentional and mischievous misrepresentation." :rolleyes: :ugh::D

YoDawg 6th Apr 2010 14:25

I'm no knuck but that photo of final approach to RW18 at Avalon looks wrong. Why isn't the velocity vector placed over the RW threshold?

It looks to me like a zero-crab flight-path aimed off the edge of the runway.

Like I said I'm no knuck but I've played MS flight sim so am obviously qualified... :rolleyes:

Any knucks care to enlighten?

Oh and Carlo, it's FINAL not finals.... :p

FlareHighLandLong 7th Apr 2010 10:42

I totally agree that a deterrent that doesn't have to be utilised is a good one. Is it acceptable to absorb that giant chunk of the defence budget for a unused deterrent? (Noting that dump and burns have surely had a significant PR effect).

We have been involved in a number of conflicts where we could have used the Rhino, but the Pig was never going to play (what would be the maintenance overhead of keeping that thing in a warzone?). If the Rhino goes to war anytime soon, regardless of the on paper capability comparison or cost comparison etc, an aircraft that provides a useable capability is better than one that is just nice to have sitting in the glass cabinet with a break if you decide to go to war with your next door neighbour sign on the front.

My two cents. Sorry if I've duplicated previous comments.:}

frigatebird 7th Apr 2010 10:56

Back To The Future



ftrplt 7th Apr 2010 12:46

I'm no knuck but that photo of final approach to RW18 at Avalon looks wrong. Why isn't the velocity vector placed over the RW threshold
The Velocity Vector remains centred in the middle of the HUD - the ghost Vel Vec (tail and wing lines with no circle) shows the actual flight path and is just short of the 1000ft markers on the centreline (i.e left to right crosswind)

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