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Sunfish 27th May 2005 03:40

BoyCot Indonesia
I don't care whether Schapelle Corby is Guilty or Innocent. Indonesia and most of the Far East is off my travel plans for good.

Three factors:

1. Untrustworthy baggage handlers.

2. The possibility of bags being unlocked for "security" reasons.

3. The well known proclivities of police forces in the Far East to shake down apparently wealthy westerners, as well as totally corrupt judiciaries, if not whole Governments. As the judge said in the Corby case, he has to believe the police account, and furthermore someone must be punished and since Corby is the only one available, she's going to get punished.

I do not intend EVER to visit countries where such twisted logic is applied.

So forget Phuket and Thailand, I'll never go diving in Sulawesi again, let alone visit Bali, Medan, the thousand Island archipeligo or elsewhere.

I may again visit New Guinea to dive, or go to the U.S., but if I do I will only be taking hand luggage that I can keep my eyes on because I simply have zero trust in the integrity of any carriers baggage handlers anymore, and the penalty could well be incarceration or worse.

Too bad for the Balinese. The Judge has literally just found Corby guilty.

J430 27th May 2005 03:56

And I hope the Aussie public and Government do the same. Should ask for the $$$$Billions in aid to be refunded, give them a BIG BILL for investigating the Bali Bombing where the creeps who did it and were behind it got bugger all punishment. As for the natural disasters ask them do they want to refund that too!

Now lets be sensible, why would you take $45k worth of dope to sell for 10% if that was the market price. No one especially the drug dealers are that stupid. Seems that judges over there are!

Maybe we should plan a SAS type operation, sneak in and get her, buy a cheap F111 from the US and fly in and out before the silly basta%^&s over there know what happened. Anybody in for a fun ride....anybody steer one, bit fast for me.

If we treated foreigners here with that kind of bogus justice system what would happen????

I have now made a moral policy to not buy, supply,support any indonesian business charity or anything, business and private.

The sooner we all do it the better, maybe there might then be some real pressure brought to bare. It eventually workedin South Africa.

Shame Shame Shame

And to any of the drug dealers out there, I hope you feel good about it. If I ever find one of you, pray the cops get to you before I do... you will disappear! No Trace! No doubt!!

Gee I am wound up here!!!!!

gsf 27th May 2005 04:08

"1. Untrustworthy baggage handlers"

Presumably then Sunfish, you will not be travelling by air within Australia.

nomorecatering 27th May 2005 04:22

I'm with Sunfish and J430.

The verdict handed down to the poor girl is a travesty. I was until recently considering a holiday in Bali, but now, I vow, I will never, ever set foot in Bali or Indonesia, support or buy anything made in Indonesia, owned by Indonesian companies or support Indonesian charities. I will discourage anyone, at every opportunity from traveling to Bali.

Nine Australians gave their lives comming to the aid of Indonesia, the Australian taxpayers and public generously, immediately and unquestioningly gave well over 1 Billion dollars in aid after the tsunami. I seriously doubt this would be repeated in light of todays events.

I would warn anybody considering a holiday in Bali not to go. Todays verdict shows that in an instant you can be set up by criminals and you will have no recourse. The justice system in Indonesia is there merely to convict anyone accused of a crime, not to find the truth. That excuse for a man , that Cleric Bashir, the leader of the movement who murdered in cold blood nearly 200 westerners including 88 Australians by detonating a bomb outside a crowded nightclub. What was his sentance...........3 damn years.

There is however, someone or some people who DO know who put the drugs in her bag. It's a pity they didnt have the balls to come forward and admit to their crime. They are no more than a rodent on the earth. But be warned, someone will talk, and ultimately we will find you and bring the fires of hell apon you.

A pox on the Indonesian Justice system and everything it stands for.

Nomorecatering.....a very, very angry Australian.

cunninglinguist 27th May 2005 04:30

I'm with you guys, never particularly wanted to go to Bali and now will not go on principal. ( that and a bit of fear factor )
Remind me again why we throw so much money at these oxy thieves ? when there are so many more worthy recipients else where, inc our own country.:mad:

Sunfish 27th May 2005 04:30

GSF, thats right, no travel anywhere unless my bags are sealed with tamperproof seals, or I travel with hand luggage only.

Furthermore, I have absolutely prohibited my Son from travelling to Indonesia. Its pretty obvious that the Indonesians just think of us as prey.

Orville 27th May 2005 04:39

Cultures, religions and laws around the world have always been different and hard to comprehend. In the West some countries have capital punishment and some do not. So we are no different in the way we hand out punishment. We in the West also have corrupt law and enforcement so again we are no different.

