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Hudson 27th May 2004 12:10

My next door neighbour is a labourer on a building site in Melbourne CBD. He works around 35 hours a week and earns $75,000 a year. Beats being a grade 3 instructor hanging around the phone for 20 hours a month at $40? per hour. The labourer doesn't have to wear all those fancy gold stripes and big watch and wings, either.

swh 27th May 2004 13:19

A defense barrister was cross-examining a police officer during a trial - it went like this:

Q. Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?
A. No sir, but I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender running several blocks away.

Q. Officer, who provided this description?
A. The officer who responded to the scene.

Q. A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?
A. Yes sir....with my life.

Q. With your life? Let me ask you this then officer, do you have a room where you change your clothes in preparation for your daily
A. Yes sir, we do.

Q. And do you have a locker in that room?
A. Yes sir, I do.

Q. And do you have a lock on your locker?
A. Yes sir.

Q. Now why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow officers with your life, that you find it necessary to lock your locker in a room you share with those same officers?
A. You see sir, we share the building with the entire court complex and sometimes solicitors have been known to walk through that room.

Animalclub 27th May 2004 13:58

Similarly - when I worked for a transport company my boss said "We trust these so and so drivers with a rig worth more than a quarter of a million dollars yet I wouldn't lend them five bucks". My boss didn't swear.

The Voice 28th May 2004 01:23


What a crack up .. but it's the truth!

McRippy 28th May 2004 07:35

Those who can do those who cant teach, so teachers should be at 100 because they are just wanabe lawyers, pollies, doctors etc

Transition Layer 28th May 2004 07:54


For starters, I'm sure most teachers would have much better punctuation compared to what you've just showed us.

Whats the difference between Teachers and Instructors anyway? At least Teachers have a united front with the guts to stand up and demand more pay. Does your theory hold true about Instructors?

In the past, many teachers were offered full scholarships to attend university to become teachers, and gained HSC (or equivalent) marks which could have enabled them to become lawyers. They chose teaching as it was a respected occupation then and was paid accordingly.

Pull your head in mate!

TL (son of two teachers and proud of it!)

lame 28th May 2004 08:02

Yes, some people really need to visit my thread on punctuation, and take the test.... ;) :D

McRippy 28th May 2004 08:14

my theory is if you could be a lawyer, as alot of teachers are proud to tell people then why didnt they do it. and dont give the bull dung reply that my teacher used to say "it costs alot of money to do a law degree" because if i was going into a job that earnt that sort of money i dont think a 40 g education loan would be that big a deal. instructors are instructors because they either like it better then charter or it is the only job they can get but the main goal for the majority of pilots is to move onto bigger and better things. not many instructors would be happy to just be a G3 instructor the rest of thier lives, sure if pilots showed a united front the conditions may change but when pilots keep cutting under each other then they are the ones to blame. as if an employer is going to knock a guy back who offers his a$$ hole for free and has the exact same pilot skills as a guy who will only fly for the award, get real. i believe the farkwits who fly for free should be openly named on pprune.

Transition Layer 28th May 2004 08:51


I think you have missed my point. What I was trying to say is that 30 odd years ago, lawyers and teachers were both viewed by the public as being noble professions and were remunerated accordingly.

Between then and now, something has changed to the point where Teachers are viewed in the manner you've mentioned. Why or how, I'm not really sure, but my point is that when senior teachers began their careers they were on par with many other professionals.

As for the instructors comparison, I was simply referring to your statement of "those who can't, teach". Having done some time in both charter and instructing, I can safely say I find instructing much more challenging than hitting "Go-To" in a GPS. Don't get me wrong, some days in charter are bloody hard work, but day in day out, instructing requires a lot more attention! My opinion anyway!


Pinky the pilot 28th May 2004 08:53

Oi Woomera; What do you have when you have 100 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand on a beach?:E

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

Not enough bloody sand!!!! :{


McRippy 28th May 2004 08:58

i also believe that it has changed over the years and i think it is because of the point i raised that it is easier to just do a teaching degree and sit back and relaxe with the 10 weeks of holidays

grrowler 28th May 2004 09:28

McRIppy, you are an idiot mate!

