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Woomera 25th Apr 2006 03:53

http://www.ronanos.com/images/flags/...ralia_flag.gif http://www.sunsealspas.com.au/images...aland_Flag.gif

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

(L. Binyon 'For the Fallen')

With acknowledgement to Hawk from another thread and acknowledgement and thanks to my Father and Grand Father that I live in the Land of the Free!

Sunny Woomera

Pseudonymn 25th Apr 2006 03:55

Lest We Forget.

Led Zep 25th Apr 2006 04:05

A big thanks to all our servicemen and women, past and present.

empacher48 25th Apr 2006 04:12

For such a huge debt we owe all our Service Men and Women who have served both countries through all conflicts, past and present. To have one day when we all stop and remember them, seems to be an insignificant thing in comparison to what they have done.

Every day we have been able to live in peace and freedom, is what they gave themselves for. For that, I am truely thankful and I will remember them. We all have a huge debt to pay them.

Scurvy.D.Dog 25th Apr 2006 04:54

Indeed! ... Lest we forget!

tobzalp 25th Apr 2006 05:22

Absolutely glorious day in Brisbane today. I thank all those guys for my ability to be free and enjoy it as an Australian.

maxgrad 25th Apr 2006 05:24

Thanks Dad and Pa
Lest we forget

Ultralights 25th Apr 2006 07:45

Thank you grand dad! if only i could warm the seat in your Spittie for you...

Lest we forget.

And Then 25th Apr 2006 07:57

Dad and Grandad.Thanks for not getting shot and don't drink too much this afternoon. The most meaningful of days, today. Lest We Forget.

The Voice 25th Apr 2006 08:21

Lest we forget.

May those off shore return home safely.

Woomera 25th Apr 2006 09:32

Lest We Forget.

My RAAF (Lancaster) father is still alive, 81 and just celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary and enjoying the first of the great grandchildren.

A Great Uncle rests at Gallipoli to never see his great great descendants.


clear to land 25th Apr 2006 10:06

Here in the sandpit about 350 turned up. Not a bad effort considering. Run by the Kiwi High Comm, with the Aus Ambassador and a contingent from HMAS Ballarat. Keep the spirit alive!!:)

Disco Stu 25th Apr 2006 10:49

"The soldier is not a man of violence.

He carries arms and risks his life
for mistakes not of his making.

He has the merit of being unflinchingly true to his word to the end,
while knowing that he will be forgotten."


I don't forget

Disco Stu
Par Oneri de Caelo

Hottie 25th Apr 2006 10:58

Lest We Forget
Certainly a day to remember for eternity.
Looking for fellow Aussies and Kiwis to share this day with, but being in London at present makes it a little hard.
For all mates back home, please have one for me !
In the meantime, I'll sip on a beer and pay my respects, albeit alone, in rememberence for all before us, who fought for us :ok:


Hugh Jarse 25th Apr 2006 11:06

My dad would have been 82. He enlisted underage at 16, as many young men of his time did (by changing his name and forging parent's signatures). He saw service mainly in New Guinea as well as the Middle East, Moratai, Borneo etc. Eventually he ended up in Hiroshima from 46 to 47 and became a member of the infamous "Kure Millionaires":E

It took him over 50 years to be able to even talk about that part of his life. Those of you with parents that went through WW2 (and the demons that came with it) will know what I'm writing about.

He spent most of his life trying to come to terms with his demons.

About 2 months before he died, dad came over for a barbie with a box full of fairly graphic photo's (and stories to match). Fortunately, we were able to put most of it together, mainly to pass onto the next generation of our family to remember......

Dad had been selected for an interview on ABC's Australian Story in relation to his time in New Guinea and Japan, but had to cancel twice due to illness. We were all pretty excited that somebody actually wanted to record what he had to say, and we looked forward to finding out a bit more about his mysterious past. Sadly, dad succumbed to his illness shortly after.

Thanks dad for doing your bit for Australia. Words can't describe the pride we feel.

Nope...We'll never forget.

Taildragger67 25th Apr 2006 12:23

Originally Posted by Woomera
Lest We Forget.
A Great Uncle rests at Gallipoli to never see his great great descendants.

Mate I thank your relative and all those who served, for what I enjoy today.

But go to Gallipoli - you'll see that whilst your great uncle may not have seen his descendants, they travel in numbers to see where he fought and fell. They are certainly not forgotten.

Was at the wreath-laying at St Paul's Cathedral this morning; the Turkish Ambassador read out Ataturk's 1934 speech. Just as moving as reading it on the monument at Anzac Cove.

As Peter Garrett sang, "These should not be forgotten years... we will remember".


ps. thanks for starting this thread.

Blown Seal 25th Apr 2006 18:22

We Shall Remember Them...

Lest We Forget.

Aussie 26th Apr 2006 00:24

What a turn out for the march in the city!

Good effort from the entire defence force, past and present.

Lest we forget.


Old 'Un 26th Apr 2006 01:37

ANZAC Day 2006
I, along with many, many others, stood in the rain in Christchurch yesterday for the Dawn Service. I got drenched - so did my daughter, standing beside me - but we agreed that it was an honour to be there.

As a long-time reader of but first time contributer to these forums, I believe that this thread epitomises the freedoms our parents/grandparents/etc. fought for and died defending, so that we may have freedom of choice.

The following is displayed as a poster on my office wall. I do not know its origins, but like quotes above in this thread, I offer it as a tribute, not only to the ANZACs from all conflicts, but to ALL armed forces members who have served, are serving and will serve in the future to defend these freedoms.


It is the soldier not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier not the union organiser,
who has given us freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag and,
whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.


So much of what we enjoy today we owe to those we remember and honour on ANZAC Day. Thank you, Woomera, for originating this thread.

Le Vieux

Bad medicine 26th Apr 2006 02:42

Beat me to it, Old 'un.

Lest we forget

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