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Isitgiroday 9th Nov 2009 19:51

Jan. 2010 Aerodrome Course in Hurn
I read a post in Nats "Departure Lounge" today whereby a student due to start on the Aerodrome course in Jan. 2010 has been moved onto the Area course in Feb. 2010 due to (as he states) The Aero course being cancelled!! Can anyone shed anymore light on this?? Please say it aint so! :confused:


Gonzo 9th Nov 2009 20:16

Very possible.......If there's deemed to be no need for airport trainees in June 2010 then there's no need for a course to start in January 2010.

It has happened before.

Isitgiroday 9th Nov 2009 20:39

The Oct. 09' was cancelled, Jan. 10' is looking ominous and from the way the "Departure Lounge" post was put the following course in April 10' will be cancelled too!! What's going on? Are things really that serious?? I thought that there is a real shortage of controllers in the U.K.? :ugh:

DIAF 9th Nov 2009 21:17

I hope this doesn't get people that are already in the Area course pushed to a different date.

whitelighter 9th Nov 2009 21:21

Duplicate post, but seemed appropriate
I'm rather afraid to say the rumours are true. NATS have cancelled the January and April Aero courses (so that's 222 and 223). Currently 224 is penciled in for July, and I think a few of the people supposed to be on 222 have requested a hold until then.

The reason given, as I understand it, is that the economic climate has meant a drop in flights and that combined with high pass rates on the last few Aero courses has resulted in a glut of controllers.

Bearing in mind its 18 months before you get your validated controller I guess NATS have a tough job trying to predict demand down the line.

Warped Factor 9th Nov 2009 22:50

It's the aerodrome courses that ultimately go on to do approach isn't it?

Given that it looks like we're about to start assessing the Swanwick cleaners for suitability soon as we're getting so short of LHR approach controllers this doesn't appear very far sighted...

Isitgiroday 9th Nov 2009 23:02

Whitelighter, with all due respect, the success rates sound very dodgy to me! To sum up; Aerodrome Oct.221-cancelled, Jan.222-cancelled, April 223-cancelled.

8 or 9 students passed Jan. 218, I'm not sure about April 219 and I believe there was around/over a 50% failure/re-course rate for July 220. Some of these successes may not even validate at their Units. I'd like to know if there's any A.T.C.O.'s willing to comment on the short to medium term flow of trainees from College to Unit? Anyway, I'm off to watch The Deerhunter. :suspect:

Weirdo Earthtorch 10th Nov 2009 06:58

Given that it looks like we're about to start assessing the Swanwick cleaners for suitability soon as we're getting so short of LHR approach controllers this doesn't appear very far sighted...
No problem, just keep reducing those required manning levels. With the traffic downturn and the introduction of new technology, LL APP will shortly be a 'one man and his dog' position. The dog (needed for breaks/backup) shall only be required to be 'in the vicinity of' the South of England. :hmm:

cottam approach 10th Nov 2009 07:13

I received the call yesterday saying the Jan course that I was on is now no more. I've opted for Area, since that was my original thought when I looked into NATS, and start in Feb.

As an aside, I have witnessed similiar moves by the RAF in the last ten years, and it has almost always been short sighted and created new issues further down the line. Understandably, it is an incredibly difficult thing to predict but cancelling courses up to (and possibly including) July seems knee-jerk.

I obviously lack the 'big-picture' and will resist the urge to speculate further.

From what I gathered from my phone call yesterday, July is by no means certain. I hope those of you holding out get what you want in the end.

anotherthing 10th Nov 2009 08:23

cottam approach - NATS is very short sighted, especially when it comes to trainees. We need a fair trickle to come through as it takes so long to validate, especially on the Area side. NATS has always been boom and bust - in 2001 the course sizes doubled and students at Hurn were workng shifts... until NATSD realise it was counter productive and suddenly cottoned on to the fact that if the pass rate was as normal, there would be a lot of hold-overs at units before live training could commence :ugh:

Not just man-power either though - some important projects have been pushed to one side because the traffic levels have dropped... despite the fact that now is the ideal time to get the airspoace sorted before the traffic hits us (and we are more able to spare people from the Ops room at the moment to work on projects).

