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angry_muppet 21st Nov 2008 21:30

My understanding was that it was rare to pass first time? Anyway, neither here nor there! It was on my 3rd (and final) attempt that I got through. My first application was at 17, not even finished my A-Levels... I remember that at that time, stage 1 was an (almost) all-day affair where they did the personality questionnaire on paper.
Second attempt was last year and got to stage 2.
Between last year and this year, I looked at what I had done and remembered where I had let myself get annoyed with mistakes. Going in this time, when I made a mistake it was a grunt of disapproval, and forget about it.
If you're truly enthuastic about it, it'll show.

I think I've rambled a bit, but anyhow! :ok: Good luck!

cariadmon 22nd Nov 2008 08:48

Got my stage 3 next week and have got through quite a lot of reading, visits, etc. The last thing that is worrying me slightly is the D/S/T parts.

Does anyone know of any good websites that will test me with these types of questions.

Will they ask these types of questions in the interview and expect me to answer on the spot?


jack.raven 22nd Nov 2008 09:04

all you have to do is remember
speed = distance/time
then just rearrange to find distance or time

MarkLeeds 22nd Nov 2008 13:19

Third Stage
Hi all,

Hope you are all well.....

I've got my Third Stage interview next Thursday - 27th - and I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how much technical information I should be expected to know?

I've studied the documents from the previous two stages inside out and i'm pretty confident I could answer anything to do with them. I've also got Graham Duke's book - although it is a fairly old edition - which seems to only further detail the info in the NATS documents.

I've struggled to find anything in relation to the sequencing of descending/landing aircraft.
Any links?

Could anyone give any examples of ATC situations which I could attempt to answer?
I realise that interviewers are expecting to recruit actual controllers, however, I would like to be fully prepared for any questions that they could ask.

Thanks to all who can help!!!

ar_ni 22nd Nov 2008 17:21

Anything technical that I was asked was from the document. There were few situational things, including what I would do if my friend turned up to work drunk, and a long winded thing about a 747 crashing off the end of the runway and whether I would keep the runway in use after various changes had taken place (debris cleared, fuel unloaded etc) and with certain conditions in place (last 100m not used, taking off downwind away from the crash etc) when said plane would not be removed for three days.

The sequencing question is similar to this- it's using common sense and backing up your answer with a reason (you can't just say no...). If you're looking for info on vortex spacing then wikipedia does as good a job as any- Wake turbulence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - it's handy to know (though they probably won't ask that question so specifically since it's been discussed at such length in this thread)...

The idea for these I guess is that you're not prepared- they are questioning your ability to make snap decisions but be able to think them through logically and be founded.

Good luck, as long as you've read up and come across as confident you should be fine! :ok:

Bluebird2008 23rd Nov 2008 08:25

Hi everybody.

Have been reading this site for the last few weeks now, and found it to be a great help and full of info.

I am hoping someone could help me with my predicament. I am going for my 3rd stage interview this week, and everything is sorted. (Travel arrangements, hotel, etc.)

Unfortunately, we had a family bereavement earlier in the week, and the funeral is planned for the same day as the interview. I have left a message at HR, and I am hoping someone will get back in touch with me tomorrow.

Does anyone know what the likelihood that the interview will be put back is. Only asking, as I know there are still people going through stage 1 and 2 at the moment, so there will be stage 3 dates for these in the next few weeks.

Thanks for any info.

AJ7 23rd Nov 2008 12:10


The only thing i'd suggest is calling them as early as you can in the morning. They may have a lot of messages for them over the weekend and may not get to yours that quickly. Try giving them a ring at say 9am and see if you can sort it out with them then. They'll have all the info to hand regarding rearranging third stage, and im sure they'll be able to give you a date that suits you and also isnt too far in the future. In terms of the travel arrangements, they should be able to help you rearrange all that as well.

Hope it all goes ok, good luck.

quyeno 24th Nov 2008 12:28

Stage 1 on 10th Nov
Hi guys,

just wondering if anyone who sat their stage 1 at the glasgow hilton in the afternoon session has heard anything yet?


adc1436 24th Nov 2008 15:59

2nd and 3rd stage interviews
hi, im going down to for my second stage interview, computer tests etc on wednesday. can anyone tell me what the difference between the structured interview and the 3rd stage interview that i've seen people talk about on here

shugs 24th Nov 2008 19:25

Uni Failure
Hi folks
not sure if anybody has been in a similar position but will give it a try.

have my stage two this week, and one area i expect to be grilled on is my uni ''career'. i attended uni for three years but never got my degree, because i could not pass one module out of approx 20 - 25, despite sitting the exam 4times. :{

that was a few years ago and i have a fairly good/responsible job now, although not a career. There are not extenuating personal circumstances.

I cant help thinking that despite how much i have come to realise this is the job for me and that aviation is an area that i love, HR will kinda look on it that i was bad at one area of study therefore i will not be able to handle TATC.

Kinda feel that it would have been better if i had never gone to uni

I really enjoy reading/learning both the information provided by NATS and other aviation stuff in a way i never did at uni. Any useful thoughts other than 'see how it goes?'
thanks in advance

glasgowgirl 24th Nov 2008 20:33

ZOOKER, EGPF is the place to be!

Two days until stage 2, studying like mad and loving it!

Gonzo 24th Nov 2008 20:49

shugs check yer PMs.

ZOOKER 24th Nov 2008 22:51

All the best for stage 2 (and hopefully, 3).
Have you had a visit to EGPX yet?

Ivor_Novello 24th Nov 2008 23:48

EGPF is the place to be
That's what I tried to explain to NSL !!!

glasgowgirl 25th Nov 2008 10:19

advised to save visit until i get through stage 2, but if i get through i'm going to get straight down there :-)

ronnie1974 25th Nov 2008 10:46

Got the stage 2 16th December. I'm a little bit older than most and going for a complete career change from Finance to Aviation. As soon as I achieved my PPL I knew I had to work in aviation. Gonzo, I'm assuming that if I'm through to stage 2 then age isn't an issue??

Christa 25th Nov 2008 14:17

Stage 1 on 10th Nov
quyenoStage 1 on 10th NovHi guys,

just wondering if anyone who sat their stage 1 at the glasgow hilton in the afternoon session has heard anything yet?


I completed Stage 1 in that session and still haven't received anything yet.

adc1436 25th Nov 2008 15:13

2nd stage
Hey, has any1 else got their stage 2 on Wed at 12.15pm? See u soon if u have!!!


falcon737 25th Nov 2008 15:53

Still waiting S1 Nov 10th london Hilton

shugs 25th Nov 2008 16:32

Stage 2 results
am aware that there are S2's taking place this week and last. have read in previous posts that people were getting the result that day or the next, just wondered if that was still the case of its that's slipped a bit?

good luck adc136, have mine thurs at 12.15 :sad:

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