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Jagohu 1st Oct 2013 07:52

elafrican: would you please stop all this "I guess I'm actually great" stuff at least until you actually have an ATCO licence??? FYI being on OJT doesn't mean that you made it... Many people are chopped on the OJT, so please don't be so overconfident or may I say arrogant, by telling people big truths (invented by yourself, I presume?) about being "born to do ATC" and things like that.

Thank you and good luck with your training.

GlobalJourney 1st Oct 2013 20:24

Well said V!

GlobalJourney 22nd Jan 2014 22:55

For those who haven't seen already, Eurocontrol have started a recruitment process to take on just 8 ab-initio trainees, to start in Spring 2015.

Become an air traffic controller | Eurocontrol

BeT 13th Feb 2014 11:08

Im surprised the above post hasnt garnered more interest.

8 vacancies for 2015. Initial course in Toulouse.

Next recruitment will be 2017 at the earliest.

Grab it whilst you can!

citabria06g 13th Feb 2014 12:51

Any info on how Toulouse is working for Maastricht? Are the trainees coming out better or worse than from Lux? People in Muac satisfied? What were the pass rates for the last two AI courses?

BeT 13th Feb 2014 13:48

The 2015 course will be the 1st complete AI course in Toulouse.

Its the test AI for the future 2017+ recruitments (which if predictions stay true will be 20+ student controllers per year).

Healeypilot 14th Feb 2014 00:40

Be warned if you are thinking of applying that the Toulouse course is expected to have a VERY high failure rate. It has almost half the amount of simulation time than the Lux course with much less complexity. The pass rate at Toulouse will probably be 100% so that ENAC can impress EUROCONTROL but those students will be well below par to start Maastricht training.

BeT 14th Feb 2014 09:55

To be honest the failure rate from the last few years of AI courses has been worryingly high, so the risk of transferring it to Toulouse is somewhat reduced.

Its a shame political BS gets in the way of doing the sensible thing - this would have been the perfect opportunity to bring the whole thing in house @ MUAC.

If you are good enough, you should make it. If you are borderline, ill admit your chances of 'getting through' are reduced..... everybody @ MUAC wants trainees to pass, so if you make it through the front door in Beek you have a strong chance IMO.

Dante1991 26th Feb 2014 20:18

Hey guys, If I understood correctly, the recruitment will be held in Toulouse, correct? Why is that? I thought it will be held in Maastricht. Why the change? Anyway, I applied too,, and would like to ask you sth, will some preparation do me any good for the FEAST? I mean, I am only preparing solving some logical math problems, and studying something from the AT-SAT book. I know that for FEAST there is no real preparation, but will the mentioned things do me any good?

p.s: I am an ATC student at Faculty of Aeronautics in Slovakia, but it is not certified by any institution, it is just for preparation.

maumau92 6th Mar 2014 13:52

Hey guys,

I'm new here and I just wanted to see if anyone else has applied for the new training at Eurocontrol and if they got any feedback yet.

And I just wanted to check if anyone has any information about changes to the selection process (there are no group tasks etc. mentioned on eurocontrol.int) and if anybody knows something about the training at ENAC in Toulouse.

Thanks guys (and girls)

oxymoronic 14th Mar 2014 23:17

@maumau92 - I applied earlier in the week and got a "Thanks for applying - we'll be in touch soon.." email shortly after.

Quite excited!

mbucholski 17th Mar 2014 13:38

Soon after sending your application you should receive a certificate of visual performance that needs to be completed by an optician/ophthalmologist. You then send it back and wait for an invitation (I believe this hasn't been announced yet, as I haven't personally received anything).

oxymoronic 18th Mar 2014 00:35

@mbucholski - I assume the certificate is by forwarded post and not electronically (by email)?

mbucholski 18th Mar 2014 16:11

It's a Word document via email. Returned electronically (fax/post/in person also possible).

maumau92 19th Mar 2014 22:27

Yeah I got that a few weeks ago and last week another message just saying that they received my application and will be in touch soon. So lets hope the best

oxymoronic 25th Mar 2014 15:08


Luckily just been sent the certificate of visual performance sheet by EURM about 30 minutes before my scheduled eye exam.

Lon More 6th Apr 2014 19:01

Visited MUAC on Friday (thanks Ellen and others)

Apparently budget considerations mean that there will be a planned reduction in the number of controllers (+/- 50 was the number mentioned) in the next few years. Also a reduction in investment and system development.
It's always been feast (no pun intended) or famine concerning the provision of ab-initio courses. There will be a peak in retirement at the end of the decade again and it is expected that about 100 new controllers will be needed by 2020. So more courses should be scheduled in 2016-2017.

appoll 22nd Apr 2014 15:54

Allright everyone, I need a little help.

:D I just got an email containing the invitation for Phase 1 for 20th May 2014. :D

The thing is that I'm currently working on my bachelor thesis ( I study comp sci ) and I am getting truly busy until the end of june.

