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chemical alli 7th Jun 2006 06:57

stop whining kangaroo
so you are all pissed off ?then stop bleeting on a forum and do something about an aussie institution. from pilots to engineers to cabin crew join hands and put up or shut up.australia wasnt built on whinging but i guess the pommie ancestory is finally coming through.only united we stand but hey lets all sell each other over then blame gd and crew too easy isnt it:confused: !

Sonny Hammond 7th Jun 2006 07:38

Funny you should mention this.
Thats exactly what is happening at the moment between GD and his techy's. They are putting up.

Everyone need only follow suit.

Redstone 7th Jun 2006 07:53

Suffer in silence you mob!!!!!!

Capn Bloggs 7th Jun 2006 23:17

"Jaded". How appropriate.

coitus interuptus 8th Jun 2006 03:09

Nice attempt at a wind up Jaded. Politics and pilots dont match mate. Talking about the PM has as much relevance as discussing any one of Hawkes plethora of gaffes over his disastrous reign. IE none. Perhaps you could offer something constructive to the conversation. :mad:

Bailey's Dad 8th Jun 2006 03:36

Jaded, Coit put it nicely, I'll put it the way most of us are thinking... pizzz orf !

Ken Nuff 8th Jun 2006 03:53

It is time to demand the removal of the incompetence that pervades the upper ranks of Qantas.

APIA do not be intimidated by the bullyboy tactic of Dixon and his EXCO.

Fight to save our company. Fight for our job security.

king oath 8th Jun 2006 06:16

Stop yelling Ken.

Ken Nuff 8th Jun 2006 06:34


I've had enough

When I go to work I give my all. My standards are high, I give more than my pound of flesh. I won't change that.

But that is not good enough according to our incompetent CEO.

I'm not going. If you like him King, you can go with him.

It is time for action.

United we must demand the removal of the CEO and his incompetent EXCO

BHMvictim 8th Jun 2006 13:51

Chemical Ali. You dont know how things work in Australia. Employees have no say in the direction taken by the employer. We can do nothing to stop Dixons releteless pursuit in the destruction of the good name that Qantas once had. The government is on the side of the employer, not the employee.

Australia cannot be compared to other parts of the world. As an engineer, my options are basically limited to Qantas, GA or moving overseas. Personally, the 3rd option is extremely viable. For those with families, it most definately is not.

At this moment I am in Europe for the second time in 6 months, weighing up my options. Qantas is no longer a good company to work for. It is currently one of the most sucessful airlines in the world, yet staff are constantly fed the "doom and gloom" offle whilst management take the prime cuts for themselves.

You are not familiar with the predicament of QF employees based in Australia. If you have nothing constructive to contribute towards our discussions, other than to dismiss them, then please keep your nose out.

Chris Higgins 8th Jun 2006 17:06

Couldn't agree more. PFT started all of this race to the bottom in the first place.

captainrats 9th Jun 2006 02:20

Dixons Language
Speak to Dixon in the only language he understands:
Sorry...what was I thinking?.
So how do we get rid of this recalcitrant tyrant?
Media campagning
Political lobbying
SUNFISH...any ideas?

Woomera 9th Jun 2006 03:19

CaptainRats. Pilots resign en-masse?

I seem to recall that happened once before in Australia....... :suspect:

With IATA suggesting their Member airlines will lose US$4 billion this year, I suspect flying jobs overseas may (in general) pay less, become harder to obtain .... and with some airlines being unable to survive their losses, release more pilots looking for work in Australia.

I seem to recall that also happened once before in Australia....... :suspect:

hasten .... slowly!

Sunny Woomera

Ken Nuff 9th Jun 2006 04:56

We can correct the current situation by being united. Stop bagging each other out. United we win, divided Dixon wins.

We don't need to resign. We simply need to united to send the message that the greater majority of operational people in this great company no long supports the CEO. The share market will listen. The shareholders will demand his removal. This is not text book theory it is commercial reality


Sunfish 13th Jun 2006 09:23

With the greatest of respect there is only one way you will "get through' to the Qantas management.

That is to affect their sales and marketing.

If you cannot affect sales, then they can do what they like to you with impunity.

The elephant in the room is safety.

None of you can make a case that says Qantas is compromising safety. (disclaimer :- I wouldn't know)

Therefore you are powerless unless and until there are multiple crashes where "pilot error" and/or bad maintenance is a factor.

In my very humble opinion, your best bet is that this happens to an overseas airline before it happens to Qantas.

Think the space shuttle disaster. Overseas airlines are busy working out how little maintenance is required and how unskilled the crews need to be.

Ansett, TAA, Qantas, worked on the other approach with defined standards set by professionals. These seem to be under attack with the excuse being given for the reduction of "new technology".

I don't want to be the first to find out where the boundaries lie.

For example, I fly with charts and a full flight plan as well as a navaids plan and alternates etc. Even though I have the entire plan loaded on a GPS on my wrist. - At least it keeps my (nervous) passenger busy ticking off times and locations. But then again, I'm only a humble VFR pilot.

Hugh Jarse 13th Jun 2006 09:55

Forget the space shuttles Sunfish.

Don't you remember Neil Armstrong, in an interview way back when? Something about him having great (sic) confidence (not), in the space program, being comfortable in the thought that the beast he and his crew were sitting atop of was constructed to the cheapest possible tender:sad:

Thank Christ it worked!:D

oldm8 14th Jun 2006 11:08


For anyone who wasnt read this, you should.
Every pilot in this country should know what went on during the strike, especially before speculating about industrial action

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