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Vicki280_1 30th Aug 2007 07:03

Area or Aerodrome?
I am at the stage at college where I have to decide which way I want to go Area or Aerodrome, but I am struggling.

I think both look very good and would offer me the daily challenge that I crave.

Long term I would like to maybe move abroad and don't know which of these would offer me the best oppourtunities abroad.

If anyone can help :confused:

Standard Noise 30th Aug 2007 08:15

Went through all 5 rating exams at the college and even though I was offered a shot at Area (after a brief spell of madness in TC), I left NATS and went to work at the pointy end of things. Can't imagine being back in a centre again.

Look at it this way, most twr/app people I know love doing radar, but it's nice to look out at the shiny smartie tubes as well. Not too often mind, but a bit of sun is nice now and again.

flower 30th Aug 2007 08:28

Looking long term within the company I would say area is your best bet . I loved working at the airports nothing quite like the buzz of the place and doing both aerodrome and approach but the money, the good jobs and all the real prospects lie in area.

MancBoy 30th Aug 2007 08:38

Plus,one train of thought going around is that Mr Barron is preparing NATS to flog the airports side anyway.

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 30th Aug 2007 08:49

<<the daily challenge that I crave>>

Not wholly sure that this should be your primary concern and I hope you didn't apply to join ATC simply for that. If you get posted somewhere quiet you're going to be disappointed!! My first SATCO, back in 1966 said "Bren, remember this - once you're validated and got some experience it's money for old rope". Nothing that happened in the subsequent 36 year up to the time I retired caused me to question that statement (although I guess many on here may).

Phantom99 30th Aug 2007 09:45

When I made my request a few years ago I had no idea either, however in the end I chose Area primarily because of where I could be posted - Area jobs will eventually be rationalised into Scottish or Swanwick, either places I would have been happy to live at.

I ended up at LACC, really enjoy it although the training does generally take longer than aerodrome/approach (no comments please! :) )

ImnotanERIC 30th Aug 2007 10:11

there is more room to move around within the uk by doing tower. I know of many people that have had 2 or 3 airports in their career already. in my opinion radar is where the magic happens

TinPusher 30th Aug 2007 11:30

Area is the rating that is sought after if you have a desire to work overseas. Any which way, goodluck!:)

Gonzo 30th Aug 2007 11:35

Depends if you want to do some proper ATC or play computer games. :E

Seriously though (and I tell this to the guys I interview - if you're the Vicki I think you are I might have told you this already!), I know of plenty of people who put one down as their preference and got the other, but none of them regret it now.

Vicki280_1 30th Aug 2007 11:59

Both Appeal
At the moment the reason I am so stuck is the fact that I like the sound of both and as there are limited spots (7 or less) I want to make my choice count.

I guess i wanted some other perspectives to help me make my decision.

I know typical woman, can't make her mind up, but seriously all advice helps.


Vicki280_1 30th Aug 2007 12:44

Do all the aerodromes take on new trainees or is it just a select few? If so which aerodromes take new trainees straight from college?


Gonzo 30th Aug 2007 12:57

I think all units now potentially take trainees from the college. Of course, not all of them will have vacant training slots when you come to the end of your course. On my course (many years ago now) we had trainees go to: Heathrow, Gatwick, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Farnborough. Also four went to TC to do Heathrow Approach (we all used to do the Approach Radar Course too).

G-OFUK 30th Aug 2007 15:26

Accept that the decision is not actually yours and that you are probably going to area.

Don't state a preference on the form - that way you'll be happy with whatever you get and then as soon as you're earning above the minimum wage you probably won't care anyway.

Predicament - sorted.

BigBoeing 30th Aug 2007 16:05

Im aerodrome so I obviously favour that. However:
If you have genuine interest in aviation/aircraft, and I don't mean a spotter then go aerodrome! As someone else stated you get far more opportunity to move around. From personal experience I think the buzz of working at a large international airport beats driving into a council estate everyday.:} As does watching the sun come up at 5am from the tower.
Seriously, both are amazing and most people would not change what they do whether it was their first choice or not. It's all down to you.
Also, another point that may sway you, coming from the college on the pittance that trainees are paid now, you will be on big money within a year, (most likely a lot less) if you go aerodrome. Some area trainees I knew waited over a year and a half just to start training! Good luck

REVOLUTION 30th Aug 2007 16:14

From a social point of view, If you end up working at a tower there may only be about 5-10 people per watch compared to 50+ at an Area centre.

Nats airports probably will be sold off as it's the Area centre's that make all the money.

You'll earn more at an Area centre.

In my opinion radar is much more rewarding than tower.

SACrIGGER 30th Aug 2007 16:52

Go and sit in with with all three disciplines (approach as well, you may go there after aerodrome.) That way you are getting an unbiased view of them for yourself, and also showing the instructors that you have an interest, which can only be a positive thing when it come to choosing who goes where.

Don't be shy, there is no prior booking required, just turn up and ask either a student or an instructor if it will be ok to sit in.

Good luck with your decision. Ian.

Gonzo 30th Aug 2007 16:55

I know MancBoy's been waiting for me to say this, but there are some units where the money is the same, possibly more....:}

SINGAPURCANAC 30th Aug 2007 19:27

TWR/APP/RDR- Definitely!
When I was in school ACC had another name ( and still has) -MINE!
TWRs has better view, usually less staff than ACC , more closer relationship between coleagues, more fun and so on...
But, there is also another side of work at TWRs. Regardless country of living you may be delegated to some small, remote twr or to some place where you don't want to live and work, while if you decide to go to ACC , ACC are usually located to big cities and centres so you may live in better place. All those things are relative and the the best thing is that you make decesion alone.
Don't forget that in many cases salary at TWRs/APP is less than salaries at ACC. There is no reason for such treatment but ACC has better lobby. Believe or not but job at APP/RDR is 10 times ( at least) harder ( higher workload) than at asociated ACC sector.
If you live in Europe don't forget about FABs, which will hapen ( in future) . It means that number of ACC will be reduced so there is possibility that some ACC ATCOs loose positions.
Good luck! ( you will need it)

Geffen 30th Aug 2007 19:52


Are you hinting at the dreaded 'B' word?

On a serious note Tower is where the best views are but both will be rewarding in their own right.


Surely Area makes all the money by being a monopoly, does it not?
Some airports are making money and besides airports side of the business is the only area where true growth is possile. (at this time)

Gonzo 30th Aug 2007 19:58

My dear Geffen, how the devil are you?:ok:

No, actually, I was thinking of the O word, then the L word, then the W word.

Outer London Weighting, for those not up on their TLAs.:}

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