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AlexDM 5th May 2015 13:57

I tought it would start in August already.. I have no clue how people can quit a job in july and start in august unless they reach an agreement with their boss.

nicosan 7th May 2015 20:20

Does anybody have any clue about what is the "group assessment" ?

From what I remember, I thought all tests should be done by beginning of July, so we should know then if we start (or not) the training in september ...

Bart223 7th May 2015 22:22

the group assessment is only if you get through this stage. So that's for somewhere in june I guess.

DVF 8th May 2015 18:38

anyone know howmany are left?

Ryvix 9th May 2015 14:05

I'm guessing around 100 people, but this is a pure guess :) also I'm hoping that SELOR sends that questionnaire in time...

AlexDM 14th May 2015 10:42

My pdf document name was invitation_0119. So I also think around 100 - 150 people that are left.
Belgocontrol wasn't able to meet my request for the dates I sent, so I had to puzzle a bit at work but it's ok now. I've filled in the Selor questionnaire yesterday.

Bart223 18th May 2015 14:48

I've got _0113.
June 1 it's my turn.
Must say that I'm a curious what it's gonna be like. Haven't got a clue what they're gonna ask. If you look for some information you get so many different stories.
Some say it a sort of sollicitation interview, others say it is whith exercises, so I guess we have to wait and see what they have planned for us.

Best of luck to you guys and maybe I see you there.

AlexDM 18th May 2015 14:51

The first of June is also my date ;)

DVF 21st May 2015 13:20

went to the 3rd round ; as usual i cant give you any specifics but don't worry too much about it ; if your english is good you got nothing to worry about ; and as for the interview ; just be honest , thats all you can do... i did get a good cop-bad cop vibe in the room though :)

KriVa 28th May 2015 13:22

I didn't get that vibe at all, honestly. I had the feeling, during the interview, that everything went rather smoothly. Of course, that doesn't mean anything about the interview itself. Afterwards, you start second guessing everything yu said, at least I do.

For those that haven't gone yet: Like DVF said, just be honest and be yourself. If that's the profile they're looking for, there shouldn't be too many problems.

Anybody with an idea when we can expect some news?

RestUnknown 28th May 2015 18:15

This fase ends the second of June, so I guess the end of next week. Although probably a lot of evaluation has to be done.

DVF 31st May 2015 12:42

I thought it went quite smooth as well KriVa , i just had the feeling most "critical" questions came from the same person , and as you said ; in hindsight you start doubting everything you said :)

Oh well ; best of luck to you all ; lets hope next week brings good news !

KriVa 5th Jun 2015 17:37

No news yet...

AlexDM 5th Jun 2015 17:40

I went monday and they said a letter (and mail aswell I suppose) should follow within 2 weeks. There was a problem with the planning monday though, I had to wait 4 hours.

DVF 6th Jun 2015 13:45

thanks for the heads up!

Ryvix 9th Jun 2015 10:43

Thanks for the headsup. When I asked at the end of my interview, they said somewhere at the start of june, so I was getting a bit confused as to why I hadn't heared a yes or no yet :}

KriVa 9th Jun 2015 14:13

I forgot to ask when I could expect some news.
Either way, I'll be glued to my phone this week and the next. (To read my emails, of course :) )

KriVa 10th Jun 2015 09:27

I would advise to keep refreshing your inboxes, guys and girls.
I just received an email inviting me to the next process in the selections.:O:ok:

bensims 10th Jun 2015 11:58

Hi everybody, I just got my invitation too.

nicosan 10th Jun 2015 15:57

Anyone else received an answer today ? Or still waiting for it ?

si6num 10th Jun 2015 17:21

Congratulations, KriVa!

Also still waiting for news overhere...

Did anybody else receive anything yet?

I take the fact there already seem to have been sent out 'good news e-mails' as a bad sign. :hmm:

Keeping fingers crossed!

Bart223 11th Jun 2015 07:00

Still waiting for news. Getting a bit nervous now

DVF 11th Jun 2015 13:09

still no news here too ; i'm guessing that doesn't bode well =)

last time they sent the good mails first too ...
it was fun while it lasted :)

Bart223 12th Jun 2015 07:55

Just received confirmation about what I feared.
I didn't pass.

