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-   -   I don't think he likes QF... (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/162729-i-dont-think-he-likes-qf.html)

Buster Hyman 10th Feb 2005 00:05

I don't think he likes QF...
Check out this "yobbos" thoughts on QF! I wonder if he posts here?

PS. *WARNING* It's long & contains language that may be offensive to some!:rolleyes:

Lodown 10th Feb 2005 00:42

A 10 year old child could understand this. Why can’t you (Qantas)?
About says it all. They just don't get it.

Sunfish 10th Feb 2005 01:11

What concerns me is what are they skimping on in maintenance? Are corners being cut operationally to save fuel?

sling load 10th Feb 2005 01:12

Jeez, does this bloke hate the white Rat. Ive never flown Qantas international, only domestic, so i cant comment, but if i was going international id go with Singapore or Emirates for sure, Ive heard QF was bad, but this is certainly not good for them.

Icarus2001 10th Feb 2005 01:27

Hang on a minute. I am sure that QF do not need me to defend them but a large percentage of what he has written is junk. His lack of knowledge about check in staff checking passports & visas for instance.

The internet is a great tool. Unfortunately it also means that the old saying about opinions being like noses, everyone has got one, is now expanded to mean anyone can have their rant in public. No right of reply for the accused either.

Sunfish you really are taking your dislike of QF to a ridiculous level.

Keg 10th Feb 2005 01:48

lol. What a classic.

I don’t claim to know an awful lot about the airline industry...
...or much else about a few other things like Australian law regarding discrimination, safety demo's, immigration, etc, etc.

Still good for a laugh. Oh, I was laughing AT the yobbo, not with him! :} True sarcasm is an art (Michael Collins is pretty slick and I saw a pearler from Cutest of Borg on Qrewroom in recent times) but this poor bloke just doesn't have it.

Orville 10th Feb 2005 02:25

When Qantas start crewing the cabin with locals out of Singapore, this problem will be answered.
Asian girls serve to please, especially out of Singapore, they treat everybody with respect.
I think his post was fun to read, but only because I could relate to nearly all of what he said. It is a sad indictment on what Qantas once was.

Sunfish 10th Feb 2005 02:59

Icarus, I hope you are right. Most of what this guy has written is drivel, however perceptions ARE reality.

The travelling public know SFA about aviation and their perceptions are formed, not by the skill of the pilot (I guess you would have to hope NEVER by the skill of the pilot), but by the poor old ground staff and maintenance people.

If these people are not motivated to give great service, then the airline will not be perceived as giving great service.

Orville 10th Feb 2005 03:15

BC, you mean you can give even worst service than he has already described, is that possible.
It disgusts me to know that your service is bad and can be even more terrible .
You must take a lot of pride in your job.

DEFCON4 10th Feb 2005 03:30

U ain`t seen nothin`
Travel on an American carrier and you will find out what lack of service is all about.They get paid appearance money...if they do indeed appear.Yes,Yes its a generalization I know but a fairly accurate one.They make QF look fantastic!

bigfella5 10th Feb 2005 03:51

I think the guy got his point across.......albeit with the subtlety of a sledge hammer!
I have flown Q both internationally and domestically on god knows how many occasions over the last 20 odd years.
Only once did I ever get what I thought was reasonable service.
The rest of the time...attitude.
SIA, Cathay etc....exceptional service....whats the deal?

piniped 10th Feb 2005 03:56

I think that there are a few too many Qantas apologists in this forum.

The flights to and from Perth that he described are just like the ones I took a few years ago.

Seems nothing has changed, which is why I never fly on the Rat any longer.

They seriously need an attitude enema!

BC....your attitude is EXACTLY what the problem is! You seem to forget that you are in a service industry! So how about giving some!!
Those 767's should be turned into coke cans or given a serious upgrade.
Brunei seem to use the same aircraft...same 70's movie on the projector screen, but at least the cabin staff don't spit at you for daring to interrupt their hard earned breaks!

rant over...

Redstone 10th Feb 2005 04:04

Would that be the "767 Longreach" with extra leg room at the entry doors?

rescue 1 10th Feb 2005 04:43

I thought that there was some valid points amongst a lot of the rubbish. Take this info on board, investigate it and see how real it is.

