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Sunfish 5th May 2005 22:46

My guess about what QF told the ALAEA
After reading numbskulls post, whats the betting that QF's major goal for this EBA is a "transmission of Business " Clause.

Whats the betting that the blowtorch they are applying to the Executives backside is about the movement of maintenance overseas and the threatened demise of the ALAEA itself?

Shock! Horror! Well if that happened there would be no need for an ALAEA Executive would there?

numbskull 6th May 2005 01:21

Apparently QF and the union have come to an agreement.The transmission of business clause is rumoured to have stayed and the standard 3% is also there. What else is in there is anyones guess!!

All is going to be revealed next week but the OT bans have been removed until there is a vote to accept it.

I think the agreement will be very hard for people to accept if that clause remains unless they provide some very big sweeteners(which I can't see them doing either).

The legal ramifications of any one clause are hard to understand unless you are a very good lawyer but the way I see it is that the only reason they would insist on it is to hive off engineering.

Maintenance will be carried out by the cheapest available tender.

Good luck everyone!!

Sunfish 6th May 2005 02:17

The legal ramifications Numbskull, are that Qantas is no longer liable for long service leave, sick leave, redundancy or any previously agreed employee benefits because the business has been transferred to a new owner who wears these costs.

In other words, its not as if Qantas made you redundant or anything and you were reemployed by the other business, one day you work for Qf the next day you work for ????

Son of Brake Boy 6th May 2005 03:52

Official O/T bans have been lifted, however the status quo remains as it did before the ALAEA executive decided to make official what its members had been doing for months.

Most departments are in agreeance that until they actually know what the negotiating comittee has accepted the O/T bans will stay in place unofficially.

There is a real problem amongst the guys surrounding the secretive nature of the negotiating comittee. Not even ALAEA executive members outside the comittee have been told whats in the agreement.

Beyond me what its all about. We're going to see it eventually. If the offer from the company validates an 'Agreement in Principle' surely the comittee would be proud of their achievement and thus want the members to hear about it ASAP.

Maintain the Rage

Orville 6th May 2005 07:51

Watch to Cairns being the first to go, could this be part of the in principal agreement, the sacrificial lamb so the rest live a little longer???????

sport 6th May 2005 08:17

Here is a reply that Trustee 1 gave on the ALAEA forum

While I cannot relate specifics of the "In Principal Agreement" to you until after it has been endorsed by the wider Federal Executive the negotiating committee is confident that the deal that has been struck protects the interests of the members in a diverse range of location
In diverse range of locations, but not all locations, I think you could be right Orville some one is about to be cut loose.

He also makes a statement that me thinks, they are proud of their achievement

result of the achievement of an "In Principal Agreement".
But then the members will decide... won't they!!

Do you accept gold coins or continue to be a union and support your brothers.

numbskull 6th May 2005 11:25

I also heard a rumour about Cairns as well.

It fits in with the scenario. Cairns will look after all Australian Airlines aircraft as well as QF.

I don't care what guarantees the company or the union give. If the transmission of business clause is in there it's for one reason only- to spin off engineering.

right wing 6th May 2005 12:14

Let the paranoia begin!!! Let it begin and continue to rot your nuts off, idiots.

INCOGNIT0 6th May 2005 12:27

Well Sport ,for someone who didn't give a sh!t and quote" they should take their problems to their new forum and leave us alone" you are seeming to be taking an obtrusive interest in the happenings of the engineers and the ALAEA,care to enlighten or are you just being a nosey antagonist again.

sport 6th May 2005 13:38

I will always be interested in the back door dealings of any company that suggests and profits on its commitment to being a PROUD AUSTRALIAN so what ever my affiliations may be I will always be looking over your shoulder.

Crystal Marina 6th May 2005 15:22

Here Here Right Wing I'm with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These guys have no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok: ;)

rudderless1 6th May 2005 22:00

Wrong wing, maybe the workers have seen it all to many times before. Hard to blame them for being pessimistic considering the results of these same chaps on previous EBA Committee's.

The stupid thing is the company may win their EBA but is certainly destroying any goodwill. You know, all those extras you can't put a dollar value on.

