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Capn Bloggs 26th Sep 2004 02:26

Skywest To Get DeathStars!
Rumour has it the recently-appeared A320 stop bars at regional airports aren't for JetStar, they're for Skywest! WHAT ARE SCOTT AND JOANNA UP TO??

Airspeed Ambassador 26th Sep 2004 04:34

Bloggs, which regional airports are they appearing at?

My money would still be on Jetstar.

I think WA will also see some more red 737's in the years ahead.


HOBAY 3 26th Sep 2004 05:36

Rumour has it the recently-appeared A320 stop bars at regional airports aren't for JetStar, they're for Skywest!
Kind of takes me back 2 years when there were rumours of SQ starting domestic ops in Australia. Reffering to:


and the wonderful post by ftrplt (about 3/4 of the way down page1):

I can just see the SQ board at the meeting to decide if they are going to go ahead with a domestic airline;

"right gentlemen, its agreed that we will start and we will push for about 6 months from now"

"does anyone have any final questions?"

"yes, we better make sure that we get some stop lines painted at Sydney airport right away, its the most important thing we have to do and we cant go any further until thats done"

"great point, I would not have thought of that. A hearty bonus coming your way"
:D :D :D

itchybum 26th Sep 2004 05:56

My sister works at J*. Apparently the pilots are "fighting over" a basings opportunity in Perth. She thinks they will be running an ad for hosties in the West Aussie in Oct.

Eastwest Loco 26th Sep 2004 13:00

Methinks the sleeping Lion to our North waketh and eyes a possible full service gold mine.

Bring it awn!!!!!


Dehavillanddriver 26th Sep 2004 13:29

I can't see Singapore starting a new operation here full service or not.

Despite their past record of chucking away perfectly good money, I don't think that they would be that dopey to think that they can enter the market here and make money in any reasonable time frame.

Capn Bloggs 26th Sep 2004 14:30

Apparently the pilots are "fighting over" a basings opportunity in Perth
Seniority rules, OK? Alphabetical!

itchybum 26th Sep 2004 14:55

EWL that's not like you. Local profits/services or foreign?

I thought you were "true-blue (whatever that really means)?

Ansett falling over (3 years ago) is no reason to go "postal".......


Watchdog 26th Sep 2004 21:20

Itchybum...your data on J* basings is inaccurate...no such have been advertised or even rumoured!

gaunty 26th Sep 2004 23:48

So the crop circles that turned up in the grass next to RWY 21 at Perth mean that Mr Vader is planning to introduce direct services to Kashyyk instead of having to connect through Tasmania. Bring it on I say. ;)

Eastwest Loco 27th Sep 2004 09:27

Aahhhhh Itchy - if only!!!

The days are gone when home grown Aussies ran Airlines with a history and a culture and still really called Australia home.

Sure, the Rat is still Aussie in name but I received a Debit Memo several weeks ago from them for an uncollected tax - postmarked Surrey in the UK.

They want to be an Australian airline but would rather outsource labour overseas to save a buck.

I am indeed "true blue" but canot see the dollars coming forth to fund a real competitor to the incumbents from the local scene. I so hope I am wrong.

If Singapore money leaps in behind Skywest, then I will be more than happy to help wind back the clock to a gentler time, providing they take care of their people in a manner to which we used to be accustomed and that was fair and reasonable.

Hell - I still have the full East coast aeroplane utilization scedule locked in the back of my head in the "usefull box" and can roll it out in moments. I would be pleased to share. Wanting the Tasmanian ground handling contracts would be a bonus too, but I want back into the industry - not the one that I left but the one that left me.

Eenie Weenie's former little cousin would be the absolutely perfect vector to return to some logic in out skies.

Make it so - anyone!! Singapore - come on down!

Best regards



HAMO 27th Sep 2004 10:29


Agree with you that Eenie Weenie was a great airline, and I can totally understand how proud you are of your involvement with them. Know what is like working for a small airline that you put your whole effort into ..

My question to you (and this is not having a go at you), is how would an operational plan that is 10+ years old, together with the full service concept stack up in todays market, esp with increased competition and much lower margins.

Seriously interested in how you would see it working



Eastwest Loco 27th Sep 2004 11:00

Hamo - no offence was intended and none was taken mate.

It is quite simple. The required and most attractive times for flights has not changed over the last 30 years.

The early flights ex Tas feeding into the mainalnd market, which in turn become holiday market time slots ex Sydney and on Northwards. The reverse is also true with southbound timings.

Originating early ex MEL and SYD are there to serve the business market and their oncarriage serves the leisure market from downline ports.

The highest yield is the originating flights and the RON aeroplanes. The icing on the cake is the oncarriage - normally 25% or more on the business hours flights. It just seals the deal.