Having said all that and weighing up the evidence the decision was absurd and a real travesty of justice.

I value my security and that of my family and friends and also will be recommending that they bouycott Indonesia and their products.

The money was given by our Government to help the needy and as a gift of good will, it was never intended to buy freedom. This is just further evidence that the people of Indonesia need our support and prayers from such an oppressive regime.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Schapelle Corby and her family. ( Guilty or innocent justice has not been done)

Mr McGoo 27th May 2005 04:42

Ask yourself this: "If it was an old ugly male tourist caught with dope in his bogey board bag instead of a young pretty girl - would the Ozzy media and myself react the same way?" I think the answer is no.

The Indonesian legal system has acted just like ours and made a decision based on the evidence brought before it. To do otherwise would descend into the dark ages of trial by media and public opinion - not good.

Anyway how do we KNOW FOR SURE she is innocent?

wishtobflying 27th May 2005 04:46

Come on people, you can't seriously think they could have found any other verdict? It would open the gates for any other scum who IS trying to smuggle drugs to throw their hands up and cry "BUT IT'S NOT MINE" :{ :{ :{ :{ and get away with no penalty!!!

How could they possibly have found her other than guilty?

OF COURSE she's not guilty, WE know that, THEY know that, for crying out loud the whole WORLD knows that, but now guess what? The whole world has just been reminded that if you show up at Denpasar with drugs in your bag you shouldn't even bother asking anyone for a legal defence, because you will be found guilty.

And their system does not assume "guilty until proven innocent". They simply did not see anything that in their opinion proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the drugs weren't hers.

FACT (by their definition): the drugs were in your bag, therefore "in your possession". Can't prove they weren't yours? Tough luck.

I think it's a shame, a real shame, that something like this should happen to such a lovely girl, but I expected this from day one.

I also will avoid visiting Indonesia any time soon, but if I am it will be with only hand luggage that doesn't leave my sight, or with plastic tamper-proof seals on my bags, with weights recorded to the gram!

morning mungrel 27th May 2005 04:58

I'm sorry, I missed which one of you was in the courtroom EVERY day to hear ALL the evidence presented.......... Just curious you know.......:yuk: :hmm:

DutchRoll 27th May 2005 05:01

What an unmitigated load of bollocks!! Virtually all legal experts interviewed regarding the Corby case (as opposed to the legal experts on PPrune) have stated that there was enough evidence to try Corby in virtually any court in any modern western country.

Three of the Bali bombers were sentenced to death by the same court. Now I'm no expert myself, but I believe the death sentence is pretty severe punishment. Now people are saying that there is no justice administered by that court! Make up your minds. Do you want to have a bet each way?

And has anyone actually seen the photo of the bodyboard bag practically stretched to bursting point, with the 4kg bag of dope stuffed into it that she says she didn't notice as she was hauling it through customs? As for the baggage handlers, the AFP commissioner might not be very discreet, but he's a straight shooter, and brutally honest by reputation. When he said there was no evidence of a connection with the baggage handler smuggling scheme, he probably meant it (unfortunately for Schappelle's Defence).

Come off it. I realise she's pretty cute, has lovely eyes, and she didn't have it strapped to her body, but that doesn't make her innocent.

Keg 27th May 2005 05:10

I'll still go to Bali. Someone is going to need to visit Schapelle to continue to meet and pray with her. She's got a long tough road in front of her and she'll be in my prayers for a long time to come. :(

As to the case itself, it was amazing how much of the defence evidence was 'set aside' by the judges. Interesting system!

Ultralights 27th May 2005 05:12

ahh the joys of going to countries where guilt is assumed, and thats it. from what i have read, no dna evidence was taken from the pot to determine where it was grown, and no fingerprinting was taken, all of these could have easily proved her innocence, but the system over there doesnt want that!

apart from corby, those other who will pay will be the balanese, again, probably worse that the terrorist attacks! say goodby to the bali tourist industry for a long time to come... a very sad day for many people.

sadly i dont think corby will be alive by years end..

Selac66 27th May 2005 05:19

Yes - boycott Indonesia...

While we're at it we had best rule out visits to the countries where another 140 or so Australians are sitting in jail. Don't forget the U.S. who haven't even given David Hicks the basic right of a day in open court.

It was just another day in an Indonesian Courtroom.

Some consistency and less hysteria is called for IMHO.

