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-   -   Engineers no longer welcome on PPrune (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/213129-engineers-no-longer-welcome-pprune.html)

qf 1 28th Feb 2006 05:15

Engineers no longer welcome on PPrune
According to Woomera,engineers are no longer welcome on this web forum as it is for pilots ONLY ,and the rest of the people in the industry can go and get stuffed,if they have any burning issues with their employers ,or their unions which may or maynot represent them well.
Perhaps woomera you should remove any other forums that are not to your liking like the MISC forum,GROUND OPS forum,etc.
I'm sure that pprune started of with the best intensions years ago but like anything that gets to big in a short period of time ,the people running it think they have some god given right to be there,then someone better comes along and over takes you,and you are left standing there with your D!CK in your hand.
For engineers that may want to continue on the subject of work being farmed off overseas their is another web site which you can go too, which is www.airmech.co.uk

Pass-A-Frozo 28th Feb 2006 05:35

I think Woomera was referring more to the slagging off rather than the engineer part. The only one I've seen saying it's for Aussie Professional Pilots only is another user closer to home.

Woomera 28th Feb 2006 05:41

Our fellow professionals who maintain the aircraft we fly are always welcome here on PPrune to contribute to the overall safety of our industry and for any amounts of light hearted banter
qf1 I am at a loss to understand how you confuse the above with;

According to Woomera,engineers are no longer welcome on this web forum as it is for pilots ONLY ,and the rest of the people in the industry can go and get stuffed,
As frozo alludes above I was just enforcing the new (actually old) rules as per Now hear this

Or didn't you think that applied to you:confused:

qf 1 28th Feb 2006 05:43

could someone then show me where this slagging off is happening then,pointing out what people have and haven't done does not constitute slagging off

qf 1 28th Feb 2006 06:08

i take all the talk of the 89'ers is welcome then,double standerds are welcome

BHMvictim 28th Feb 2006 06:13

Originally Posted by qf 1
could someone then show me where this slagging off is happening then,pointing out what people have and haven't done does not constitute slagging off

Apparently, stating the shortcomings of a particular unions, (or more specifically, its leaderships), ability to handle its members issues is “slagging off”!

As for airmech.co.uk, they now charge a fee to use the forums.

4Greens 28th Feb 2006 06:15

There have been a number of threads closed on 89ers when they have got personal - that's all it is - don't get personal.

Apophis 28th Feb 2006 06:26

look out this will be closed or you will get hit on the head with a Woomera.:cool:

Fantome 28th Feb 2006 06:40

Curious, isn't it. You're not supposed to get 'personal' if it's a critical comment, but if it's praise then a different standard altogether applies.
(Thinks. . . . the label 'sycophant' had an airing yesterday on another Dunnunda thread when a Woomera was applauded. Just don't have an attitude at all and see what happens to the debate. It used to be bracing and robust in another more constituted forum when the Fred Dalys and the Eddie Wests and Clyde Camerons declaimed and stuck it into the silver-tails on the other side. Today it rotates those 'comrades' in their graves.)

planemad2 28th Feb 2006 07:37

I understood anyone with an interest in Aviation was welcome on PPRuNe, as long as they behaved. :confused:

Pass-A-Frozo 28th Feb 2006 08:31

Well after what I was told don't be so sure!

This is the Australian forum for Professional pilots. Tell me Sunfish, how would letting SIA operate SYD-LA benefit Australian pilots? Oh that's right, you don't make you living as one do you? Neither incidentally does P-A-F, being a General Duties officer. Definition, an officer whos duties sometimes include flying aeroplanes.

Woomera 28th Feb 2006 09:28


Over the past week you've started four or five thread, all fundamentally whinging about the same issues. Based on past experience - slagging union officials, slagging Qantas management and then the personal attacks start - I merged the threads. Not deleted - merged with an existing thread.

QF engineers - or any LAME with a worthwhile topic - are welcome to start a thread on PPRuNe.

However, we will not tolerate endless, repetitive threads about the same basic issues, which inevitably deteriorate very rapidly into personal slagging issues against all and sundry!

If you have an issue with your union executive I'm sure you can rectify that democratically at the next union elections. If your problem is Qantas management, take it up with your union or Qantas.

