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ar_ni 25th Aug 2008 22:20

There's a bit of a step by step on page 22 of this thread which I found great... (Oh yeah I trawled...).

Roll on Wednesday!

pewpewpew 25th Aug 2008 23:27

For stage 1 and 2 don't worry about that Graham Dukes book just yet. All the questions will be related to the pdf handbook sent to you (obviously the 2nd stage questions will be slightly harder). Some questions are very specific. I found it's not like uni where you have to understand the concept and answer questions with that concept. Some of the questions require memorising of exact facts from the pdf. Best thing is memorise all the data.

I found the Graham Duke book very handy for the 3rd stage. You wont need to remember things like the exact services provided in different airspaces but it gives a good overall picture of what NATS provides. Which they may ask of you. They may also ask you what you expect to study once you get to college.

Good luck with the cubes. You'll never have to do them again after this.

ar_ni 25th Aug 2008 23:57

I love how cube nets have the ability to put the fear of god into us all...

Bonnatron 27th Aug 2008 16:04

how did you get on on wednesday?
ive got my train to london leaving in 40 minutes, the nerves will gradually start to build from now on in!
just printing of the last few thing so i know what im doing when i get there and something to entertain me for my 5 hour train ride... joys!

alexcarr84 28th Aug 2008 19:55

Evening folks!

Have been keeping an eye on this forum in the build up to my stage 1 tests, thanks for the help! Had it yesterday and received an email today (quick!) inviting me to take the personality questionnaire.... Can't believe what has just happened, made it to about q58 and my internet crashed. Hence no back button, no nothing to get my personality test back. Have called the HR people and left a message explaining and going to call in the morning.

Does anyone think I'll be given a second chance or will they take it upto the point I finished or am I doomed :{. Will be seriously gutted if that is the case. I'm refusing to log out in case it registers me as finished-am preparing for a long night of refreshing...

Answers on a postcard please!


alexcarr84 28th Aug 2008 20:28

Scrap that last post! It appears all I had to do was log in in another page and my half finished questionnaire promptly appeared! No doubt there has been a shift in personality half way through due to that!

Vic154 28th Aug 2008 21:12


I too have been invited to take the online personality questionnaire. I'm happy! :) It's been a year since I failed at the first hurdle so I'm chuffed to at least get this far.

I'm just wondering though so I can be as prepared as possible before I take it, what format are the questions in? Is it the type where there are four statements for each question and you select which two you are most and least like? Or something completely different?

Thanks in advance, I would just like to know what to expect before I attempt it.



ar_ni 29th Aug 2008 00:51

If you look at the stuff nats sent you in the first email (where the 1st stage booklet link is) there's a document with examples of the aptitude tests (not the shl group one but the nats link). At the end of that there's a bit on the personality test. It's a strongly agree/strongly disagree job :uhoh:

Damn you, waiting game!

alexcarr84 29th Aug 2008 09:08

You had it spot on Vic, 4 statements have to say which is most like you and which is least like you, and 'ignore' 2. Good luck!

Vic154 29th Aug 2008 22:37

Ah so is it like the one on the NZ Airways website?

Do you have what it takes?

Think I can manage that!

Thanks a lot, will attempt it over the weekend :uhoh: My future's riding on this....I'm scared....


monkeyboy21 30th Aug 2008 10:35

Done It!
Well, Just found out yesterday that i passed stage three, (toughest interview i've ever had) and subject to the medical etc, should be starting in January.

Once again, thaks to all contributors of this thread as your advice has been somewhat invaluable! Training here we come!


alexcarr84 30th Aug 2008 11:27

Well done! Stage 3 seems so far away... Mind you I have just 'passed' the questionnaire and have been invited to fill in the application and attend stage 2-just 2 days after attending stage 1! Whoop whoop!

angry_muppet 30th Aug 2008 17:06

NZ Airways test
The result I got was:

Air traffic Control may not be your thing! You didn’t select the key personality factors that tend to make successful air traffic controllers. However, if you would like to proceed with your application we will measure these factors again in a more accurate questionaire - so we'll be able to give you a better indication at that stage.
But I still passed the SHL one?

ZOOKER 30th Aug 2008 20:34

Just done the Airways NZ thing.
"They would love to hear from me".
MONSTER!!! :ok::ok:

ar_ni 31st Aug 2008 07:14

I remember failing the Tesco one when I was 17. Honestly, how hard can it be to have the right personality for Tesco?!

Stupid personality forms :*

mike1711 31st Aug 2008 09:21

Hi guys,

Just to say a BIG BIG thanks to everyone that's posted on this thread and this forum, student and ATCO alike, its been a great help.

I found out just the other day that I passed stage 3, so role on security and medical.:}

To all those who are going through the process, all I can say is prepare well and then prepare some more:ok: its a bit scary at times but not impossible

Once again thanks to everyone, and maybe some of us will meet at the college!:8

NeoDude 31st Aug 2008 14:14

Originally Posted by ZOOKER
They would love to hear from me

That must be a novelty for you :E

feonagh 31st Aug 2008 19:04

Hey, I know this doesn't follow on from the previous posts, but I am currently going through the NATS selection process and a controller present at stage 1 told us to go visit a tower and the best way to go about booking in for a visit was through this site.

So here I am, are there any controllers on this who work at Edinburgh Airport? If so, would you be lovely enough to let me come and observe what you and the other controllers do on a day to day basis? If so then I would be eternally grateful! :O

Gonzo 31st Aug 2008 19:17


May I respectfully suggest that the NATS rep at your stage one should have given you more info. I've just used a well known internet search engine with some well chosen, yet obvious, words and top of the results came an ATC telephone number, followed by the EGPH general enquiries telephone number, who would be able to put you through or give you the right number.

Perhaps you could do the same and ask EGPH ATC themselves rather than risking nobody responding here? :ok:

Also, take a look at the UK AIP (NATS | AIS) - you might need to register (free), click through to UK Aeronautical Information Publication > Aerodrome Data (Specific)...there you have all the UK civil airfields. Click on one, and then Textual Data....it should have a phone number for the ATC unit there.

It's a shame that us old and crusty ATCOs are no longer permitted to help out with stage 1s, I feel that there's now some valuable knowledge and viewpoints regarding the medium to long term life as an ATCO not being passed on to applicants.:(

Oh well, I shall just have to do more stage 3s to sate my appetite for making grown men and women cry.....I mean helping to select the next generation of ATCO......

Mike1711, well done!

To all those who are going through the process, all I can say is prepare well and then prepare some more
Awwww, that warms the cockles, so to speak..... :ok:

ZOOKER 31st Aug 2008 20:55

How's Sunny Boscombe!!!?
Give my regards to Westby Road. :E:E

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