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Turbo 5B 4th Aug 2006 11:34

This morning, after months of frustration for the guys from sydney heavy the axe has finaly fallen. The "Don't Come Monday" Letters were issued to the remaining Lames and Ames that were not in a position to leave Sydney and move interstate to facilities that are under the same stinking review that sydney was under.
The manager from ACS reportedly stated that he had no room for the 14 or so guys because they would be "a risk to his business" and that his business " had taken a tremendous shock to absorb all of the people that it has and we cant possible fit in any more".
:mad: :mad: :mad:
:mad: :mad: :mad:
The next 744 is shortly going to Singapore for it's D check and and apparently AVV is not getting any for a while as they can't cope with the load.
If you are a Lame with qantas it is now your duty to be extra vigilant to ensure that Australian standards are maintained to ensure the safety of all that fly with the rat...they may be your families.
Qantas management is a joke and an embarrassment.
They don't plan maintenance and say what it will cost, they get told how much to spend and try to work to unrealistic budgets, budgets that get squeezed tighter every year.
At some stage, before too long I expect, the savings will no longer be achievable and the result will be the end for maintenance in Australia.
They are not managers, they are puppets for the bonus driven board.

The Professor 4th Aug 2006 13:37

"If you are a Lame with qantas it is now your duty to be extra vigilant to ensure that Australian standards are maintained to ensure the safety of all that fly with the rat...they may be your families."

Is there something wrong with aircraft fixed overseas or are you the only capable engineers in the world.

"Qantas management is a joke and an embarrassment."

QF management have managed to turn QF into one of the few and most profitable airlines in the world. That is their job, nothing more.

The Mr Fixit 4th Aug 2006 14:26

Profeesor is apt as you profess a lot of Sh#t :confused:

Managers make profits do they ? :ugh:

Safest Airline in the world ? :ok:

Who gotem there ? NOT THE BOARD :mad:

the shaman 4th Aug 2006 15:00

RIP Qantas Engineering
So they finally did it.... gave the last 2 dozen skilled, loyal and hardworking engineers the bullet .. my commiserations to you all ....... at least the waiting is over .. I am glad I chose to walk voluntarily some months ago as I refused to be humiliated and physchologically intimidated by such a cold hearted and inappreciative organisation.

RIP Qantas Engineering

max autobrakes 4th Aug 2006 20:42

CAP SIZE :eek:

Turbo 5B 4th Aug 2006 22:17

[QUOTE=The Professor
Is there something wrong with aircraft fixed overseas or are you the only capable engineers in the world.

QF management have managed to turn QF into one of the few and most profitable airlines in the world. That is their job, nothing more.[/QUOTE]

We are not the only "capable" engineers in the world, but we are certainly a cut above the cut rate facilities that Qantas Aircraft are getting shipped off to. Qantas aircraft are kept in top condition until they are retired or sold, this is to ensure safety and it goes a long way to maintain the integrity of the "Brand". People fly Qantas because of their safety reputation and their "Australianness". Take the Australian out of Qantas engineering and what do you have....the spirit of Asian MRO's.
Qantas management have a responsibility to not destroy the image and the integrity of it's engineering division for a short term artificial gain.
Ask a local manager what his task is for this year, it will be to identify how to cut an extraordinary amount from his budget. At what point does this reach its limit and what happens when they are forced to push past this limit in the name of "profitability".
Once you let the control of your maintenance out of your grip it is very hard to get back and those that let it go will no longer be there to answer for their actions , they will be laying back with a huge sum of cash, courtesy of reaching short term profit targets.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Sunfish 4th Aug 2006 23:04

Having worked with Australian LAMES and operated as a professional engineer in the management of an Australian airline I can say that the Professor is wrong.

Australians are a cut above the rest in this area. The Americans slavishly follow the book as i "Buddy, I do it as per plan"

The British do what they are told.

The Asians do what will let them keep face.

It's only the Australians who will say "What the f&*k's this? Something's wrong here."

captaindejavu 4th Aug 2006 23:51

Absolutely right, Sunfish.

Very recently, how did the Chinese contractor decide was the quickest way to efficiently remove the paint on a Qantas aircraft, prior to a re-spray? They used wire brushes !!!!!! :eek: Yep, on the ENTIRE aircraft !!!!

Good grief! Brains of ducks! But, then again, ducks probably have a modicum of intelligence and would have done a better job. :ugh:

Big Unit 5th Aug 2006 03:14

Sunfish, I dont normally agree with your posts as you mix in too much crap with the truth, but in this case - you are spot on. Having been involved with and seen the results of the asian and american workforces in action, they might not like your comments, but the truth hurts!

BHMvictim 5th Aug 2006 06:10

.... what an INSULT to the Sydney guys, that Avalon, since the Sydney closure announcemnet, has managed to push out 2 aircraft with flight controls partially in pieces.