Generally people don't complain - they just don't come back.

DEFCON4 10th Feb 2005 04:45

Oh C`Mon
Qantas isn`t in the service industry(used to be).Just ask Geoff...it`s transport.Passengers are just Self Loading Cargo we all know that.

schnauzer 10th Feb 2005 08:10

The bloke touches on many points where QF NEEDS to improve. Everybody knows it.

Trouble is, this farkwit comes across as one of those passengers who get on board with a mission of picking the sh1t out of everything they can see. Thus, he loses his audience and can be considered a fool.

Pity really. We need pax to complain in valid terms that management may listen to.

Oh and BTW.

Why the **** do you care about their visas? As much as you’d like to believe you are, you are not a branch of the Australian government. They have a valid passport, for ****’s sake process them and give the power trip away.
I believe that each international carrier DOES have a legal obligation not to bring in anyone not otherwise entitled, under threat of significant fine.

ratpoison 10th Feb 2005 12:16

Jeeeez if he hates QF that much, wait til he flies Emirates.

sport 10th Feb 2005 12:33

The carrier is indeed responsible for accurate documents, if the passengers papers are not complete the carrier is fined substantially and also has to wear the cost of returning the passenger to their port of departure.

Ydraw 10th Feb 2005 23:52

The bloke touches on many points where QF NEEDS to improve. Everybody knows it.

Trouble is, this farkwit comes across as one of those passengers who get on board with a mission of picking the sh1t out of everything they can see.

Thus, he loses his audience and can be considered a fool. Pity really. We need pax to complain in valid terms that management may listen to.
I don't care how I "come across". Do you really think I would waste my time complaining to Qantas management? They even spotted my post and sent a shill to argue with me.

If you reread my post, I didn't "pick the ****" out of anyone during my flight. I sat silently and took **** from the flight crew like a good little piece of cargo. Then I came home and wrote about what a terrible experience it was.

At no time did I complain to the flight crew - the attitude displayed by yourself and biscuit chucker assures everyone how much a waste of time that would have been.

Why don't you reread the comments following my post. Apart from one or two exceptions, everyone who has read it agrees that service on Qantas is terrible and only gets worse every year.

Just because I don't know the right model number of the plane I was in doesn't mean I'm an idiot. It's not really my job to know these things.

You should probably try to listen to what your customers are saying. It might mean the difference between surviving after deregulation and going broke. Not that I'd be unhappy if you guys went broke, you've sucked on the public teat for far too long already.

Sunfish 11th Feb 2005 00:10

I'm afraid this guy is authentic and it demonstrates my point about management. GD can talk all he likes about how important he is. However it is the people at the coal face who create the public perception of Qantas, not GD.

To put it another way, GD can spend zillions on advertising. One FA who scowls at a passenger (not that I've seen one do it), one seatback that won't stay upright, and that passenger is lost forever and wailing like Yobbo to anyone who will listen.

Management is actually an inverted Pyramid with GD on the bottom, not the top. One FA can destroy a customers perception of QF instantly and permanently. One Pilot or LAME can destroy the famous safety record. That my friends is power, even if it is expressed in the negative.

Buster Hyman 11th Feb 2005 00:56

:eek: OH MY GOD! HE's FOUND US!!!!!!:eek:


crystalballwannabe 11th Feb 2005 02:21


Your last post is spot on. Also one pax becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...............

schnauzer 11th Feb 2005 02:34

Apart from one single point, Ydraw, I didn't say you were wrong. Indeed, the opposite is true. I said that QF NEEDs to improve.

What I am saying is that you put your point across SOOOOOOO badly that no-one is interested in listening to you, because you clearly are a serial whinger with zero idea, and a serious chip on your shoulder.

I am saying that if you want to make your point then do so. By stating:

I don't care how I "come across".
you lose your reader straight away. They think that you are a fool.

If you reread my post, I didn't "pick the ****" out of anyone during my flight
Yes you did. It's clear you cant even remember what you have written. What was it you said about flight attendants again?

My friend, if you wish to get on here and pontificate about how right you really are, then at least get you facts straight. And they're YOUR facts, not mine.