Adamastor 27th May 2005 05:27

I for one can't wait to get back to Bali. It's a great spot populated by (generally) wonderful people. The fewer drugs and drug dealers there the better. I know that I won't be withholding my tourist dollars based on some inane notion that I am better able than an entire nation's legal system to assess innocence or guilt based on what I read in the newspaper, or hear Ray Martin telling me.

prospector 27th May 2005 05:38

Just goes to show the power of the press.

All these instant experts know more than the professional people at the coal face??.

They are not professionals because it is Indonesian law?? that sort of statement really needs to be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Bravo Dutch Roll


What-ho Squiffy! 27th May 2005 05:53

Nobody likes seeing people go through hell like Schapelle has done. However, there should be a few points made:
  • As somebody pointed out - we AREN'T privy to all the evidence and circumstances behind the case
  • We are fed what comes out of the media - and anybody who has been involved in something that has been reported will tell you that most of it is cr@p.
  • A boogie board and flippers would not weigh very much - do you think you'd notice if your bag doubled in weight when you picked it up??
  • Everybody pleads innocent - tears come naturally to even those that are guilty. Maybe, just maybe she is a girl that made a really stupid decision to take some dope into Bali.

I'd like to see how someone would go getting sprung with 4 kg of dope going through US Customs, or UK Customs, etc etc. Such a pity that all of these "moral" people didn't pipe up when a couple of Australian citizens were being held and tortured without charge, based on supposed evidence linking them to terrorist activity. Where was our government then? Where was the moral outcry? Amazing.:mad:

hangar 9 27th May 2005 05:54

What a great idea lets trade Ray Martin for her, then we will all be happy.

tinpis 27th May 2005 06:04

What a great idea lets trade Ray Martin for her, then we will all be happy.
How about Derryn Hinch for the Bali nine AND Schappelle?

Jet_Black_Monaro 27th May 2005 06:09

I did not sit through weeks and weeks of testimony. I did not hear all the evidence. I did see Shapelle's bag on TV full of pot.

I trust that the learned Judges have been fair, because I have to. The bulk of Indonesians, as are most people in the world, are fundamentally good people.

I therefore now have to accept the fact that Shapelle is indeed guilty as she has not proven her innocence and they have "convincingly proven guilt". What a shame her life has been ruined in this way.

BTW, why hasn't Australia turned their attention to the detainees in Guantanamo Bay held now for years without charge. WITHOUT CHARGE. WITHOUT TRIAL. Perhaps because they have no tits?

Captain Can't 27th May 2005 06:15


How about Derryn Hinch for the Bali nine AND Schappelle?
why the hell would we want the 'bali 9' back here? Schapelle's case is creating a storm as no-one (as in ordinary aussie's) really knows what happened... whereas the '9' are happily brushed aside as they were caught red-handed with junk strapped to em?? (they knew the risk, and should pay the penalty - i don't think the penalty is appropriate but thats another thread in it's own)

Obiwan 27th May 2005 06:17

Three of the Bali bombers were sentenced to death by the same court. Now I'm no expert myself, but I believe the death sentence is pretty severe punishment. Now people are saying that there is no justice administered by that court! Make up your minds. Do you want to have a bet each way?
Interesting that Bashir got what, 2.5 years for murdering 200 innocent civilians and Corby gets 20 years for some pot?

nomorecatering 27th May 2005 06:17

Some of you just dont get it.

Its not a case of general opinion saying shes not guilty because she's an attractive female. The outrage is directed against the proces, which is flawed at best and currupt at worst.

If someone knowingly traffics drugs, admits to it, and is proved to have done it, then throw them to the wolves I say, with no mercy. Our standards of proof are much more strict than the developing world.

You have to be proved that you knew the drugs were there, you put them there, prior knowledge being the key. The Corby case illustrates, that while casually strolling down the beach at Kuta, someone could break into your hotel room, plant some drugs in your room, then call the cops and bingo, ur done for dealing drugs. How would you prove your innocence, afterall the drugs are in your room, therefore you must be guilty. Your're a drug dealer. How on earth do you prove your innocence.

How easy would it be to frame someone you didnt like

Keg 27th May 2005 06:49

I know a bloke who is VERY sure that she has been the victim of a stuff up!

Of course, her being able to prove that is another matter entirely. :(

DutchRoll 27th May 2005 06:51

A couple of flaws there nomorecatering:

Firstly, NOONE admits to trafficking drugs when they are sprung in a country which has harsh penalties for it. That includes Australia. The jail system of every country is full of people who maintain their innocence, including those with lengthy criminal records.

