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-   -   Sexiest voice ;-) (https://www.pprune.org/atc-issues/427463-sexiest-voice.html)

Vercingetorix 15th Sep 2010 09:23

At EGLL there was, once upon a time, Deidre the Body and Deidre the Voice.
Both actually very nice.


zkdli 15th Sep 2010 17:37

Ah Marmite at Heathrow eh - well she doesn't need two chairs:)
Although she is an acquired taste:ok:

RVF750 15th Sep 2010 18:13

My vote goes for the incredibly sexy lady on tower at EGKK. No idea who she is, but dead calm when giving very tight "land afters" when the lander is under 300ft after a slow previous departure.

Husky voice and very distracting too. Spot on.

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 15th Sep 2010 18:41

Vercingetorix... U sure she was at 'LL... or possibly W Drayton?

Standard Noise 15th Sep 2010 20:56

Met the Binair 'voice' here at Bristol a few years ago. TBH, she's no spring chicken. Sylvia Christel she was not. Kind of ruined the mental image. And the co-pilot looked like he'd just been co-opted from the Oompah band.

There's a rather nice sounding young (?) lady on the Midland Embraer which operates the Brussles run from Briss and she can't be too big otherwise she wouldn't fit in a flying pencil.

ClaretDave 15th Sep 2010 21:30

Sexiest ATCO voice bar none is a certain lady based at EMA. Not a bad looker too if rumours are true:O

BigDaddyBoxMeal 15th Sep 2010 23:41

Setting aside the fact that (like nearly every other thread in this forum) we have been patronised and dragged back to a to a time that we can't remember (through no fault of our own)...

There is a pilot on Irish registered ATR's, that have recently been painted green, who I'd do absolutely anything for ;)

off watch 16th Sep 2010 09:39


There is a pilot on Irish registered ATR's, that have recently been painted green, who I'd do absolutely anything for
You've left yourself wide open there mate !
"Would you like me to tell you his name ? " :p

yesbutnobut 16th Sep 2010 11:12

Sexiest ATCO voice bar none is a certain lady based at EMA. Not a bad looker too if rumours are truehttp://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...s/embarass.gif
Does she have an antipodean accent by any chance? Works for me! :ok:

Northerner 16th Sep 2010 11:26

<<<....but, the Scots lass working Western Radar this morning brightened up our day a treat. If we hadn't been running late, I think we'd have requested vectors round Exmor for an hour, just to listen to her voice! If you're out there, thank you!>>>

I'll make sure that gets passed on. :ok::O:)


"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to..."

assymetricdrift 16th Sep 2010 12:01

There's one girl on Scottish who just melts me... I don't know she is, but she's got a very soft Scottish accent.

Sadly, that's my downfall - a lovely Scottish accent!!! Alongside Curry, Ale, Chocolate, Haribo etc....

fisbangwollop 16th Sep 2010 14:13

There's one girl on Scottish who just melts me... I don't know she is, but she's got a very soft Scottish accent.
All our girls up here are very special!! :cool::cool::cool:

FantomZorbin 16th Sep 2010 20:34

Vulcan (from the OCU) approaching Decision Height from a PAR given by an extremely able WRAF ATCO. The 'would-be' captain was telling his instructor, exactly, his innermost thoughts regarding the lady.

As the a/c approached the 'flare' the Instructor mentioned that the object of the man's desires was his wife!!

The ensuing wobbly overshoot (sorry, 'Go Around') was quite an eyeopener as the, by now, somewhat distracted pilot was extremely busy with all his knobs and levers!!!

Cuddles 17th Sep 2010 06:04

'Sounds nice on the phone, add 2 stone'

Monde 17th Sep 2010 09:18

Amanda , from ATC Edi (as in voice , not 2 stone!!) !!

Parapunter 17th Sep 2010 09:23

Nice from afar, far from nice.

anotherthing 17th Sep 2010 14:42

BOBFOC - Body Of Baywatch, Face Of Crimewatch

Capetonian 17th Sep 2010 14:54

A true story from my distant and barely remembered youth :

We both fell in lust with the voice of the secretary of one of our corporate customers, or more accurately, we fantasised over the images her voice invoked, and created opportunities to call her. We spent hours trying to summon up courage to invite her for a coffee, or looking for feeble excuses to meet her in person. One day an opportunity arose for a document to be delivered, we span a coin, I won, and was burning tyre rubber on my way before the coin had been pocketed, as we'd struck an agreement that whichever of us met her first had the first chance of mounting a seduction campaign. Previous clandestine reconnaissance paid off and I found her office building without difficulty. Standing in front of the object of our fantasies I lost my tongue and my nerve, barely gave the woman a glance, forgot the carefully planned pick-up lines, dropped the ticket wallet, and ran. Only in the lift on the way out did it dawn on me that the fat dowdy middle aged woman whose office door bore the name of the person over whom we'd been drooling for weeks, and the sexy sounding secretary, were the same person.

Martin was older and more streetwise than I, and I was determined to turn this into an opportunity to be one up on him. Just how I would achieve this was as yet undefined. I had visions of telling him that she had accepted my invitation to a romantic evening out. As erotic images of what might have been raced through my mind, I raced through a 'stop' sign and my 75cc. moped collided with a Sunbeam Rapier. Nothing was injured except my pride and left kneecap, both of which still trouble me to this day from time to time. Much later, back at the office, Martin asked what she was like. Having described her sensuous beauty in glowing and totally unrealistic terms until Martin was drooling at the mouth, I refused to answer his questions as to future assignations to meet. I implied that I needed time to gather up the courage to ask her out. A few mornings later, Martin walked in and gave me a look that should have ensured I never wrote this. I merely told him he should have kept his word. After that, we had a better understanding.

Capetonian 17th Sep 2010 14:59

Nice from afar, far from nice.
Reminds me of the words of a friend of mine who was approached in a dimly lit nightclub by a stunner. As he put it : "She aged 5 years with each step she took towards me ...."

BrATCO 17th Sep 2010 15:23

Heard a really nice voice two nights ago. Beeline going to EBBR around 2am UTC. :D

I married a "voice" almost two decades ago. Good looking too.:ok:
Divorced after 6 years. :ouch:

Now, I just enjoy the music. No way I want to know more !:=

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