To the blokes who had their last day yesterday, good luck with whatever you do now. I am guessing that you're probably not going to stay in the industry after the way you have been treated!

Point0Five 5th Aug 2006 08:50

Very recently, how did the Chinese contractor decide was the quickest way to efficiently remove the paint on a Qantas aircraft, prior to a re-spray? They used wire brushes !!!!!! Yep, on the ENTIRE aircraft !!!!
Ouch. Any idea how bad the damage was?

Chimbu chuckles 5th Aug 2006 09:56

Guys the world needs your skills even if QF think they don't...QF's loss and it will bite them on the arse.

One door closes etc...

:ok: :D

captaindejavu 5th Aug 2006 10:13


No, didn't get much feedback on the damage, except that the morons responsible thought it was a good, quick job until someone in 'management' with an IQ above 34 told them they were "...:mad:'n rock apes" and that they had "... :mad:ed the airframe and should all be machine-gunned at dawn if it was up to me..."

Does QF care? Unlikely. It's cheap labour after all, isn't it?

OzExpat 5th Aug 2006 10:43

Hmmm... I suspect that even the QF internal auditors will be worried about the "revolving door" situation. They'll be the fall-guys if the unthinkable ever happens!:eek:

Apophis 5th Aug 2006 11:00

Originally Posted by Point0Five
Ouch. Any idea how bad the damage was?

Have heard the same thing with some air NZ aircraft what fools.
Also thats a lot of wire brushes but they would be cheap and thats what its all about might also be a bit of a problem with the 2 aircraft that are stripped at avalon at the moment that have been sitting for weeks uncleaned after stripping.

alidad 5th Aug 2006 11:40

About 6 years ago a friend of mine was an apprentice at the QF jet base in Sydney. he left after about 18 months totally disillusioned with "what went on".
For example, under the expert supervision of a LAME, being directed to take 3 hours to put a panel on that took 5 minutes. The rest of the time spent hiding/ sleeping in a 747 to stretch the task into overtime.
Clocking in on night shift and being told to go and sleep for the entire shift in an aircraft as there was "nothing to do". and the list goes on.........

YES you ARE highly skilled workers in a very specialised industry, but with these type of issues that have been allowed to develop for a number of "generations"; and being perpetuated as the troops are promoted into the management- something has had to give- Sit down with an ex Ansett LAME and let them reflect with you on what went on there.

No company can exist in today's environs with unproductive dead wood weighing it down.
What is happening is not good but the alternatives are a lot worse.

The quote above: "Shame Qantas, Shame". The Qantas brand is a function of the individual efforts of EVERY employee of the company- Some of the shame must fall your way as well.

I think I shall now retreat to the bunker and pop on the flack jacket.

RELEASED 5th Aug 2006 11:53

Originally Posted by Point0Five
Ouch. Any idea how bad the damage was?

massive we had to replace a butt joint strap that took weeks,and earlier on in the piece there was consideration to possibly srcapping the aircraft,due the fact that the damage may have been done on every production joint.buy cheap buy twice

RELEASED 5th Aug 2006 11:57

Originally Posted by alidad
About 6 years ago a friend of mine was an apprentice at the QF jet base in Sydney. he left after about 18 months totally disillusioned with "what went on".
For example, under the expert supervision of a LAME, being directed to take 3 hours to put a panel on that took 5 minutes. The rest of the time spent hiding/ sleeping in a 747 to stretch the task into overtime.
Clocking in on night shift and being told to go and sleep for the entire shift in an aircraft as there was "nothing to do". and the list goes on.........

YES you ARE highly skilled workers in a very specialised industry, but with these type of issues that have been allowed to develop for a number of "generations"; and being perpetuated as the troops are promoted into the management- something has had to give- Sit down with an ex Ansett LAME and let them reflect with you on what went on there.

No company can exist in today's environs with unproductive dead wood weighing it down.
What is happening is not good but the alternatives are a lot worse.

The quote above: "Shame Qantas, Shame". The Qantas brand is a function of the individual efforts of EVERY employee of the company- Some of the shame must fall your way as well.

I think I shall now retreat to the bunker and pop on the flack jacket.

sounds like cabin interrior,not heavy maintenance,looks like they got the wrong target again

domo 6th Aug 2006 02:20

For example, under the expert supervision of a LAME, being directed to take 3 hours to put a panel on that took 5 minutes. The rest of the time spent hiding/ sleeping in a 747 to stretch the task into overtime.
Clocking in on night shift and being told to go and sleep for the entire shift in an aircraft as there was "nothing to do". and the list goes on.........

and your mate left to get a real job so he could work hard on nightshift
what a crock

alidad 6th Aug 2006 02:40

No, my mate left because:

1. He was intelligent enough to want to learn and progess in society; and

2. smart enough to know that what was going on was WRONG and unsustainable.

Just because you are on night shift it does not give you the right to be a bludger.

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