I could've studied law if I wanted to, but have never had any desire to - I couldn't think of many things more dull. Likewise, there are many other careers I could have pursued that would have found me in a better financial position today. However I chose aviation because it was/ is my passion.

Believe it or not, some people choose their careers for reasons other than remuneration or status.

I totally agree that there are many instructing for the wrong reasons, likewise I agree that people who offer to work for nothing are c**ts, but the rest of your argument is crap.

If you're chasing the big $, then I would have thought someone of your intellect would have figured out it's not in aviation, so why not do something else (why not try teaching? ;) )

TL, talking yourself up again, I think you need to be sent back to the crack for a little R&R:ok:

Kanga767 28th May 2004 09:48


Easy on the Teachers eh? I'm married to one, and the urban myth about 10 weeks off a year is just that.

With todays legal Bullsh*t, it takes her 4 weeks after school every night just to write 30 reports, not to mention how cranky she comes home after dealing all day with spoilt brats from the top 5 professions families.......

BTW, I wanna know where the LAME ranks??!!


Cactus Jack 28th May 2004 09:50

Unfortunately, and this is a generalisation, but Teachers these days seem to be left wing hippies who want to teach our 7 year old children that not only is it normal to be gay, but in fact it's encouraged!

No wonder the arse has dropped out of their pay and status.

Kanga767 28th May 2004 09:58

Mrs Kanga a hippie?

She can fillet a Barramundi, bait her own hook, back the boat trailer down the ramp and tie a mud crab.

and she doesn't teach year 7......


lame 28th May 2004 10:48

Where does the LAME rank you ask?

That list is only the normal everyday professions ;)

"Ode to the Engineer"

The Airline Transport rated pilot;

Leaps buildings in a single bound.
Is more powerful than Concorde. Is faster than a speeding bullet.
Walks on water. And discusses policy with God.

The Multi-Engine rated pilot;

Leaps short buildings in a single bound.
Is more powerful than a Boeing 767.
Is as fast as a speeding bullet.
Walks on water on a calm day. And talks to God.

The Instrument rated pilot;

Leaps short buildings with a running start and a favorable wind.
Is almost as powerful as a Boeing 737-200.
Nearly as fast as a speeding bullet.
Walks on the water of a deep puddle. And talks to God if specifically requested.

The Commercial rated pilot;

Leaves fingernail scratch marks at the top when trying to leap a short building.
Loses a tug of war with a BAE 125.
Can fire a speeding bullet. Swims well. And is occasionally addressed by God.

The Private pilot;

Rarely clears a Scout camp tent.
Is run over by a single engined aircraft.
Sometimes recognizes a speeding bullet.
Can dog-paddle. And talks to animals.

The Soloed student pilot;

Runs into buildings.
Recognizes a Cessna 172 two out of three times.
Has never seen a speeding bullet.
Can stay afloat under instruction. And talks to the wall.

The Non-Soloed student pilot;

Trips over door sills on entering buildings.
Says "Gosh, look at the airplanes" a lot.
Does not know what a bullet is.
Only stands in the shallow end. And mumbles to himself.

The Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer;

Lifts buildings and walks under them.
Kicks aircraft out of hangars.
Catches speeding bullets in his teeth and chews them.
Freezes water with a single glance. And talks to every body.

The Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer IS God.


Argus 29th May 2004 05:38


With todays legal Bullsh*t, it takes her 4 weeks after school every night just to write 30 reports, not to mention how cranky she comes home after dealing all day with spoilt brats from the top 5 professions families.......
As previously noted by Wizofoz on another thread, it’s amazing how many supposedly educated pilots can’t put together a comprehensible sentence in English!

(Have another go lad!)

Does she need a course in time management? Or is it all merely a consequence of teaching the offspring of:

1. Ambulance officers;
2. Firefighters;
3. Pilots;
4. Nurses;
5. Pharmacists.

McRippy 29th May 2004 06:20

spoilt kids of fire fighters, ambos, nurses and the grade 2 instructor is there such a thing? if she comes home cranky all the time she might not like her job, shock horror alot of people hate their job but they just put up with it. she just sounds like a .....

lame 29th May 2004 07:16


I tried to answer your PM, but it says your mailbox is full. :(

Yes, it is good. ;)

Best regards,


Argus 29th May 2004 07:20

'In Box' now clear.


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