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Nokio 6th Feb 2008 06:32

College Streaming
Hello to all current trainees, and everyone else too. Im starting at the college in April, course 215. Now, I know that there is a new format for the basic course, introduced at 214, but does everyone get the same basic course regardless of where they will be streamed?, or has it now been changed to two slightly differing basic courses that focus on one of the disciples, Area/Aero-Approach? I ask because some April starters have already been asked which discipline they would prefer. I was of the impression that this judgement was made by the college, dependant upon requirements, ability, and although personal preference was a factor, it was not the deciding one, and carried least weight with regards to the final decision. With the new format, is this decision now made before new trainees even get to the college? Although I understand that more 'discipline focused' basics would mean that trainees would be in a better position to tackle their chosen, or allocated disciplines, and stand a better chance of being succesful, but still, this seems to turn all previous reasoning on its head. I've been told that the Aero-Approach quota has been filled, and that its Area for me. I dont mind at all, I had'nt yet decided, thinking it a decision I'd make once at the college, but I would've liked to have the choice, rather than what seems to be, 'first called first served'. Like I said, I dont mind, probably would have gone Area, only that Aero has more scope for postings, and I'm a northerner, and although I know Aero spots are limited anyway, thought I'd at least have a puncher's chance, if thats the way I did decide eventually.
So, does this ring a bell with anyone else, with regards to how the streaming decision is made? Either way, not long now, grumble grumble, cant wait. Thanks for any replies, Nokio.:ok:

Scuzi 6th Feb 2008 10:17

If the college is anything like it was when I was there, if you want aerodrome make sure you make it known to everyone that you want to do area and vice versa. If you want a posting to Scotland, make sure you tell everyone you are set on going to Swanwick.

As far as streaming goes, we were told the decision was based on how we performed on our introductory course and apparently it even went as far back as our testing day/interview results. I don't know if the same still applies but with such an early decision it must be fairly random rather than selective.

Best of luck at the college:ok:

sr562 6th Feb 2008 18:55


The first thing is dont try and figure out how anything is worked out or how decisions are made at the college of knowledge.
There is, or appears at least to be no logic or reason to anything that happens down there and i dont think anyone actually knows either.
The best thing to do is work hard, keep your head down and dont piss anyone(instructors) off. Best of luck with the course anyway.

Oh yeah and hope you dont have to meet a 'woman' who seems to bathe in cheap perfume. ;) if she is still there that is.

Gonzo 6th Feb 2008 20:20

I believe that you will now be streamed before starting, and the 'new' basic is area-based. Those destined for Aerodrome will go straight onto what resembles the old 'Aerodrome 1' and then 'Aerodrome 2' courses.

Quincy M.E. 9th Feb 2008 16:51

How do they do the streaming? Is it pot luck? As Scuzi said, at least before you could try and plead for ADC in person:ok:

Steakpie 10th Feb 2008 08:09

to the best of my knowledge everyone on 214 to 216 will be going area

NeoDude 10th Feb 2008 09:19

The only people who were asked their preference were those that have been deffered from the January course.

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