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staticfish 3rd May 2003 23:15

My Chances with NATS?
Ok here goes:

I was an "able but idle" student at school and left with 7 GCSE's, 4 of which are at grade C (including english) but i just missed maths with a grade D.

I am now doing a national diploma computer studies course: equivilent to 3 A levels at college, and plan on retaking my maths as well.

Honestly what are my chances with ATC'ing? I am seriously worried, because i would love to work for NATS more than anything else.

Many thanks


5milesbaby 4th May 2003 05:50

you definately need to get the maths GCSE grade C+, and that will give you 5 at C or above, and your diploma already is sufficient to meet the entry requirements and get you down for the initial tests, the rest is just on the type of person you are.

bagpuss lives 4th May 2003 05:56

Hello :)

Tough call this one at the moment. We're currently in the midst of an external recruitment block which means that no new cadets are being recruited this year, or indeed next year if rumour is to be believed.

I would also say that you not having Grade C or above in maths means you do not meet the initial entry requirements thus making a successful application highly unlikely. So a re-take is a must. As is hard work, perseverance and total and utter dedication.

You don't say how old you are? I'm presuming you're under 30?

Have you thought about becoming an Assistant and trying to work your way into the industry from that position? It's very difficult but you may find you'd be happy to settle for an assistant post. Put simply we couldn't do without assistants at the moment - they are a more than vital equal in the workplace.

The Assistant job is a "finite career" but to be fair, it has been for the last 15 years or so :)

Assistant jobs are hard to come by though but if you're keen, knowledgable and talented enough you may strike it lucky. Try writing to your local airport or any of your choice to enquire about vacancies.

Hope this helps a little and good luck :)

staticfish 4th May 2003 06:01

thanks for the answers

im only 16 at the moment, and in my first year of college; planning on retaking my maths to get a B grade or higher.

I was such a lazy ass at school :(

i suppose what i really meant, is that they dont look down on you if you higher course isnt a maths or english type course?

bagpuss lives 4th May 2003 06:04

No, not at all though it would help a little maybe. As long as you have the GCSE entry requirements in terms of subjects then the rest is fine.

5milesbaby 4th May 2003 06:53

niteflight, would you believe that even assistant jobs need the entry requirement too at the moment, know someone who was turned down for having almost the same as staticfish, but it was English with the D grade.

Staticfish, even if its not for ATC, get your Maths grade C or above, its just so important for a decent career. Good luck.

Andrew M 5th May 2003 07:52

I, also find myself with the same difficulties.

I too was far too lazy in my last year at School (5th year) :zzz:

I have 8 standard grades, 6 of which are credit level (2 1's + 4 2's). Of which were:

Geography 1
Accounting + Finance 1
English 2
Physics 2
Home Eco 2
Administration 2
French 3
Maths 3

And are now currently doing 4 highers - realistically passing 3 of them - say 1 B and 2 C's. Will also be doing an AAT qualifacation (which qualifies as an Advanced GNVQ) before applying to NATS.

What would be my chances !?!

5milesbaby 5th May 2003 22:45

Andrew, don't know anything about 1's and 2's, but to aid you, when I did GCSE's the grades were A to G, and A to C being accepted as a full pass. For Nats 5 had to be A to C, including English and Maths. Evidence of further education had to be completed, but no grade requirements are needed. Hope that helps.

bagpuss lives 6th May 2003 00:30

At the moment if you don't meet any of the entry requirements you will get nowhere near employment with NATS I'm afraid. Gone are the times when they'd bend the rules a little for those keen or talented.

Andrew M 6th May 2003 01:23

Ah the A to G and 1 to 7 thing is easy:

A is equal to a 1
B is equal to a 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G - I presume is a fail

So really I got 2 A's, 4 B's and 2 C's.

RE: Nightflite01
My point is that the only requirement I don't meet is the age one - I am at the better side of the age requirement - below.

All I have to do is wait until I am over 18 - and every requirement will then be met.

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