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Capcom 8th Jun 2004 13:31

OzNAS E+ or D- or whatever the f__k it is
The latest machination is some crap called VRA (VFR Radio Area or similar)

In short, it is mandatory VFR radio in E area’s (No talk and response, No entry!)

Better than VFR not talking at all but.....

- Can anyone tell me how this fits with ICAO classifications?
- Can anyone tell me what the responsibilities are for pilots and ATC's and how they will be applied?
- Can anyone tell me why this is appropriate when it is basically D with broadcasts but without VFR clearances (Political garbage) yet an expectation of an Air Traffic Control Service being provided between VFR and IFR?

Don’t bother, I and others know the answers!

Happy to provide the services to VFR as we have in the past for FREE. But, give us (ATC) the correct tools (Clearances in D or C) we need to provide the services!. This is a legal issue for all of us!:mad:

Think long and hard you warriors ready to appease Smith with “E that ain’t”. You are setting yourselves and ATS up for a big fall! (Remember 4BC..!):*

I ain’t gunna spell it out again and again, work it out you lot!

Dick Smith said in another thread:-

posted 8th June 2004 07:00

Chris Higgins, yes, I would be delighted to come to a meeting at the Airport Hilton. You organise it and I’ll be there. I’m happy to listen to all of the advice and criticism to see if we can all get together to do something to help improve aviation in Australia.
My bolding

:yuk: Bollocks, you have proven here and to ATC's and Pilots in direct communication time and time again that you are incapable of listening, amending or accepting when you are WRONG!


Best of luck!

We have tried, tantamount to smashing your melon into a brick wall!:hmm:

Edited to correct p1ss poor syntax

Chris Higgins 9th Jun 2004 09:59

Possible dates
For those of you who have been following, I have proposed that some people who feel strongly enough about these matters to discuss them in an open forum sometime soon in Sydney.

I think that the Airport Hilton is a good choice, but will check into this. I am off from June 15 through July 8th and then again from August 7 through 14th. To be honest, I think that this has the potential of doing some real good if we can bring together some opposing views in a professional and dignified manner, and look forward, not live in the past with old disputes.

August might actually be better, to give us some time to get organised.

I am off to Burlington, Vermont right now, so it could be a couple of days before I get back to this. In the meantime, I would like to hear some posts about a good date to get together and who we could invite to this discussion.

All the best!

Fly safe.




[email protected]

Creampuff 9th Jun 2004 11:22

I think you might be on to something Chris.

Here’s an idea: How’s about we all agree to get Airservices to consult with government, commercial, industrial, consumer and other relevant bodies and organisations (including ICAO and bodies representing the aviation industry), before making airspace management decisions.

But hang on a sec’, Airservices is already obliged to do that.

How’s about this one: We all agree to get Airservices to declare classes of airspace in accordance with Annex 11 to the Chicago Convention.

But hang on a sec’, Airservices is already obliged to do that.

Here’s my best shot: we get people with some integrity to manage airspace.

Oh well – it was worth a try.

Bendo 9th Jun 2004 13:14

Sounds great
Fantastic idea, Chris; make sure you manage the media aspect because unless the pollies have something to lose they won't come over to your side.

I am in for open heart surgery on 18 June so can't be there but I will be following your progress, via the electronic media, intently.

Best of luck:ok:


Back flying within 10 weeks, I hope.

Chris Higgins 9th Jun 2004 17:43

Good Luck to you, Mate! Hope all goes well with the op.

tobzalp 9th Jun 2004 22:44

And I am having a meeting in my treehouse next Thursday to try and roll back these silly speed limits. I can see absolutely nothing that can be achieved from a non official meeting without representation by the people authorised to make any changes OR without qualified members of all sides. It will be all about Dick trying to brain wash other like he has obviously done to you they way you come jumping to his defence in typical schoolyard fashion. Count me out. I am bashing bamboo under my finger nails that day.

Chris Higgins 9th Jun 2004 23:16

Actually Todzalp, we were wanting you for part of the half-time show to dance with the travelling cheerleader troupe I was organizing. Sorry, I'll cancel your reservation.

Where do I send the extra bamboo to? Complimentary of course!

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