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Wirraway 16th Jan 2005 13:41

Qantas 'flying into heavy weather'
Mon "The Australian"

Qantas 'flying into heavy weather'
Steve Creedy
January 17, 2005

QANTAS boss Geoff Dixon's warnings of potential calamity in the face of record profits have earned him a reputation as a man who could find a cloud for every silver lining.

In a world where many airlines are either pulling out of the financial mire or are still in it, Qantas has managed to remain fleet-footed enough to stay profitable, delivering a record $648.4 million net result in 2003-2004.

The airline still expects to better that result in 2004-2005 and is in the midst of a multi-billion-dollar aircraft replacement program as its executives earn big bonuses and it continues to grow.

Nonetheless, Dixon uses every opportunity to drive home the point that Qantas is not invincible, that it has to adapt to a changing global aviation environment and that it is not operating on a level playing field.

"People say: 'You're always doom and gloom'," he says. "Well, I don't think I'm a doom-and-gloom merchant. I think I'm a realist. This is tough, it's unrelenting, it chews people up."

The warnings about the urgent need for cost-cutting and productivity increases are not about to stop. Dixon still believes there are too many airlines, too much capacity and too many governments propping up ailing carriers.

He believes staff will need to make more changes to work practices and that, even then, more Qantas jobs and services will have to head offshore if the airline is going to compete.

His most immediate concern, however, is to head off the campaign by Singapore Airlines to get permission to fly between Australia and the US.

He argues that not only would that leave Qantas facing four Star Alliance carriers on the Pacific, it would also mean giving away valuable rights without removing some of the obstacles Qantas faces out of Singapore.

But even as he continues to warn that Qantas's future is far from assured, he has been restructuring the airline in a massive program aimed at splitting operations into separate businesses and making those units more accountable.

With the changes now under way for 18 months, the Qantas boss believes the move towards segmentation is paying off and giving management a clearer picture of how the parts contribute to the whole.

The segmentation program essentially splits Qantas Group into five airlines – Qantas international, Qantas domestic, Australian Airlines, Jetstar and QantasLink – as well as related businesses such as Qantas Catering and Qantas Holidays.

The aim, probably in the next 12 to 18 months after IT systems have been bedded down, is to have the units report their results separately.

"The general view – certainly my view – is that already it's working to the extent it's really given us a much better handle on where our costs are and much more clarity in where we should make our investments," Dixon says. "That said, I would have liked to have been able to go more quickly, but that's no one's fault, it's just a very, very big job."

The process has already thrown up some interesting results, with some business management, believed to have been performing well, now exposed as being subsidised by the other operations. An example, Dixon says, is the airline's catering unit.

"It's becoming pretty obvious to us that while catering has been vastly improved, it needs to make massive adjustments," he says. "It was and has been subsidised by the airline to a greater extent than we would have thought until we started this process. In other words, it's been charging the airline too much."

While Dixon says the aim of the exercise is not to make it easier to sell off businesses, he admits this is one side-effect. However, there are no proposals to sell units and the airline is not in discussions about any of its units.

"We're a pretty integrated airline-transport company at the moment and that's the way we're going," he says. "Certainly, when segmentation is finalised and purring along the way we want it to be, we'll make assessments on how efficient the businesses are and whether they should still be part of the Qantas Group. But I don't want to give any impression that there's anything we want to sell at this point."

One concern Dixon does have about the segmentation process is the level of collaboration between the businesses. This need for the various units to work together and underpin the performance of the group as a whole was emphasised by consultants advising on the segmentation processes.

"While I think individually the people in all the segments certainly believe in that, I'm finding that the collaboration is not quite what we basically need," he says.

"By that, I don't mean that anybody's necessarily not wanting to collaborate, but I've got a group of pretty strong individuals in all the areas and what they really want to do is just get on with it.

"And we're saying, hang on, although we're segmenting the business it is a network business and one group cannot go off and do something without ensuring that it's not going to have an adverse impact, or indeed making sure that they know what the impact is, on other segments."

Where there has been good collaboration, Dixon says, has been in the airline sectors.

He believes this is the main reason for the group's strong positioning in the domestic market and the success of Jetstar.

The decision to start up Jetstar in the face of a history of failures by other legacy carriers to establish similar offshoots raised eyebrows when it was announced and prompted predictions it would meet a similar fate.

One common worry was that it would cannibalise and compete against Qantas mainline.

Despite criticism and some teething problems, Dixon believes Jetstar has been an outstanding success and puts this down to discipline within the start-up and collaboration with Qantas mainline.