I hope there is a possibility to ask for an explanation? Because in the mail they say not to reply!

I would like to know why I didn't pass, allways convenient to know for the future.

nicosan 12th Jun 2015 08:51

I think they said we would receive explanation by letter.

KriVa 12th Jun 2015 09:03

That's too bad! I was looking forward to meeting at least some of you...
Don't they have an email address or phone number for the Human Resources departement? Perhaps you could contact them through that way.

si6num 12th Jun 2015 10:04

The same here, not good news in the e-mail.
It's kind of annoying there is indeed no further information given about the why and how.

It blows anyway failing an interview, in my opinion.
I'd rather failed the first, second or fourth test then, since those are an objective evaluation of skills you fail or pass fair and square, rather than an interview where there's always a subjective interpretation of answers given to questions which might not even probe correctly the sought after competences.

On the other hand, I might have failed the English test, which I'd actually prefer.

KriVa 14th Jun 2015 09:01

I received an email overnight, inviting me to join the group assessment on June 30th, 8.30LT.

Ryvix 14th Jun 2015 12:51

I received my invitation overnight too, sent at 2am so someone's doing some nighttime :p

Sorry to hear about those that didn't get good news, it sucks that they don't send out extra information as to why they made the decision they did. Can't really improve if they don't say mention what needs improving.

Tom3190 14th Jun 2015 18:20

The same here, not good news in the e-mail.
It's kind of annoying there is indeed no further information given about the why and how.

It blows anyway failing an interview, in my opinion.
I'd rather failed the first, second or fourth test then, since those are an objective evaluation of skills you fail or pass fair and square, rather than an interview where there's always a subjective interpretation of answers given to questions which might not even probe correctly the sought after competences.

On the other hand, I might have failed the English test, which I'd actually prefer.
I wouldn't say this test wasn't objective, don't forget you filled out a personality test and in my experience these tests are rather accurate.
Fact is that there is no real right or wrong in this test, either you're someone who takes the lead or someone who follows, you're someone extravert or introvert, you're very self-confident or rather insecure, etc. For any of these there is no good or bad, but obviously there is a specific type of profile they are looking for. And also obviously this profile will be different than the profile a company is looking for when they want to hire a sales manager, a marketing expert, a scientific researcher, or whatever.

So no idea what the reason is, but there will probably be something that doesn't make you a perfect match for this job, and it's better to find that out now than when it's too late.

AlexDM 15th Jun 2015 11:42

I agree with Tom. I failed btw.

Ryvix 21st Jun 2015 16:44

As it has been with every round, I'm very curious as to how many applicants are left... The pdf is now named after the applicant's name, so there are no clues to be found there like last time.

Tom3190 22nd Jun 2015 19:52

As it has been with every round, I'm very curious as to how many applicants are left... The pdf is now named after the applicant's name, so there are no clues to be found there like last time.
67 candidates left ;-)

KriVa 23rd Jun 2015 12:48

Thanks for mentioning that, Tom.
Coming from ±3500, I'd say we've got reason to be proud, even though some will of course sadly not make it through...

Ryvix 23rd Jun 2015 16:53

Thanks for the info! We're almost there, and yet, we are so far away :p

KriVa 30th Jun 2015 12:41

An interesting day, for sure.
Sadly, I can't divulge any information about the actual process, as it would give an unfair advantage to others.
I have a rather good feeling about the process, although that doesn't say anything about the actual result, of course. If anything, I am pleased the assessment itself went smoothly.

Ryvix 30th Jun 2015 14:54

Good to hear it goes smoothly :) was it a full morning/afternoon or is it relatively short?

KriVa 30th Jun 2015 15:07

Our session lasted from 8.30 to 12.30. I don't think the time will vary much between sessions.

Ryvix 30th Jun 2015 16:05

Wow that's quite long and very good, should give them a clear picture on everyone.

KriVa 7th Jul 2015 12:47

For those still in the running:
We were told to expect news about the group assessment from July 8th forward.
The date is of course only indicative, it may just as well be the 10th or next week.
In any case, come tomorrow, I'd start checking my mailbox.
I would do so too, but I'll be on a flight to the US tomorrow, so I'll only have WiFi in the afternoon, if at all.

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