The plan was right at the time, and worked well. It would still work brilliantly now, with a little "flying around the edges" of the incumbents. It aint that hard, particularly with one of them alienating most of their clients with Eurocrap service.

If you are interested, you can call me at any time on 0419 323989 or business hours ( Tas time) 1800 067207.

I did have a hand in EW scheduling and in cohorts with Nifty Nev Maguire was responsible for the HBA DPO SYD OOL BNE CNS EW74/75 service. Only asked for an F27 once a week - and wound up with a daily and sometimes twice daily F28 service.

Best regards



Having read further, (my apologies) on the full service side of things, punters are flying into DPO on QFlink rather than fly the cattle truck to LST in their droves. There are so many disgruntled psgrs out there it is scary. They will hit DPO and drive rather than fly Jetstar, simply to be treated as a human. Start there sales run from here.

The Eurocrap theory is suited to intending Firefly Bus passengers and the human detrius we load onto the Melbourne bound Spirits of Tasmania. there are a great number of well heeled prospective passengers out there that mourn the loss of Ansett and East West who would be only too happy to throw their hats in the ring and embrace a new airline. All Y class is fine - just full service. It is not expensive to deliver good munchies.

We need to take Australian domestic aviation back to what the punters want, at a decent but not ridiculously low or high price.

It aint that hard.



commander adama 27th Sep 2004 11:52


Amazing Q or Virgin don't use you since you know far more than the big 2 combined or anyone else out there. Maybe you should start an airline yourself.

Eastwest Loco 27th Sep 2004 12:24


I am not good at many things in this life, but scheduling and aeroplane utililisation were some of the things that dwell in my "idiot savant" brain areas.

I do not appreciate the barbed approach you took to replying to this thread, but hell - what can I do.

The crew I trained from scratch at DPO airport were second to none, and I will not take a backward step in claiming to be the best of the best at what I did and that goes for my crew too. I have left my mark on current Airlines in ways that are invisible but evident if one knows.

Maybe one day you will be able to say that with conviction about yourself and your career adama.

I do hope you will be able to. Otherwise your passing through the industry will truly be irrelevant.


commander adama 27th Sep 2004 22:36


No pronged attack on yourself. I am asking why and how 2 companies would not see what you seem to be able to see and make even more money on East Coast routes. Times have changed and do you really believe you possess this unfound knowledge soley.

I do hope you will be able to. Otherwise your passing through the industry will truly be irrelevant
Yes I do. Just one of manyl doing his job. I enjoy the industry and do know I am nothing but a dime in a dozen.

Sperm Bank 27th Sep 2004 23:58

Most of us can't afford the luxury of dwelling on a by-gone era. Being in the 21st century requires a forward looking approach. I can not think of too many businesses off the top of my head who wallow in yesteryear and make money from it. The current situation is far from perfect but the FACT remains, air travel in Australia is now more affordable and more accesible than it EVER has been. No longer the domain of the elite middle and upper classes. The general population is now able to fly, and while that may upset some of the purests in our community, the MAJORITY just get on with the job of delivering a affordable quality product.

The times are changing. The choice is to grasp the opportunities as they are presented, or day dream about outdated, expensive and elitist garbage from days gone by. QF and DJ profits are testimony to the succes of new business models. As I say we may not like it (and there are some parts I find deplorable), but the fact remains these companies are now doing it better and cheaper than ever before.

Eastwest Loco 28th Sep 2004 02:14

Sorry adama

I bit far too quickly, and was too bull headed to properly read before I replied.

Please accept my apologies for the overreaction.

Best regards



Stick Pusher 28th Sep 2004 05:04

We again move WAY WAY off the post topic. I'll just to try and steer it back, XR is full service.....:ok:

Eastwest Loco 28th Sep 2004 10:15

adama - I have bleeding well done it again!! Not read properly.

Now I have (other thinks on mind and a recalcitrant Sabre system that doesnt ant to talk to AO or anybody else at the moment.

The small port schedules, and lower volume utilisation is well known - by people mostly now out of the industry completely.The art of utilizing bugsmashers feeding small medium jets- mini hubbing - maximizing a small fleet effectively and making dollars has fallen into history. Even DJ is not effectively hubbing as they are using their own Euro model with only passing and incomplete acceptance of what they call "open jaw" trips. These we would call multi sector. They cannot handle reservations beyond 2 sectors, but that is one more than Jetstar.

There is no doubt the info is out there regarding East coast scheduling for a smaller incumbent, but getting hold of it would be the poblem. I was simply offering up this knowledge as we need a new full service incumbent - badly. A lot of the information has been lost in the post '89 period, and what remained was decimated by the restructures after Ansett's demise.

It is still about though. All I would need is a plan of ports to be serviced, equipment used and aeroplane numbers along with block times by sector and away we go.

Best regards


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