The strategy has been to make the two complementary, with Qantas focusing on higher yield routes while Jetstar focuses on marginal routes.

The main thrust of segmentation is to allow the airline to better target its investment and see where further cost-cutting and productivity increases are needed to provide an adequate return on investment.

He warns that the group will have a hard time justifying investment in those segments not prepared to boost productivity.

"Our investment decisions and our growth decisions for the various segments of the business will more and more be made on efficiencies and where we can best employ our resources," Dixon says.

Asked whether that means favouring lower-cost vehicles Australian and Jetstar ahead of Qantas airlines, he says there is no doubt Qantas will move into new markets with its low-cost carriers.

He describes Jetstar's growth potential as unlimited and believes Australian will continue to be a vehicle to service routes where Qantas cannot make a proper return or has no intention of flying.

"But our basic plan at this stage is to continue to grow in our traditional markets of the US, UK, Japan, South-East Asia and North-East Asia, provided once again we can get the costs efficiencies okay and withstand the pricing competition from Chinese carriers." The division between the five carriers has still to be worked out but Dixon says the company would be derelict not to strongly support the Qantas brand.


Three Bars 16th Jan 2005 21:24

... and see where further cost-cutting and productivity increases are needed to provide an adequate return on investment.
This is where QF's record profit is coming from ... cost-cutting and productivity increases from QF workers.

The punters are getting their cheap seats directly funded by unrelenting attacks on the conditions of QF workers. Great business we're in!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ultralights 17th Jan 2005 08:00

turning each area of the airline into a seperate business unit! eg catering, "they were charging us too much" this sound like he is setting up every section to compete and tender for their own existance, makes it a hell of a lot easier to sell everything off, or make them redundant!
soon QF will be nothing but a brand name, with no real airline behind it none of its own staff, aircraft or any real assets , just a conglomerate of seperate contracted companies serving the QF brand. it will be nothing but its executives and their pockets, serving the shareholders, of which they have a large holding!

NS Driver 17th Jan 2005 11:10

It wasn't all that long ago that the Subsiduary Business's were being applauded for their contribution to profit when the core business's were being ravaged by Iraq and SARs. There was even a positive (ever so small) that the intent was to grow the subsiduaries so they could cushion the core in the event of any other catastrophies. Sounds as though that plan has been ditched. I feel for the subsiduary business's and especially the people that work in them. These are not the front line people in their glitzy Morrisy uniforms these are the boiler room attendants in dust coats two sizes too small who live and breath Qantas but are neither recognised by the likes of Geoffooo or the glamor queens. These are the sacrificial lambs who front day in day out for not so much as a thankyou. To you guys I take my hat off. You are the true meaning of the Australian Spirit rather than Spirit of Australia

gaunty 17th Jan 2005 11:27

His most immediate concern, however, is to head off the campaign by Singapore Airlines to get permission to fly between Australia and the US.

He argues that not only would that leave Qantas facing four Star Alliance carriers on the Pacific, it would also mean giving away valuable rights without removing some of the obstacles Qantas faces out of Singapore.
I'm glad somebody is awake in the cockpit and he is dead set correct about the rest of the system being segmentalised for the purposes of defining the costs and profit centres but needing the component parts to work together.

It's the very simple sum of the parts exceeding the whole.

The world is littered with the carcasses of dinosaur airlines.

Kaptin M 17th Jan 2005 21:48

Segmentalising isn't a new idea, it happened to Singapore Airlines whilst I was there in the early to mid `90's.
The effects soon became apparent on the line, as one piece of the matrix was Engineering.
Under the new subdivisions, Engineering was shown to not be "pulling their weight", and resultantly the overall pricing structure for work done was increased.

No surprise that those in the "airline" part of the matrix now saw Engineering as an area that was costing TOO much, and that needed trimming down.
As a result, the number of MEL`s rose dramatically - to the point where one freighter was carrying in excess of 12.
It was not until that aircraft arrived in Seoul, that the Captain I was flying with discovered that 2 of the MEL's were not permissible together.
The aircraft was grounded!

Engineering will be one of the first areas to be affected under this type of segmentalising, and along with it, SAFETY.

wirgin blew 18th Jan 2005 07:43

Dixon still believes there are too many airlines, too much capacity and too many governments propping up ailing carriers.
I would have to say that QF fits into the "government propping" as evidenced by VB and REX pulling out of the CBR-SYD route.

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