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Sperm Bank 8th Dec 2004 22:05

Cactus I'm not sure why you get all emotional about Branson. His very effective method of PR is world renowned and he has made billions from it. Pilot's enmasse do not have a clue how to run an airline, engage in PR spin, promotional material or basically anything other than flying the a/c. We like to think we do but the reality is we DON'T. Thats why NO-ONE in the industry takes ANY notice of the diatribe on these forums. Some journo's have tried to make reference to prune but the public have no interest.

At least when you are whinging about Branson, we are leaving poor old dicko alone!

Don Esson 8th Dec 2004 23:01

Unfortunately, the masses believe the prat.. I think it's about time that a thinking journalist (an oxymoron?) asks or challenges the guy to put up or shut up but the bloke has the media mesmerised by his stunts and his rather deep pockets.

Yes, it is a shame that Qantas and BA don't sue him for defamation as what he is saying is surely actionable. Maybe they are working on the basis of 'give a fool enough rope' and his own words will condemn him. Sometimes silence is golden in the longer term. On the other hand, BA may be still recovering from the sobering and chastising experience of court actiion successfully initiated by RB a few years ago in the UK.

:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

QF skywalker 8th Dec 2004 23:35

media getting fed up with branson ?
Richard Branson didn't win any new friends at the Sydney Opera House yesterday, after yet another publicity stunt from the beard with teeth.

Branson held a press conference to launch Virgin Atlantic's services to Australia, but his original plans were far grander than this. We're told he wanted to be photographed on one of the famous sails but that idea was poo-pooed when it was pointed out he did not have a commercial arrangement with the Opera House.

Undeterred, his minions suggested he could walk up a red carpet laid on the front steps flanked by a couple of Virgin Atlantic hosties. That, too, got knocked back for the same reason.

So what did Branson do?

He arrived on a surf boat at the nearby Man o' War steps and, despite efforts to shepherd him through a side door, sprinted up the Opera House steps followed by camera crews who captured just the image he wanted.

"Arrogant" was one of the more polite words used to describe his behaviour.

Inside Branson was up to his old tricks, unveiling a cardboard cut-out of Qantas boss Geoff Dixon in a Virgin Atlantic hostie's outfit.

This particular stunt dates back a few years. The story goes that the press started to get a little jack of Branson's constant promises about when Virgin Atlantic would fly from London to Sydney.

Branson countered by saying if his airline was not flying to Australia this Christmas, he would don a Qantas hostie outfit and serve on a London-Australia flight.

But if he made the deadline, Dixon would be the one waiting tables on Virgin Atlantic's inaugural flight. But Dixon was having none of the stunt and was not on the airline's inaugural flight that touched down yesterday morning. "Spare me. We are running an airline, not a circus," Dixon said at the time.

AIRWAY 9th Dec 2004 17:31

Here's tha man :



PS - Lovely Aussie Sheilas :O

TIMMEEEE 9th Dec 2004 20:01

Hopefully the Australian public can see through this shameless and patronising publicity stunt.

What an insult to the average Australian!
Branson thinks we are really to believe that QF/BA are the only airlines serving Oz-UK when, in reality, there are closer to no less than 10 airlines!

No Richard, how many have flown with Singapore, Thai, Emirates or Austrian airlines to the UK just to name a few?
What do these people think of your statement when you pretend to be their de facto airfare saviour??

The media swallowed it right up but then again he pays them to!!

Now the way I see it is that Australians will vote with their hip pocket when they realise that the Virgin Atlantic fare is higher than most of the others.

Cardboard cutouts and big titted girlies are great but remember Richard, if it wasnt for Singaporeans investing in your airline it would have gone under after 9/11.

Sperm Bank 9th Dec 2004 20:50

Thank god we don't have any pilot's running this country. What a dead beat bunch of stuck up anal retentive morons we would be propogating.

Some of you guys just don't get it. No-one cares about your abstract ideologies.The MAJORITY of NORMAL ozzies like the larakin approach to life (very Australian) and thankfully do not strut around with a barge pole inserted in their anus pontificating the politically correct garbage becoming more evident these days.

Lighten up kids, the world really aint such a bad place.

Cactus Jack 9th Dec 2004 22:29

Spermy, gotta pull you up there mate, I'm sorry.

First, abstract ideology? OK, well, lets try this for abstract. Branson insinuates that there are only two airlines flying this route and they are colluding. The sole reason he is saying this is to line his own pockets. Who really is abstract here? Those who believe in the truth, or those who bend and twist the truth, even lie, for their own greed.

Whilst the MAJORITY of ozzies love the larakinism, they also require the truth. And Dickie ain't telling it like it is.

Now, I couldn't care less if he throws himself out of a helicopter, or even if he gets on my TV and grins at me. But when he starts telling big porkie pies for his own self gain and at the expense of others, I get cranky with him.

But like you say, Spermy, the world aint such a bad place!:ok:

regitaekilthgiwt 9th Dec 2004 23:11

Good to see the airplane they used for the picture already has paint pealing off the leading edge of the tail....

mind u it took me a while to notice as I was distracted by those two lovely sets of tits....

ps whoever came up with the name the beard with teeth, that is fantastic – I love it!

Mr.Buzzy 10th Dec 2004 00:08

Thank god we don't have any pilot's running this country. What a dead beat bunch of stuck up anal retentive morons we would be propogating.
Here here!!!!!!!!!!!!:ok: :ok: :ok:


Al E. Vator 10th Dec 2004 00:12

What a bunch of whining little girls.

Branson a fool? I could be so foolish! Free publicity in front of the opera house...great. Two gorgeous girls on an A340 wing...sign me up!

