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Dick N. Cider 27th Apr 2004 10:57

WINSTUN BANNED - Reminiscences
Winstun is gone,

There is a God and thy name is Woomera. On the down side who are we going to blame for the cr@p posts now?

How about a thread to stir the hearts of all PPruners on the many witicisms of Winstun?

err, umm anyone else want to start?

Taildragger 27th Apr 2004 20:45

Chimbu Chuckles and I were having a larf on this very subject a cuppla weeks ago in Lunnun, and saying what a dong-kopf he was, and (I assume it is/was a he)
I crossed swords with him on a few occasions and he was certainly not from this planet....perhaps Middle earth, but not a
person who knew anything about what made PNG tick. (For it is there where he claimed to have been. He certainly was not a Pilot (NOTHING wrong with that....except when you claim to be one) I for one shall miss him. I enjoyed my flabber being
gasted when he pronounced forth. I never knew that there was anybody so naive. Anyway Woomera, the drinks are on me next time I am down your way. He will likely be back under a different name....something imaginative like "Churchill" or "Smith".!!
By the way....I didn't see Woomera's Post. What got the guy the Red Card in the end.??

Buster Hyman 27th Apr 2004 22:53

What a genuine shame. I feel that much safer to know that people like that are sitting on a keyboard & not getting a job at the post office.:rolleyes:

Well done Big W!:ok:

Sperm Bank 27th Apr 2004 23:24

Taidragger. His "RED CARD" was earned for saying what he would like to do to the rear end of my Mrs(actually ex Mrs). I will not miss ANY of his vacuous diatribe or tangential comments, irrelevant as they were. Good ridance!

Sheep Guts 28th Apr 2004 00:03


Woomera 28th Apr 2004 02:08

Winstun was binned for inapropriate and indecent comments in another thread. We've cut Winstun a lot of slack since he's been with us, but he simply went too far this time.

Friggin bone, please! :}


amos2 28th Apr 2004 03:22

Aw!... now come on guys, not taking ourselves too seriously here are we?

Sure, he deserved binning for what he said on this occasion, but I hope it ain't a permanent binning.

Lose your sense of humour and you've lost the plot! :p

AirNoServicesAustralia 28th Apr 2004 05:18

Amos, I love a sense of humour like the rest of the guys here, but you would be having a serious discussion with everyone here, and Winnie would come along and start calling everyone names and contributing nothing. If he was funny and humorous sorry never saw it. Good riddance.

Baldricks Mum 28th Apr 2004 05:22

Yep Winstun is known as a Troll. They would troll the forums, kicking sand in everyones face and yell at them.

Best not to feed the Trolls....

Two Pilots are walking down the road when one says ''Look at that dog with one eye!''
The other pilot covers one of his eyes and says ''Where?''


Buster Hyman 28th Apr 2004 07:12

Two Pilots are walking down the road
Never!!! :p

amos2 28th Apr 2004 07:42

Actually the two pilots walking down the road saw a male alsation dog licking itself where all dogs do.

One said to the other : "I wish I could do that".

And his mate said: " Well, you better pat him first otherwise he'll bite your bloody head off!"


AirNoServicesAustralia 28th Apr 2004 09:06

Dunno how the thread came to this but hey...
A Qantas pilot, an ANZ pilot and a British Airways Pilot are walking through a paddock, on their way back from fishing when they find a sheep with its head stuck in a fence. With no further ado, the Kiwi drops his strides and has his way with the ewe. The Aussie shrugs his shoulders looks around and has a crack as well. They then both turn to the Pom and say "ok your turn mate". At which the Pom responds " Tally ho old chaps but I don't think my head will fit between those wires!".

Pinky the pilot 28th Apr 2004 10:33

Gentlemen; some decorum please!!!!!!!!!!
Any flamin' lower than this and I shall begin to suspect that the much unlamented Winstun has affected some ppruners.
BTW did anyone hear the one about.............

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

PS Well done Woomera!

Natit 29th Apr 2004 04:10

Lighten up Pinky!

Those jokes made my day :ok:

Keep em coming boys

V1OOPS 29th Apr 2004 06:18

Are there any clues in Winstun's posts assuring me he wasn't really Rod Speed dressed in a pilot's uniform?

So far the descriptions here fit both these individuals (or 'knobs' as the case may be) rather well.

Baldricks Mum 29th Apr 2004 06:43

What do you call a Pilot in an institute for higher learning?

A visitor.

Binoculars 29th Apr 2004 07:17

Even somebody as inordinately thick as Winstun must have known that the extreme provocation he used would get him banned. My suspicion is that he was getting tired of nobody taking him seriously and carefully planned his demise, taking care to ensure that he had already established a new persona.

The hall marks of big-noting and withering contempt for anything to do with Australian aviation are available for perusal in the Slanderous Dick Smith thread, written in the same self-important manner by The Leyland Brothers and his pretty coloured crayons. I’m sure I wouldn’t be the first to have made the connection.


amos2 29th Apr 2004 08:04

Let's see now...

32,190 posts in 3.5 yrs...

3.5 x 365 = 1277.5...

32,190 divided by 1277.5 = 25 posts per day.

Yeah, that sounds about right...

Atco's have plenty of time on their hands! :p

Buster Hyman 29th Apr 2004 09:41

:eek: So.....who is Winstun...NOW??????? :suspect:

bush mechanics 29th Apr 2004 12:24

A young lady walks into the local cop shop and reports that she has been sexually assaulted.The cops take her statement and ask her if she knew her attacker,she replies,"I havnt seen him before but iI think he's a pilot"The cops aks how she now her attacker was a pilot?She replies"Because his Watch was bigger than his Dick"

Clothears 29th Apr 2004 12:25

I'm Winstun, and so's my wife!

(Actually, my wife does behave a bit like Winstun sometimes, but she's less rational )

Ralph the Bong 29th Apr 2004 12:30

I was kind of fond of Winstun. Every village needs and idiot and he was the best.

I will always remember him as the thinking man's fcukwit.

AirNoServicesAustralia 29th Apr 2004 12:52

Dear Dick Smith, Report just in that there was a fatal car accident west of Sydney and the male occupant of the car was burned in the accident beyond recognition. The only clues they have to go on were that the victim had a very small brain and a tiny penis. Please respond asap to let us all know you are ok.

Taildragger 29th Apr 2004 22:39

Clothears ....
I never knew you that you had once been married to my wife's twin sister.! :D

Pinky the pilot 30th Apr 2004 07:27

Oi Natit; Read my post again. Tongue was firmly in cheek!
The only reason I did'nt continue with the bit about
'have you heard the one about...' is because I did'nt have a decent joke to tell!!!
And I still don't, b****r it!!!:{

You only live twice. Once when
you're born. Once when
you've looked death in the face.

karrank 2nd May 2004 12:33

Airey, I bet it would have been slack Oz ATC's fault if it was him:8

Kanga767 2nd May 2004 23:56

There was a young man from Alice Springs
Who couldn't do too many things
No good with a spanner
or even a hammer
but crickey, what a big watch.

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