That said, it is a good company to work for - led by donkeys but the lower levels are staffed by very good people.

LEGAL TENDER 10th Nov 2009 09:12

Wouldn't be surprised if all non-ACC training will be eventually outsourced.
Judging by what you get charged at the "non NATS" colleges for an aerodrome + approach ticket (30-40 k), and what NERL charge the units for a trainee delivered from college (xxx k), it's a no brainer for an increasingly cost-cutting stricken NSL !

Good luck to those just starting, or about to start their NATS adventure. Not the best time in history to join a "World Leader in Air Traffic Management"...

Incidentally... what do the several Band 5 instructors and "above band 5" training delivery managers do while there's no training being delivered ??

BigDaddyBoxMeal 10th Nov 2009 09:33

Seems very shortsighted. Although if you are a cynic, it may make more sense. At the moment we are led to believe that NSL units are manned at a not too bad level. At the same time, most NSL units, especially the regional ones, are going through reviews to drive more efficiency and maybe even reduce the required ATCO numbers.

So, we have an "ok" (from a management viewpoint) level of staffing. And going forward we will be more efficient with WPs etc. Ergo, we don't need ADI trainees, so we cancel courses. This obviously doesn't take into account sickness, retirements, resignations, medical lossses, but then, they are management, we can't expect them to plan ahead!

Fast forward to when the traffic picks up, and those retirements etc have happened. We now need a good few ADI trainees. But alas the college hasn't been doing too much ADI training of late and isn't geared up for a large throughput. So as an interim measure it can be outsourced. And that (or more importantly what we are seeing now) is the beginning of the end for ADI training at Hurn.

But then again maybe I'm just a cynic. Whatever, this is yet another shortsighted move by management with short term gains and very little thought for the future. But are we surprised?

whitelighter 10th Nov 2009 12:31

All I know is that is what I have been told by NATS. Whether or not you choose to beleive anything I guess is up to you

pugwash4x4 10th Nov 2009 13:00

Wonder if they'll bump some of us already on the Feb Area course? sure that NATS told me there were only 20 places on the area course and 14 on the aerodrome course.

Must be some bumping to be done- hopefully first come first served as i'd be ok then.

Anyone know when the next Area course is after Feb?

cottam approach 10th Nov 2009 13:06

They are definately 'bumping'. I was told I had a secure place on the Feb area course because i'd been waiting so long; it's probably the same for all Jan aerodrome guys that have elected to switch to area so there will be alot of shuffling of places.

I believe that there are 4 courses per year. Guessing, i'd say the next area after Feb will be May. Solid maths, I know. If only I could figure out my 6 times table.................

radarman 10th Nov 2009 13:12

LEGAL TENDER has hit the nail on the head. We have two staff either on, or due for the ADC course. Both are being sent to a certain college in Wales for their courses. Reasons: 1. It's much cheaper. 2. It's a shorter course. 3. They can be fitted in immediately with no p*ssing about. Perfect for what we want.

Of course, that means Hurn has two less people requiring training, which means more likelihood of cancelled courses due lack of demand. Either the college will be out of business soon, or NATS will insist on accepting only those who have passed through Hurn.

About a year ago NATS were looking into the possibility of buying/merging with C*mbran. Doesn't seem to have been much progress there.

Pat42 10th Nov 2009 13:24

Area courses are starting in Feb, April and June. I was told at stage 3 of selection last week that if I get through I'd have to wait until June. Seemed like quite a long wait, but I wonder if we were told that in anticipation of this anouncement... I dearly hope it was otherwise "bumping" could mean waiting until Oct/Nov :(

DIAF 10th Nov 2009 14:27

I spoke with HR today. They said that at the moment they are seeing how many of the Approach participants will want to switch to Area. If bumping is required they will ask for volunteers from the area course. If they don't get enough then they will have to bump people.