Peed myself laughing at your pious views at Bransons' 'outlandish' behaviour. Shock horror...what will the rogue do next.

And to the wally who asked if staff were embarrased at working for such a fool....do you not see the irony in your statement (i.e. they would not be working for Virgin in the first place if it wasn't for the fool).

It's fantastic he doesn't conform to your anal views that a CEO should be black suit wearing, dull and ever so serious. Dixons' spoilsport comments made me laugh even more.

If I were Branson, I would have 'accidentally' ripped the F/A uniform off the Dixon cardboard cut-out to reveal him dressed in B&D gear.

The howls or righteous indignation from the PPRune armchair experts would keep me chuckling for hours.

Anyhow, back to the show.............

Groaner 10th Dec 2004 00:46

Why do people think there is no collusion?

Doesn't take much searching to find references to the Joint Services Agreement...

Whilst there are plenty of airlines flying between the end ports (as QF would point out), the jointly-managed QF-BA service has the greatest market share (and share of departures - and that is a particular benefit to the business-class travellers).

Animalclub 10th Dec 2004 01:55

Regit ... there is/was a certain helicopter man in PNG with a head like a billiard ball who was named Egg with Teeth by one James Moresby!!! A great name (egg I mean!!).

DJ737 10th Dec 2004 06:44

SRB is technically correct BA, QF & now VS are the only airlines operating direct services between UK and AUS.

All other airlines serving both the UK and AUS are not direct flights, they are connections at an intermediate port, requiring a change of flight number and mostly a change of aircraft as well.


The Roo Rooter :E :ok:

Eastwest Loco 10th Dec 2004 06:56

Groaner and others

There is indeed fare collusion between QFand BA, as here must be when 2 airlines have an interchange agreement with each other and code share on each other's aeroplanes.

It simply wouldnt work otherwise,and no - you can't compare SQ/LH and others as LH doesn't run it'sown metal beyond Asia.

As for one stop carriers between Australia and Europe, try Cathay, Emirates, JAL, Thai, Singapore, Asiana, EVA Air, Korean, Malaysia, Virgin Atlantic, United, South African and I am sure I have missed a few. There are numerous 2 stoppers as well with the likes of Austrian and Guld spinging to mind.

In many cases QF/BA price themselves out of the traffic, so the playing field is VERY even.

VS need to simplify their product delivery mechanism to nsure good use by Aussies, if and it is a big if they want the Aussie dollar based fares onboard at all. If they can fill their aeroplanes with fares based in Pounds or Euros, then they will make more money by far. Fares are origon specific, and what the market will bear.

Best regards


Wirraway 10th Dec 2004 07:36

Fri "The Guardian" (London)

Surfboards and celebrities don't guarantee a profit
Sydney sceptical over Virgin's new route

Friday December 10, 2004
The Guardian

It was a typically subtle and low-key appearance by Britain's best known entrepreneur. Dangling beneath a helicopter, Sir Richard Branson swooped over Sydney's Bondi Bay yesterday and leapt into a longboat, which was rowed ashore by a crew of bronzed musclemen under the bemused gaze of local sunbathers.
The indefatigable Virgin boss is in Australia to launch Virgin Atlantic's daily service from London. Such was his pride in tackling the one-stop "kangaroo route" that his octogenarian parents joined him on the inaugural flight.

On arrival in Sydney, Sir Richard was accompanied down the aircraft steps by a bevvy of beachwear models clutching surfboards. He was met on the tarmac by a troupe of Aboriginal dancers performing a welcoming ritual.

The British press pack, including this newspaper, were invited to festivities that culminated last night in a party for 2,000 guests scheduled to be attended by Natalie Imbruglia, half the cast of Neighbours and assorted "I'm a Celebrity" jungle survivors.

Not everybody, however, was impressed. The Sydney Morning Herald declared that Virgin had flown in "on a whinge", reporting derogatory remarks by Sir Richard about alleged price collusion by British Airways and Qantas.

Sydney's financial community is nursing bruises from last year's A$2.3bn (£900m) flotation of Virgin Blue, the domestic carrier in which Virgin has a 25% share. Listed at A$2.25, Virgin Blue issued an embarrassing warning in August that its earnings were a fifth below forecasts owing to the high price of fuel and fierce price competition. The stock fell as low as A$1.64 and yesterday was still below its flotation price at A$2.01.

This week's inaugural antics by Virgin Atlantic have included a claim that the cost of international tickets could fall by 30% in a fares war. A Sydney-based transport analyst at JP Morgan questioned its power as a price-setter, pointing out that Virgin is a bit-part player with just a single flight a day on a route flown by more than 15 carriers.

Allegations by Sir Richard that consumers are being "ripped off" by a co-operation deal between BA and Qantas have been roundly rejected by the Australian authorities, which ruled that prices have been falling, with little evidence of uncompetitive behaviour.

Sir Richard wants to expand his aviation empire by forming joint-venture carriers in the US, Africa, India and China. That will be good news for models, party organisers, helicopter firms and pop stars. But can he provide the financial returns that external investors want? The master of publicity is yet to win over all the sceptics.


Cactus Jack 10th Dec 2004 21:27

And to the wally who asked if staff were embarrased at working for such a fool....do you not see the irony in your statement (i.e. they would not be working for Virgin in the first place if it wasn't for the fool).
Yup, Al. We should all be thanking the bearded grin for introducing sh1t pay and conditions, too! Who is the wally? Do you not see the irony in YOUR statement? You honestly think that VB employees should be thanking Mr Branson? Geez.....

AIRWAY 10th Dec 2004 21:52

Maybe Ryanair will do better than Branson...

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