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leo20 5th Sep 2010 19:22

What Next? ATNS
So the Soccer World Cup 2010 is finished in SA, so what is next on the Agenda for our CEO?

Oh, I know lets get rid of all the white ATC's in the country. Am I right Mr P?

Heard that he got 6 black ex-school teachers to become ATC instuctors at the ATA.

1) They are all older(±40 years) than the required age group 18-25
2) What's there last qualification obtained?
3) Failed the 1st course at ATNS ATA
4) So ATNS spends R5 mil to send them to NZ for training, guess what, they failed again.
5) So back in SA they try again, the had to do the final assesment two weeks ago, but requested to extend the course for another 2 weeks. (wonder if our general staff on course get the same type of privileges)
6) So after 2 weeks they are still not up to standard, so ATNS ATA have a serious meeting and the result. "You are still not up to standard so you guys take 'Paid Indefinite Leave' and return when you are ready and wait for it you can start from exercise 1
7) I won't be surprised if they are getting paid top notch salary scale and most likely not on a contract, while still trying to make it. While ATNS staff must sign a contract before they go on course and work it back for 5 years

If a student already employed in ATNS fails his course there is no negotiation he goes back and tries again in a year.
If a student passes all the assesments but fails the last one they won't even reconsider they will fail him/her. That to me makes no sense they should have seen something was wrong before, how can they just fail out of the blue. That clearly tells me that they decide who passes and who fails and I have heard this before that this was done at the ATA. (they get told by HO)

Nice to see that ATNS has the same standard for all it's employees.

Also heard that Mr P visited OR Tambo Tower and only whites where working and told them that in 5 years there will only be blacks working here.

So is he an optimist or a racist?

EltorroLoco 6th Sep 2010 15:28

He's an idealist

People get judged by the content of their character and their performance in ATNS.....


Yawn, What a wierd dream that was.... Anyway, back to work

They have always been like this dude, don't worry, there will be restructuring to cure everything :ok:

CuitoCuanavale 8th Sep 2010 17:27

Inevitable has happenned - ATA is a joke. Motto gravitated from "Train to Succeed" to "Train until you succeed" to "Train irrespective of results". There are some top quality controllers left in SA that are for all intents and purposes, ...are left to carry the ball.....their efforts most admirable...I wonder how much longer they are able to so before the over-riding frustration looms too large.

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