If you have topics of general interest - to both pilots and/or engineers - post it on PPRuNe.

Sunshine Woomera

get_over_it 28th Feb 2006 13:35

for crying out loud. numerous threads have been shut down over the last week.

you and your QF friends (from what i've seen on the news today) have some serious issues to take up with your management and union officials. perhaps you should take it up with them before the whole world interprets your thoughts and beliefs themselves (and eventually puts you out of a job altogether....get the hint?).

whatever your problem is TELL SOMEBODY WHO CARES. or GET OVER IT

Sunfish 28th Feb 2006 20:36

Unpalateable truths (such as the inevitability of free trade) aren't welcome on Pprune either.

Turbo 5B 1st Mar 2006 22:02

Originally Posted by Woomera
If you have an issue with your union executive I'm sure you can rectify that democratically at the next union elections. If your problem is Qantas management, take it up with your union or Qantas.
If you have topics of general interest - to both pilots and/or engineers - post it on PPRuNe.
Sunshine Woomera

Unfortunately not that easy.
PPRUNE is one of the only forums, be it internet or public that engineers- particularly from QF can have a say without it being censored by the ALAEA and without fear of reprisal from their employer (who by the way is fed info from the ALAEA exec on who is stirring sh!t, and vice versa).
All I can say is if you are not interested in a particular thread...don't read it.
It's just like watching telly. If you don't like what's on channel 10, don't ban it...simply watch another channel.

Woomera 1st Mar 2006 23:57

A few things to note -

(a) the Totem Pole folk in the UK own the bat and ball and, as a consequence, make the rules.

(b) the moderators in the various forums do their individual and collective best to apply the site owners' rules fairly and impartially.

(c) there are several Woomeras (woomerii, woomerodes - I never was much good at Latin and Greek). We try to present a united, consistent approach to moderating but we are only human and sometimes we don't get it as good as we might like - cut us a bit of slack. However, the owners delegate to us a fair bit of autonomy so we can run our own show to a reasonable extent.

(d) one of the concerns is that the owners don't want undue bandwidth wastage (=dollars, apparently) associated with unproductive things like getting down into gutter brawling.

(e) of far more concern to the Antipodean community (for whom PPRuNe is a bit of a communication lifeline) is the fact that the owners set the site up principally for professional pilot talk - if we don't toe the corporate line sufficiently closely there is the risk that we might either lose, or have curtailed significantly, this wonderful resource.

(f) in practice, just keep the discussions a bit restrained (keep in mind that traditional Oz social mores are not always well understood by those overseas) - certainly pertinent and relevant to aviation - and we ought not to have any major problems.

(g) bouquets and brickbats ? No problems so long as the tone is appropriate to the site's rules. And as for blowing sunshine up a Woomera skirt - waste of time - why, I can remember being called a "gentleman" - 38 years or so ago as I recall - still shake my head occasionally as to what meaning the fellow concerned might have been trying to convey.

South Eastern Riviera Woomera

Chris Higgins 2nd Mar 2006 01:27

I'd really like to see the engineering come closer to the pilot side and vice versa. One only needs to see the common theme of outsourcing, the erosion of pay and workplace benefits to know that the the two groups share mostly the same concerns.

Bumpfoh 3rd Mar 2006 10:49

Absolutely my good man.

The divide and conquor M.O of the QF mangement team is slowly but surely working.
Our only hope to survive in the face of this and the new IR laws is to seriously band together and leave behind any class orientated thinking that currently exists.:ok:

Turbo 5B 3rd Mar 2006 13:01

Hear Hear.
It's a shame that the pilots union thought that they didnt need to be at the combined unions briefing with dixon last month (but having said that at least they were there unlike the alaea).
A lot of hatchet burying needs to be done and everyone needs to focus on the common enemy GD and QF

Mr Qantas 5th Mar 2006 08:41

Its about time the rabble coming from a vocal minoraty of the engineers got shut dowm. On a hole most of us appreciate the work done by our hard working officials and if a couple of trouble makers want to spoil it and slag off then get somewhere else to do it. It doesnt suprise me though when he law seems to be catching up with the loadmouths who are intent on defaming and critisizing instead of taking a common sense look at the thank less job that they take on.

thanks Woomera:ok:

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