Secondly, yes it is a case of not guilty because she's an attractive female. Talkback radio, surveys, and letters columns (as unscientific as they generally are) are flooded with people who simply say 'just look at her - there is no way she could smuggle drugs'.

Thirdly, her behaviour was denoted as suspicious by customs officers both upon arriving at the terminal (hence why they went after her) and upon being challenged to open the bag. She denied it. The court took the word of the authorities over hers. The same thing would happen in any country. That's why you can't fight a speeding fine or anything else in Australia by simply saying 'the police officer is lying' and not having substantial evidence to back it up. She didn't have such evidence.

I just can't understand the Corby hysteria. Maybe she wouldn't have been found guilty here. Maybe she would have (although the penalty would undoubtedly be minimal). There is NO opinion from ANY commentators with a legal background that I've heard suggesting the judgement was in some way corrupt. On the contrary, most suggested that she did not have a strong case (and some have been abused for saying so), and that she would have to purely rely on 'reasonable doubt' being established. In the eyes of Indonesian law, it wasn't.

tinpis 27th May 2005 07:00

someone could break into your hotel room, plant some drugs in your room, then call the cops and bingo, ur done for dealing drugs.
Yup its as easy as that.
Many years of doing business in Indon all tin can say is know where youre staying and know the people youre dealing with.

gaunty 27th May 2005 07:04

Boycott??? Nah Biiiiig mistake guys by Indon terms she got off lightly.

Not one of us knows the absolute truth.

Westerners or any body for that matter do not have the right to "ignore" the facts or suggest that somehow the Indon culture and court system is inherently corrupt.

We have called for an end to corruption, the new Pres is working on it and then Corbys team asks the Pres to have it thrown out. C'mon. Corruption is not just payola.

There could not have been any other verdict. Look at it from an Indonesian point of view, young beautiful western women gets off local Indon gets the bullet. Come on thats not even Australian.

In fact I suspect the media circus and the OUR Schappelle mob including the ABC probably did more harm than good.

Bakir's call for "justice" and "whatever it takes" probably bordering on contempt and most certainly impertinent.

Howard got it exactly right, it's called respect. We respect their laws and culture they respect ours.

I don't know how plainly the countries that have the death penalty for drugs can say it.,

Is there something about death that intending druggies don't understand.

The next hazard is that the prosecution lodge an appeal against the sentence and will ry to have it upgraded.

Put your local Indon hat on and look at it in the context of how the locals get treated in the same courts and then see if you want to join the lynch or boycott mob.

Bali is not Australias private playground and an extension of the Gold Coast and we should stop behaving as if it is.

I am sure we are always welcome and ther Balinese people are special, but it is their house.
Please don't insult and embarrass them by asking for "special" treatment.:mad:

The behaviour of her supporters in court was execrable and if attempted in Australian may well have resulted in goal terms for those involved.

Oh and the few $s worth of Marijuana that the crap you get cheaper in Bali, scuse me that's why it's called Aussie Gold and brings big bucks it was worth heaps in the expat community who are the ones who pay for it, so why aren't we going after them too.

But then the Indons are so don't complain.

ace4bar's girlfriend 27th May 2005 07:11

Keg and Owen Stanley................. have a good hard look at yourselves and stop writing crap!!!!

hangar 9 27th May 2005 07:39

Owen Stanley got lost in the outback, I think you might be loosing it again.

ginjockey 27th May 2005 07:41

The media attention has done her no favours at all. I have no idea if she is guilty or innocent but the behaviour of the media has been out of all control in this case. What would be the Australian reaction if we busted an Indon in Sydney with bag full of drugs and he wanted to say that some dodgy baggage handlers at Denpasar planted it on him? How much sympathy would he get? People would be screaming for him to be shot too.

How the foreign media such as channel 9 managed to get into her cells is disgusting. Even Women's Day got into her cell for an interview for god's sake!!!

Guilty or inocent, next week the media will have forgotten her and she'll be left to shrivel away in her putrid cell as the rest of the world moves on. The sad thing is that it's a young life gone to waste regardless of who was doing the drug deal.

FYI, there are apparently 105 other aussies in Asian jails at this time, some on death row, for drug offences. They too all have their own story to tell.

Ultralights 27th May 2005 07:49

How the foreign media such as channel 9 managed to get into her cells is disgusting. Even Women's Day got into her cell for an interview for god's sake!!!
thats an easy one $$$$$$$. im sure if you bribed the prison guards, you will b given acess to her as well

Woomera 27th May 2005 08:09

This thread is going nowhere fast and wherever it is read is not doing anybody including Corby any good at all.!

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