LEGAL TENDER 10th Nov 2009 14:55

We have two staff either on, or due for the ADC course. Both are being sent to a certain college in Wales for their courses.
radarman, let me get this right. You are at a Nats unit with 2 staff (presumably either ATSAs or radar valid) that are starting their ADC training at BAe Cwmbran to then return to Nats after college ?
It must be an absolute first ??? Clearly a sign of things to come...

SilentHandover 10th Nov 2009 16:53

Legal Tender,

You understand correct about the NATS employees being sent to Cwmbran with the idea being they return to NATS afterwards. One at least is radar valid having been through Hurn and passing the 2007 Basic course and APS.


Roffa 10th Nov 2009 17:21

NATS has sent the odd person or three to one of the private ATC colleges before, I can recall it being done as far back as late 80s/early 90s.

man friday 10th Nov 2009 18:25

Back in the days of 75,76 and 77 course in the early 90's half of each was sent to Bailbrook ( SERCO/IAL's) college to complete the Area Procedural and Area Radar courses.

So theres nothing new in the CAA/NATS/NERL/NSL or whatever set of initials they pick next subcontracting ratings training courses

alfaman 10th Nov 2009 18:50

^ - the difference being the reason; back then, Hurn didn't have the required capacity; now it has, but rather than use it, courses are cut...

ILS RWY27L 10th Nov 2009 19:37

Worrying, though very interesting.

Could the current situation result in NATS going so far as to withdraw offers!? Or is it more a case of a long wait for course start dates.

Maybe the Single European Sky initiative should speed up a little and enable NATS to post trainees to colleges up and down the continent. :)

Spitoon 10th Nov 2009 20:17

Maybe the Single European Sky initiative should speed up a little and enable NATS to post trainees to colleges up and down the continent.
Huh? They already can. The problem seems to be that they don't need/want the trainees coming through the system right now.

Or maybe I misunderstand the smiley?

ILS RWY27L 10th Nov 2009 20:31

The smiley was meaningless to tell the truth.

I realise they CAN post trainees to colleges abroad, but is this something NATS are actually doing, or might start doing to a greater degree?

I would have thought a large point of having a Single Sky would be to enable the influx of successful applicants (from ANY country's selection process) to be shared out among ATM providers across Europe as and when/where they are needed.

imperial_monkfish 10th Nov 2009 21:53

8 or 9 students passed Jan. 218, I'm not sure about April 219 and I believe there was around/over a 50% failure/re-course rate for July 220.
There were 15 students who passed 219 ADI - 4 went to (or will eventually end up in) London towers, 6 were put 'on hold', and the remaining 5 were put straight onto the next approach course.

Matt_B 12th Nov 2009 21:32

I had a phone call yesterday saying that although i had been confirmed on the Feb area course they were moving me back to the area course which will start in the first week of May. This is to make room for people on the cancelled aero courses.

I'm absolutely gutted but can understamd that there must be a fair few people who had their hopes on doing an aero course only to be told they cant.

Hooligan Bill 12th Nov 2009 22:21

I'm absolutely gutted but can understamd that there must be a fair few people who had their hopes on doing an aero course only to be told they cant.
Gutted, you should be pleased, believe me NSL really isn't the place to be in NATS.

Jochi85 13th Nov 2009 14:02

DIAF, I have been bumped from the Feb Area to May Area. I certainly wasn't asked to volunteer! All I got was a call saying that as a lot of the canned Aero people now want to move to Area and have been waiting to start at the college longer than me, I have been bumped back 3 months.

My problem is I'm currently working as a temp with my contract running out mid Jan! I'm trying to see if I can extend it but I'm not holding my breath...so it will screw me over financially as I can't see the chances of finding another job just for 3 months with the climate the way it is...

I said all this to HR and was told, 'a note of it has been made'.

I can understand why I've been bumped (as in why others should have priority, not why the Aero courses have been canned) but it doesn't do me any favours.

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