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-   -   Open letter to President Bush Re: I was a blind air traffic controller (https://www.pprune.org/atc-issues/94431-open-letter-president-bush-re-i-blind-air-traffic-controller.html)

chickenlittle 27th Jun 2003 12:59

Open letter to President Bush Re: I was a blind air traffic controller
My name is James Bergquist, former FAA air traffic controller and head of our union, NATCA, in SAN. Please read my open letter to President Bush which I posted on the VJ592 memorial site at...


I am asking that you send the letter to him again at

[email protected]

Maybe we can clean up the system

James Bergquist
air safety activist
[email protected]

Airbubba 27th Jun 2003 13:17

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Hope you get help with your diagnosed mental disorders.

Lon More 27th Jun 2003 15:04

The link produces an error, "Page not found"

HotDog 27th Jun 2003 15:12

Are you related to JBS of Corazon.com by any chance?:(

garp 27th Jun 2003 15:47


This should work Lon

Sensible 27th Jun 2003 15:50

Same inane ramblings to be found on Rumours & News forum


The guy must still be on drugs! :uhoh:

ferris 27th Jun 2003 15:50

This is the proper link


You'll have to cut and paste it into the address window (adding the www. at the front).

Mr Bergquist: Stop using drugs, and get help.

edited because I realised that the site automatically makes a hyperlink, but shortens it to make it incorrect...doh!!

cwatters 27th Jun 2003 17:42

No politician (or newspaper editor for that matter) has time to read such a rambling letter. You need to focus on one issue and be very clear about what you want the person you are writing to to do for you.

I'm not sure you even ask him to investigate? Perhaps it's in there somewhere but (like a politician) I didn't have time or inclination to read it all, just the first and last few paragraphs.

In the UK I found it best to write to my MP asking them to pose a specific question to the department concerned. They did so and I had my answer back via my MP in about two weeks.

The point being that _all_ my MP had to do was pass on my question. He didn't have to wade through pages of stuff he had no interest in and that wasn't going to get him any votes.

VectorLine 27th Jun 2003 19:56

What an awfully long letter. Nearly as big as American egos!

Are you writing a letter or your memoirs?

get to the point man.

PlaneTruth 27th Jun 2003 20:45

Look at the address of the author:
James A. Bergquist Air Safety Activist [email protected]

Chicken Little?


Lon More 28th Jun 2003 01:39

Thanks Guys

wish i hadn't asked

FWA NATCA 28th Jun 2003 09:50

Reads more like the ramblings of the village idiot.


WhatsaLizad? 28th Jun 2003 11:24

I want a time machine so I can go back and fly a P47 in WWII with his old man.

Imagine sipping from a flask of brandy while you attack Nazi ammo trains in eastern France.

He is nuts.

Dantruck 28th Jun 2003 21:00


If you're serious about aviation safety you first need to hire someone to handle your communications. Letters like that will do more harm than good, buddy

niknak 29th Jun 2003 06:48

Whatever other deficiancies George Bush may have, he recognises a nutter when he sees one, and has had the common sense not to encourgae Chicken Little to use pens, pencils or other sharp objects..........

dudly 29th Jun 2003 07:07


One more time, What is wrong with the system?

:{ :{ :{ :{

FWA NATCA 29th Jun 2003 13:35

Sounds like someone escaped their padded room.

Konkordski 29th Jun 2003 18:08


Hate to say it, but I'm inclined to agree with many of the views here. Over the last few years I've seen you write a fair number of epic 'open' letters to White House dignitaries and I've yet to see any results from your efforts.

The tragedy is, of course, that you might be right. And one day, after a ghastly accident, we might read through one of your letter-cum-novels and know that you saw it coming and were trying to warn us.

But your approach to the matter is all wrong and it just trashes your credibility as surely as if you'd postmarked your letter at the local asylum.

You also might want to rethink the "chicken little" email address. Chicken Little believed that the sky was collapsing after an acorn fell on his head, and went around spreading his over-reaction and paranoia to the rest of the farm.

Not the best way to be taken seriously, if you ask me.

Legs11 1st Jul 2003 17:19

Chicken Little,

No doubt some of your points are very valid, but OH MY GOD:oh: PRESENTATION!!

Pick a theme and stick to it. Ranting and digression will get you absolutely nowhere:ooh:

cjp 3rd Jul 2003 05:30

can someone tell me what he said?

(too lazy to read it)

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