Is trying to reschedule a good idea, or should I just go for it? I am afraid I will not be in my best shape at that time, lots of stress is accumulating on the way.

Thanks for any piece of advice,

Paul Anton

denisa2501 22nd Apr 2014 16:41

Paul I also got invited but on the 19th :)

ebsth 24th Apr 2014 15:51

hello everyone

I also got an invitation for the selection test on 19th May!
How do you guys prepare for the test? if you even do?! does anyone use skytest?


oxymoronic 24th Apr 2014 18:10

Originally Posted by Alduin (Post 8445918)

Originally Posted by appoll (Post 8445632)

Originally Posted by denisa2501 (Post 8445681)

Nice one all - how long have you been waiting for your invitation? I.e. when was your certificate of visual performance in with HR? :D

maumau92 24th Apr 2014 18:59

I got one as well for the 21st, but I did need to reschedule because it was right in the middle of my university exams... but good luck to all of you ;) I think I waited like 2 months or so?

ebsth 24th Apr 2014 21:26

phase 1
I also got an invitation for the 19th :)
do you guys prepare yourselves? with skytest or any other things? I'm wondering if i should do it or not...they won't give us any preparation stuff will they?:confused:

appoll 25th Apr 2014 06:14

it's been a long long time

I just checked my email and it says I sent it on the 14th of February.
On the 20th I followed up with an email inquiring the receipt of the visual performance certificate and I was confirmed and thanked for my patience :)

Good luck,

Dante1991 28th Apr 2014 14:01

Got invitation for 19th of May. It will be way to hard to make it, so that's why I am asking. You think that 1st time is always better and with more chances? They told me that if they have enough candidates in May, there won't be any other dates, and the opening will be closed. So, what do you think?

ebsth 28th Apr 2014 18:28

but all selection tests are in May, aren't they?

Dante1991 29th Apr 2014 16:33

Guys, does anybody know when does the 2nd Phase takes place? is it like after 3-4 months, or it might be one month after the 1st phase. Anyone? at least approximately. Tnx.

Dante1991 30th Apr 2014 22:21

Asked a friend who passed the FEAST at Skyguide, and told me tha Skytest helped him a lot, he knew exactly what to expect. Any comments on that?

Dante1991 1st May 2014 17:36

Who is travelling from Budapest? i'll be going on 18th from Budapest to Brussels, then via train to Maastricht. Anyone else??

antoinersca 4th May 2014 19:34

Not from Budapest, but from Brussels direct to Maastricht.

slamdoneck1991 8th May 2014 15:12

Hi guys.
Going to take FEAST at Maastricht on 16th June...
I've already passed it and work as an ATC in Ukraine...but our authorities don't care about english part in feast test...so we did'nt do it the best...
But in Maastricht everything is important...could you give some advices about english phase of the test...i've got the 4'th level of ICAO...but i think it's not enough...
Thank's a lot

GlobalJourney 8th May 2014 15:30

slamdoneck1991, do MUAC know that you have already taken FEAST (as specified in the e-mail) and are working in ATC already?

maumau92 8th May 2014 15:33

I'll be there on the 17th

I did the FEAST test a while ago with NATS in the UK, the English part wasn't really complicated. It's just general understanding of written and spoken text, filling in words etc. If you understood the rest of the test, then the English part shouldn't really be a problem.

Dante1991 8th May 2014 15:39

ANyone who had an experience in Eurocontrol, please, will there be a problem if you can't come on the suggested date for phase 2? any consequences? I am just afraid that will not be in Europe for the summer, and if I get a call for phase 2 that time, someone else will take my place.

And for the phase 1, I see that different dates for mostly everyone, didn't know that. that's good, at least we won't be 100 people all together at once.

GlobalJourney 8th May 2014 15:42

maumau92, I presume you have also advised MUAC that you have taken FEAST previously? Did you pass?

maumau92 8th May 2014 16:05

Yes I did ;) Luckily they give me a second chance =) I got to Phase 2 with NATS

Dante1991 8th May 2014 18:42

so you are going to take feast at eurocontrol too? on the 17th of June or? I see all of us got different dates, I see that phase 2 will be later, so I'll have a chance to go in september or october for the phase 2, if I pass the feast, which I hope to.

CoolOff 9th May 2014 04:22

Got an invitation to phase 1 on the 17th of June yesterday. :)

maumau92 9th May 2014 16:44

Yes I'm there on the 17th. I personally hope that it doesn't take too long for the second phase, but I guess we'll have to wait and see ;)
Congratulations CoolOff, see you there !

slamdoneck1991 12th May 2014 01:51

Of course...i mantioned about it, and they told me, that i should pass the FEAST test again, also like my friend, we both an ATC in Ukraine already, and did feast in 2012...

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