Great story on Catalyst the other night about psychopaths, aparently one in ten managers are one. They acheive their goals at all costs, have no empathy for their workers, and claim other peoples ideas as their own.


Captain.Q 6th May 2005 22:40

Case Study
Dixon would make an excellent case study!!

fordran 7th May 2005 01:23

Why won't the ALAEA tell us what they've agreed to. Cairns may be in the firing line but we don't feel to secure here in Adl. The ALAEA has a history of cutting loose the minority. We here that they've agreed to cut loose Adl, Cns, Drw and smaller bases to protect Perth Bne Syd and Mel.

Transmission of business included but only for new employees. No union has agreed to this yet and they are looking for suckers. ALAEA did us over with an 18 month wages freeze only to watch every other union walk in and accept less.

vortsa 7th May 2005 01:45

Sport If nothing else eventuates from the comments made we have two new entrants to this forum as a result ,Right Wing andRudderless 1 from their user names they are obviously from the ASN.

But any romours that are starting to perpetuate and do the rounds are at the feet of the ASN. Special meetings or even internet conferencing has been used by them before, the members are waiting and you want more time....WHY.

The longer we wait the more speculation is going to happen, be more underdstanding to the needs of the members and stop being difficult.

Mr Qantas 7th May 2005 04:23

You wayne kerrs stop pumping the hystaria into the troops with rumor and inuendo about a transision clause there is no such thing. I hope you all apolagise to the senior officials when you see them next they have worked extremely hard to win us the best deal for 10 years. Its a crefdit to there proffessionalism and pacience. The level headed approach now what do you want to complain about you getting -

3 X 3
level 14 from 1 Jan 2007
5%extra quota all grades
new entry level 4
1 point each year for Jetsmart
access to first class for lame staff

the only "pain" is the voluntery ot banking in heavy areas.

Well done ALAEA and thank you Qantas. Australia Premier airline.

Mr Chairman 7th May 2005 10:17

At this time, 3% per year is simply not good enough with the prices of property at an all time high and inflation running at about 4.5%. Three percent will not even allow you to thread water it will slowly allow you and your wage level to sink below the surface.
However it depends on the sweetener which we all heard about but at this stage it seems to be a big secret only privey to the select few. An extra level (level 14) will be of no value to the vast majority of people. Five percent extra space in the quotas, again not much good when your grade 3. Entry level gone from level 3 to 4, some good for people getting a first licence but not much good for every body else. ( level 3 was always an embarassment ) One point per year for Jetsmart, not bad but for how many years, 1, 2 , 3 ???. First class travel for LAMEs , sounds good but QF only flys First class on a minimum of flights so benefits would be little plus the majority of LAMEs on the lower grades would not be able to afford the staff travel prices.
I haven't seen the full agreement (who has) but already I would advise a large No vote unless the sweetener is alot sweeter than the above.

INCOGNIT0 7th May 2005 13:43

extra level (level 14) will be of no value to the vast majority of people
but it will benefit the likes of Mr Q and his cronies,no wonder the cheering from his corner,don't sell out for something that will only benefit the Hierarchy

Crystal Marina 7th May 2005 16:15

Well Mr Qantas now I am sure that you are full of something that has a very unpleasant smell. You do not know of what you speak but a merely a parrot that repeats what you are fed. It is obvious to me you are fed that which is normally reserved for mushrooms.

As for the rest of you, if it were not for the ALAEA most of you would not have been afforded pay rises well above 40% over the last 7 years. If anyone doubts me, do your figures. In fact most LAME's have enjoyed on average, a pay increase of almost 6% per annum since the inception of the graded pay structure on the 16th August 1997. Go out side to the real world and ask who has been afforded pay rises of this magnitude?????????

Some 20 years ago I heard an ex ALAEA official who had jumped the fence to the companys' side refer to LAME's as " Overpaid Prima Madonas". Maybe he was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am pleased to see that of the 1800 odd members in Qantas there are only a few Knuckle Heads that can't be pleased.

Rot your nut off guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok:

Kanga767 8th May 2005 03:41

Its 'Prima Donna', unless we're on a date!


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