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-   -   Anti-ATC hacking pprune? (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/131294-anti-atc-hacking-pprune.html)

Duff Man 23rd May 2004 04:22

Anti-ATC hacking pprune?
I notice that a certain controversial anti-Australian-ATC website, which will not be named here to avoid giving it undue publicity, has configured its server to reject/redirect specified IPs ... HOW did this jerk work out which IPs to ban? Has pprune been compromised?

If you find out you've been "Clearance not availabled... remain OCTA" blacklisted, access via a proxy server. Or better still, don't waste your time!

itchybum 23rd May 2004 05:33

...which website?
give us a hint...

tobzalp 23rd May 2004 06:50

I note that my home machine now gets this as well. I must ask though what fun is there in having a site such as that if the target cannot see it to feel the pain? Come on Max, let us all see again, it is ace.

Woomera 23rd May 2004 06:51

Technically it is not possible to track IPs from PPRuNe as they are not "live".
That is they are recordd but not accesible with normal commercial IP tracking.
I will copy this to admin for their attention, because if they are hacking then what they are doing is illegal.


tobzalp 23rd May 2004 07:13

Snarek claims that he could do it and was banned for it. I assume this person used the same method.

It is not hard

(note the following does not record your info but is just a demonstration of how easy this can be. This does not use the pprune site whatsoever nor does it harm your machine. Delete this if you want W)


karrank 23rd May 2004 11:09

Yes, its nice to know your hated. Gee, I must have knocked back a VFR clearance at least, um, about, um... Hey I don't think I ever have. The odd no-plan guy has taxed me untill he got real close but.

swh 23rd May 2004 14:53

Duff Man,

Its not hard to filter IP's, and its not hard to work out which IP's, ISP's to filter if one wishes to do so.

Every time you ask your machine to connect to a web site, you are giving your machine permission to store your IP address on that remote server, a system admin person can then look at these IPs and automatically or manually add them to a filter list.

"Has pprune been compromised?"....No way

If one had a domain they wish to block, it is easy to also to configure the server to filter all IP's from a domain.....eg
ALL ADDR IN airservices.gov.au

:hmm: :bored: :ok:

itchybum 23rd May 2004 15:53

Duffman............. :ok:

Looks like a load of shiite.

Duff Man 23rd May 2004 23:00

Shyte indeed, itchybum!

My reason for suspecting interfernce with pprune was that what reason would Max have for banning my IP or ISP except that I'd posted on pprune (now deleted) derogatory comments about his website? I'd certainly done nothing else except view his website... so why would he pick certain visitors to ban?

Was it bait? Some kind of wind-up? Blagh it's crap anyway let's forget this and let the thread drift quietly into oblivion.


tobzalp 24th May 2004 22:47

Sure thing Max. Let's all practice. VH-BAC, Remain Outside Controlled Airspace, Clearance not Available.:ok:

From reading the AGA Forum, I apparently have already 'illegally' denied Kerans a clearance and am lucky that I was not outed!!! Lets see you back that one up Andrew.

The concern is that idiots like you actually believe your own bull****. There would not be one ATC who would deny a clearance without a reason. Often that reason is some Tery Towling has rocked up 3 miles from the boundary and is wanting some rediculous direct clearance across arrival routes with no flight plan. Of course you are going to be told to remain outside. Here is a little lesson from me to you. File a plan, call with plenty of time before CTA (20nm is a good idea) and give some thought to other airspace users with what it is you want and I reckon you will get that clearance.

You say you want equal access? You get it. What you don't get is rediculous tracking requests and nor do 'uniformed 747 Captains'. There are route structures put into place to segregate traffic and to facilitate expediency. Try doing a bit of research as to where the aircraft that are getting clearances file and follow their lead. You amatuers (and I don't refer to pilots of aircraft who are not paid) are tainted with your own brush. It is time you all stfu and realise that your bleating does nothing other than further damage you already shakey reputation.

I wonder if this 'mystical' person smells anything other than their own underpants other than fuel types seeing as that is where thier/his/its head is?

Thankfully some of this NAS stupidity is rolling back at long last.

blueloo 24th May 2004 22:56

So which is the website in question? is it the bindook website or another we are talking about?


bbwb 25th May 2004 06:31

Sorry you think that Tobzalp. Let me give you an example. Flight Plan Filed, 10+ Miles from the CTA boundary, no intention to cross a STAR or a SID route, outside of peak time... and still one of you jokers keep me holding for over 25 minutes while you "find" my flight plan!!!! One of you guys explain that one away!!!


VH BAC is only one of the aircraft I fly. Darned if I'll let you find out about any others!!!

tobzalp 25th May 2004 07:01

But hang on bbwb. That is not your web site but your mate's is it not. Geez, amazing how you have exactly the same :{ view points isn't it. Are you telling me that an ATC made you go around in circles for 25 minutes OCTA while they found your flight plan? 25 minutes? And you did just that? Held? :hmm: I think someone is exagerating just a touch. But then again I am sure that you 'believe' everything you say and 'were told' of other instances and 'it is obvious' that ATC are out to get you. Sound like anyone else we know? :yuk:

I meant to add this morning, but I was too busy bashing bamboo under my fingers but now I have finished, so I ask you why would you go to all the trouble to make a site to 'keep the bastards honest' but have all of the 'bastards' blocked from the content that will keep them honest? Hmmmm? :zzz: :zzz:

Keep on truck'n

KLN94 25th May 2004 08:37

Maybe they are harvesting the IP addresses from another web site you ATC guys visit...?

Woomera 26th May 2004 00:18

Response from the PPRuNe Nerds:

If a link appears on PPRuNe (in a regular posting for example) and someone follows it to their site they then have that person's IP address and the fact they arrived via PPRuNe clearly visible to them in their server logs. So banning everyone that came to them via PPRuNe is easy.
Why anyone would set up a public web site to democratically promote their ideals, then block interested visitors, beats me! :confused:


Duff Man 26th May 2004 03:42

That's it then. The motive is clear. Woomera, there is only one possible reason for these otherwise inexplicible actions...

Virtual revenge for (the one time of) being fahkt over by ATC. Well, Max - and like-minded friend - you got us!

Reminds me of another discussion here a short time back about "virtual airline" Jetstar International getting at Jetstar by means of a threatened lawsuit. LOL what a pack of jokers these virtual-players are.


bbwb 27th May 2004 02:51

Well gentlemen (AND ladies), thankfully for you this will be my last post here regarding this topic.

What I am surprised about is the intelligent folks such as yourselves "charged"with the safety of the skies can respond like a pack of children hurling insults at the kid in the playground with bucked teeth, just because he doesn't look like them... or perhaps is a buddhist instead of a Christian (IE beleives something different to be correct than you do).

Why the Author bans you I cannot say, I don't really know and I haven't asked. Write to [email protected] and ask yourself. You might even find your email posted up for all sides to read!

Although I am now certain this is going to fall on deaf ears, I can site quite a few other examples of ATC getting rather "annoyed" (let me put it that way) resulting in unreasonable delays for reasonable requests. To be fair, i can also site plenty of times where ATC has gone out of the way to assist in various parts of Aus... and for those who have/do I thank you... it is appreciated.

Now don't forget, the earth is flat... don't go too far you'll fall off the edge, we are at the centre of the universe, and that witch might be coming to get you any day now.. better burn her before she casts a spell and turns you into a class E loving pilot!

tobzalp 27th May 2004 07:35


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