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niknak 6th Dec 2002 12:15

Wot's up at Filton then?
Has Nooooooooonan nicked all the xmas sweeties? Darren and Wee McTavish drunk all the ale (again)?
I think we should be told.......... :p

Legs11 6th Dec 2002 13:07

mountaineous molehills
There are no problems at Filton that a new VCR couldn't put right :rolleyes: - one or two minor admin changes may soon take place, but nothing more than that.

Watch this space for possible news on a resurging Empire;)

Niknak, Darren doesn't drink ale.

Chilli Monster 7th Dec 2002 19:04

Ale Drinking
Especially after the last medical :( Body mass index - what does that prove :p

Gypsy - of your 4 posts none of them have ever said anything interesting - would you care to enlarge with some facts or do you just scaremonger for the sake of it ;)


niknak 8th Dec 2002 14:53

Oh well - back to the marker pens and lighter fluid then.......:D

niknak 25th Jan 2003 19:20

Well, allegedly they've tied up the atc contract at Manston, and a little bird with a big beak tells me they've had talks with MAN PLC about Humberside:confused:

Buster the Bear 25th Jan 2003 23:42


Talk to a provider (s) to find out what they would charge to run that part of your business and then set your costs to match. Just ask the security staff as an example, at UK airports! Re-adjustment of salaries to meet market forces. Supply and demand.

Special VFR 26th Jan 2003 10:16

Will Serco get Norwich then? Airport about to be sold and the likely buyer doesn't do ATC. NATS too expensive methinks. Start the fight now.


niknak 26th Jan 2003 21:14

SVF - who knows!?
I understand that SERCO and NATS put in very competetive presentations when they were asked to do so last year, and the favoured bidder was NATS.
The alleged new owner also employs NATS at all their other UK airports, so it follows that they'd be serious contenders for Norwich - but not necessarily!;)

Legs11 27th Jan 2003 13:40

Well as far as I'm aware, Manston isn't tied up yet. I believe that they have "verbally indicated" that Serco's proposal is "generally acceptable".;)
They haven't yet agreed on everything, and more news is expected later this week. :)

As for Norwich, well if Niknak is right about the purchaser, then expect NATS to get that bid.:(

niknak 28th Jan 2003 22:32

Norwich has been bought by TBI, we wait with baited breath.........

niknak 18th Jun 2003 04:17

Serco have just bought out their equity partner in the privatised prison sector in the UK, making Serco one of Europes largest private operator of prison facilities.
Just a thought for anyone in NATS wanting a career change........ ;)

bagpuss lives 18th Jun 2003 05:52

No thanks, I've only just resolved a dispute with them from last time I came under their employment regime :D

Legs11 18th Jun 2003 18:36

niknak paddywhack!
:O Ah niknak, thankyou for bringing this old chestnut back onto page 1.

What's going on at Norwich now that TBI are in. Just musing over their complaint about ATC costs at their other Airports (most specifically Luton) - does this mean that should it go out to tender again in the near future at Norwich, NATS' goose is cooked?:hmm:

Another little tit-bit for you. I believe EADS may have been in discussion with Serco about possible buy-outs and or mergers of certain mutual interests.:ok:

Should be enough to start another discussion, eh?;)

Gypsy Queen 18th Jun 2003 18:53

You gotta laugh, Serco's latest contract win is the Terminal Management at wait for it.....Newquay.:p It just can't get better than that can it:D

shakinghead 20th Jun 2003 02:03

Whats so funny about that?

Red Dragon 20th Jun 2003 15:06

Gypsy Queen
Do you have a good laugh going to Sainsburys and see they are selling food? or that M&S sell clothes? I'll let you in on a little secret.......it's a BUSINESS!!!
Maybe you should go back to playing hide and seek in the school playground.

....and PS.....it's not crumbling.

arrffaa 20th Jun 2003 17:22

serco crumbling empire
serco, a good company? nah - here's a good one. i joined bailbrook on a may monday at 9am as an atc instructor.

at 1pm i was told that "we're closing at the end of july and you're redundant"!!!!!

four hours - is that the shortest employment ever in atc?

niknak 15th Oct 2003 19:22

In view of the other Serco post regarding provision of ATC at Southend and Biggin, I thought it only respectful to ressurect this post..........:p

So, Southend and Biggin - both owned by the same bunch of accountants aren't they? If that is the case it's always suprised me that they have contractors in to do the ATC for them.

Due respect to the individual ATC units and staff, but they can't be overly complicated to run, and both have a good number of very experienced bod's who could do the job in their sleep, consequently why don't the owners employ their own atco's?

Just a thought.

Spitoon 16th Oct 2003 01:42

Well seeing as you've resurrected it ......

The ATC units in question may be relatively small but I would doubt that they are that easy to run if you're an accountant.

It often surprises me how little understanding people who haven't spent twenty odd years in front of a radar have of how ATC works.

Then again, I probably wouldn't be much cop as an accountant.

But taking my tongue out of my cheek, ATC is a complex system and you need professionals who know what they're doing to manage it. And believe it or not, I suspect Serco are better than many in this respect.

2 sheds 16th Oct 2003 05:59

I would choose not to believe it!

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