You have zero credibility. You can't even whinge properly. :E

Oh, and by the way? I am listening. And so are most of my collegues. Despite the fact that management arent.

I think that you should go away now and fly VB with the rest of your Ugg Boot brigade.

Three Bars 11th Feb 2005 02:48


Mate, I am certainly no apologist for Qantas and I am not cabin crew, but you need to have a long look at yourself before you get 20 years in the slammer for road rage.

Lesson #1 in life is that the world is not fair. Plenty of other people have actually waited in the wrong queue - I've made it an art form. There are worse things in life than not getting a skinful at your own desired pace. Others have posted about the visa situation - many people complain endlessly over things that they know nothing about - airline passengers have made it an art form. Those that can't control themselves (usually after too many beers) sometimes end up on air rage charges and in jail. Nobody should have to work in an environment where they are attacked by yobbos who decide to use violence just becuase they've paid for an air ticket. I'd suggest you were targetted as a potential air rage case by the cabin crew on the flight you wrote about and that you were denied further service - that is the cabin crew's right and their manager's responsibility.

Lesson #2, if your image of airline cabin crew is gorgeous hosties blowing smoke up your arse about what a great guy you are while they ply you with endless alcohol - then forget it! It's not going to happen on quite a few other airlines too, I reckon. The reason for the great chickie babes in Cathay and SIA is that they pay them crap and retire them young. In Australia, there are a few things like discrimination laws that are in the way of your dream bunch of bodascious babes!

Lesson #3, if you want to change the world (or Qantas in your case) don't bitch about it on the Internet, get off your arse and do something about it by sending a letter to the company and formally complaining. You took the time to write it on the net, why not send it to the company - at least some QF ****** would have to read it. Bitching on the net won't achieve anything.

Lesson #4, treat people the way that you would like to be treated. You obviously hate Qantas, so what was your attitude when you first got on board the aircraft? Try being polite - it might get you a lot further. If your reply is that they're in a f^&king service industry, well, that's true ... but you'll get better service I'm sure if you try to be a bit nicer yourself. I have travelled a lot in business class and the number of times you hear a "please" or "thank you" or other common courtesy is EXTREMELY low. The reason why some of those QF boilers are the way they are is probably because they've been serving passengers like you for so long.

Rant over! I'm sure that you'd say it's all bullsh*t. But maybe in another 20 years or so when life has taken a real hard crack at you, you'll realise that common courtesy and consideration is the greatest gift that one human being can give to another.

Buster Hyman 11th Feb 2005 02:48


Ydraw 11th Feb 2005 03:11

What I am saying is that you put your point across SOOOOOOO badly that no-one is interested in listening to you, because you clearly are a serial whinger with zero idea, and a serious chip on your shoulder.
That's your opinion, schnauzer. It's funny how only the people who look bad as a result of my article think that I put my point across badly. Many would disagree.

The fact is that my article has been read by thousands of people - for a long time it was in the top 5 results for a google search for "Qantas". Most who have commented did indeed listen, and agreed with the sentiments expressed.

Forgive me for not being Oscar Wilde, but the purpose of my website is partly to entertain. My writing style is quite popular among over 700 visitors a day to my site.

I didn't lose any readers as a result of this article - in fact it was the most popular in the history of my site. You guys are still talking about it 15 months after the fact. That should tell you and your colleagues something.

Yes you did. It's clear you cant even remember what you have written. What was it you said about flight attendants again?
What I meant was that I did not pick on any of the flight attendants during the voyage, as one previous commentor suggested.

I think that you should go away now and fly VB with the rest of your Ugg Boot brigade.
I'm assuming you grew up in Toorak? I bet your parents are real proud of you - you serve people drinks for a living!

That's exactly the kind of attitude displayed by Qantas hosties everywhere. They look down their noses at the economy class passengers, as if they themselves are nuclear scientists or something? You're a waiter. Get over yourself!

