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HEATHROW DIRECTOR 4th May 2010 19:34

Hahahahaha..... great story!!

We were sitting in the approach room one day, each waiting our turns to be mucked around by the Dove, when the Tower rang - "Anyone fancy doing an SRA with XXX (callsign eludes me). Instructors asked for a volunteer and I noticed the other students had either disappeared, or developed 24hr laryngitis.... so I said "Yes, I'll do it". Once XXX called me, they let me in on the secret - it was a Scimitar that goes down the approach at 240kts. I've never spoken so fast in my life. At least the bloke walked away from it!!

In case anyone remembers me:

Brendan McCartney

2 sheds 4th May 2010 20:11


"Airwork 23" (or similar personal number).


Fleet Requirement Unit, Hurn - 1969

2 s

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 5th May 2010 06:38

2 sheds.... Probably!!! I've spent the last ten minutes sticking pins in that picture!

Saw something almost as amusing at Heathrow l-o-n-g ago. Geoff Coates had a trainee and asked a Green Machine to do a practice SRA. It went ever so badly wrong and they asked the captain to ring in to apologise to him. He rang in and said when they heard it was for practice, each time they got a heading change they added 10 kts to the speed! Oh happy days...

I was slightly involved with CAFU Doves back in the 60s, when I was a lowly clerk in MoA Tels. The office where I worked was involved in formulating the spec for Cat III ILS and a major problem they had was evolving some method of flight checking the installations. Eventually a device known as a telecroscope was installed on a CAFU Dove. It's way too long ago for me to remember much but it involved rotating mirrors. I'm having lunch with a retired Heathrow Tels man today so will grill him about it....

Talkdownman 5th May 2010 07:10

I, too, flew several sorties on the Dove, handling too (except in the one without the yoke when 'You have control' took on a whole new meaning....). It provided the opportunity for the captain to refill his pipe, or to empty its 'dottle' out of the DV window. One trick was to ask for a QDM whilst standing on the wingtip in the D/F overhead. The other was to go and hide down behind Hengistbury Head and ask for radar pickup. Response to level instructions were often simulated whilst maintaining an 'actual' level allocated by Hurn Approach. 'Actual' and 'Simulated' became ripe for confusion of which there was plenty, and I recall at least one close shave with a Baron in the hold. It became particularly confusing when changing from flat SRAs to actual PAR approaches when there was a parallel PAR course on. As has been said, the pilots did exactly as they were told by the students until the ATC instructors stepped in to save the situation. The exercises were communicated from instructor to pilot i.a.w. a list not known to the student eg. "Uniform Whiskey, Instructor, Exercise 5b now please, maintain the Five Zero and simulate all level changes." " But we have been at six zero....." Skippers I flew with were Whittaker, Hawkes, Henn, Burman and Woodman on 'NUU, 'NUW, 'NAP and 'LFU. Some of the ATC Instructors on my APCR course in Jan '69 were 'Nunky' Kearl, Billy Boyes and 'Precious Pup'. Great fun all round.... and tremendous experience!

dave hardy 5th May 2010 18:23

The photo's sound just like what l'm looking for it does not end with the restoration of the aircraft. But to record also its history, its Pilots, its sudents, it roles over the years, all would be nice to record for histories sake. When people visit the museum they ask all sorts of questions and it would be nice to have the answers.

from what l can tell UNIFORM WISKEY had two seats in the cabin both forward of the wing spar there is a rail for a curtain around the toilet but was a toilet fitted.By the way the paint finishes at the rear of the cabin thebulkhead must have been fitted but there is no bulkhead.
There is no door to the cockpit but you can see a keep in the frame,was the door normally fitted.
Did it carry its own steps if so were were they stowed

windowjob 6th May 2010 14:28

Well remember the "green one" doing that on another occasion, only problem was he started adding speed on the initial vectors so it was well out of hand before I could transfer him to the u/t director!
Also remember flying in the Dove. One trick was to go behind the Isle of Wight then down to the deck and call up. Poor sod on radar couldn't work out why he couldn't identify you as you hid.
Similar to Bren was a request for volunteer to do an SRA whilst at HH/College and after most of it was done and "your height should be.." the reply was "oops a bit low going back" - Bloody Harrier.
Happy days

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