The reason for the great chickie babes in Cathay and SIA is that they pay them crap and retire them young. In Australia, there are a few things like discrimination laws that are in the way of your dream bunch of bodascious babes!
Virgin Blue have managed to recruit attractive hostesses in spite of discrimination laws. I have written about this as well, here: http://www.gravett.org/yobbo/index.php?p=1050

Lesson #3, if you want to change the world (or Qantas in your case) don\'t bitch about it on the Internet, get off your arse and do something about it by sending a letter to the company and formally complaining. You took the time to write it on the net, why not send it to the company - at least some QF ****** would have to read it. Bitching on the net won\'t achieve anything.
I\'m not interested in improving Qantas. I\'d much rather see them go out of business. They are a dinosaur of an organisation that have only survived this far because of government regulation of the air industry. The day they go out of business, I\'m going to throw the biggest party you\'ve ever seen, and unlike Qantas, I will actually supply the drinks service I promised.

My article achieved a great deal. Not only did it bring the situation to the attention of other Australians, I also attracted the attention of Qantas public relations, who sent a shill to try and debunk my claims. His name is "Mike", you can read is efforts in the comments below my article. In addition, we enacted an unofficial boycott of Qantas. I guarantee you that result is a hell of a lot more than I would have got from writing to Qantas management.

Lesson #4, treat people the way that you would like to be treated. You obviously hate Qantas, so what was your attitude when you first got on board the aircraft? Try being polite - it might get you a lot further.
I was perfectly polite throughout the entire flight. You obviously find it hard to believe that Qantas air hostesses would be rude to customers without provocation. You must not have ridden as a customer in economy class for a long time if that is the case.

I\'d suggest you were targetted as a potential air rage case by the cabin crew on the flight
Why? Because I\'m under 30?

I fail to see why you think I\'m a candidate for air or road rage.

Despite the poor treatment I received on my flight, the most amount of fuss I kicked up was continuing to turn on the light on my seat for service despite the hostesses\' obvious wish to be left alone to do crossword puzzles. I was perfectly calm the whole time. The only time I spoke to the air crew was to ask for a drink, and I did so politely each time.

If you think asking for service consitutes the beginning of air rage, then it\'s no wonder that such incidents are increasing. I guess hostesses really do feel that anyone asking for more than the 2 provided drinks are troublemakers by default.

schnauzer 11th Feb 2005 03:42

Mmmmmm. A quick wander around your web site about sums it up.

Gutter trash, slime, filth.

No, matter of fact I'm a pilot. But that doesn't mean that I look down MY nose at FA's like you obviously do, nor do I treat them solely as sex objects like you clearly do. You are a very sad human being.

Ydraw. You are a troll with little or no respect for other human beings, unless you see them to be of benefit to yourself.

My back is turned on you.:yuk:

Howard Hughes 11th Feb 2005 04:07


Is he another incarnation of Cornholio, Kornholio, Cornholeeo?;)

Cheers, HH.


PS: Are you planning on becoming a regular member of the hang $hit on Qantas brigade?;)

Ydraw 11th Feb 2005 04:27

No, matter of fact I'm a pilot. But that doesn't mean that I look down MY nose at FA's like you obviously do, nor do I treat them solely as sex objects like you clearly do. You are a very sad human being.
I don't look down my nose at air hostesses. I just want them to stop being so bloody bitchy and do their job. I don't think that's too much to ask.

As for me being a troll, haven't we forgotten something here? It was this board that linked to ME and then started to badmouth me. I am here to defend myself, not to troll.

No matter what you think of my writing, that doesn't change the fact that there is a problem with the attitude of the air crew at Qantas. You can label me whatever you like, but the fact is that, as a pilot, you'd never be exposed to poor service because of your position. So really, you aren't even qualified to comment.

Spotlight 11th Feb 2005 04:41

Yfront. Round two and I have you ahead on points.

Buster Hyman 11th Feb 2005 04:43


Ydraw 11th Feb 2005 05:06

From another section of this board:

Cabin Crew
The other half of the airborne team who put up with the self-loading freight.
Neatly sums up the attitude we're talking about here. Without the "self-loading freight" you have to put up with, you wouldn't have jobs.

DEFCON4 11th Feb 2005 05:59

Chill Baby
Get a Sense of humour.
Not much positive about anything on your website.There is a cure for Seasonally Affected Disorder(from which you appear to suffer)....its called a Happy Box.Only too happy to purchase one for you in LHR when next I`m there.

Icarus2001 11th Feb 2005 06:10

YDRAW On one point. Let's see how VB deals with the current young, slim and groovy FAs in fifteen years time. SIA pay theirs a bonus if they leave! What will VB do?

The SQ accident at Taipai revealled that the SIA stick insects COULD NOT OPEN the emegency exits and had to be assisted by male passengers. I know who I would want dragging me out of a burning wreckage.

Ydraw 11th Feb 2005 06:34

YDRAW On one point. Let's see how VB deals with the current young, slim and groovy FAs in fifteen years time. SIA pay theirs a bonus if they leave! What will VB do?
I presume they hire them on contracts.

The SQ accident at Taipai revealled that the SIA stick insects COULD NOT OPEN the emegency exits and had to be assisted by male passengers. I know who I would want dragging me out of a burning wreckage.
You're really clutching at straws now.

Opening doors is not complex stuff. If the hosties can't do it, I'm sure someone would work it out. As happened above.

The_Cutest_of_Borg 11th Feb 2005 06:43

I really don't know why you guys persist with this.

Yobbo himself says he knows little about the industry; that is also obvious from his blog.

He has his opinion, some of it is valid, most of it isn't. I agree that the greatest problem Qantas has is the inconsistency of the service. Sometimes it is bad, often it is as good or better than most.

(Pilots passenger as well too Yobbo. I have also paxed on both SQ and Cathay and found the service was not the quantum leap on QF that some would say).

Why anyone gives any creedence to this guy, because he has a blog is beyond me. Must be the squeaky wheel syndrome.

schnauzer 11th Feb 2005 06:49

Opening doors is not complex stuff. If the hosties can't do it, I'm sure someone would work it out.
The display of ignorance is nothing short of spectacular.

I just want them to stop being so bloody bitchy and do their job
No, actually, you stated that you wanted them all out of a job. Apparently along with the rest of us.

I am here to defend myself, not to troll
OK, but apparently, we at QF are not allowed to defend OURSELVES? We just have to put up with whatever tripe you dish out?

So really, you aren't even qualified to comment
Oh yes I am. I see this every day. You think we dont travel as passengers you ignorant clown. We do far more frequently than you could ever imagine. It is a regular and frequent part of our lives. And yes, I do see what your point is. But, as has been previously pointed out to you, it is your attitude towards the entire issue that is bringing you down.

No-one is disputing the fact that QF needs some work on it's customer service sometimes.

What is in dispute is your unbelievably ignorant and abrasive attitude. You seem to think that you can talk to anyone in any fashion that you see fit. Well you arrogant fool, I'm here to tell you that you wont be tolerated. So you are now receiving some of your own invective right back again.

The other problem is that you have a few affirmative replies, and therefore you seem to think that you somehow represent the community at large? 700 hits a day is not significant. Adolf Hitler had a few followers too. Does this mean that they weren't wrong simply because they were followers?

Wrap your argument up, place it in a nice polite letter, and send it to little Geoff D. He'd love to hear from you.

Ydraw 11th Feb 2005 07:12

No, actually, you stated that you wanted them all out of a job. Apparently along with the rest of us.
I stated that I wanted Qantas to go broke.

If you're decent at your job then I'm sure you'll be able to find another job when Qantas collapses. Most of their air crew wouldn't qualify under that condition though. They aren't good at their jobs. If they were, there wouldn't be so many complaints.

(I've got no complaints with Qantas pilots, as far as I know they're the best in the world.)

DEFCON4 11th Feb 2005 07:59

Occupation Please
Mr. Ydraw.
What do you do for a crust and the commensurate renumeration attached?

Woomera 11th Feb 2005 08:54

"I really don't know why you guys persist with this."

Me neither mate.

Ydraw: “I stated that I wanted Qantas to go broke.”

Get off the idiot pills and start taking reality pills.

Why are we wasting time, effort and band width on some half baked, illiterate yobbo who thinks he knows it all about the airline industry?

Why do those who are least inclined to pay the real cost of air travel, expect to travel First Class.........? :mad:


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