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aaaabbbbcccc1111 22nd Feb 2009 15:39

I dont trust french controllers

Arrows2100 22nd Feb 2009 16:25

Originally Posted by aaaabbbbcccc1111
I dont trust french controllers

As much as I'd love to have some kind of witty response to that, the only word that comes to mind is:

"lol!" :ok:

Russell Bell 23rd Feb 2009 07:59

I would of thought that's common practice?

dunelmitepilot 23rd Feb 2009 16:49

Stage 1 Results
I attended the assessment day on Friday 13th February in Manchester. Fortunately I had the email today saying that I now need to fill out the online personality questionnaire. Having read previous posts on here about how to fill the questionnaire out, I will be doing it very carefully I think!

Has anyone else who had the assessment on this day received an email yet?

ATCNoob 23rd Feb 2009 17:41

ATCNoob, I agree with you, and my short time in this immensely regulated industry is not yet sufficient to condition me! However, I do feel that there is no harm in a quick review of everything that crosses you, just to make sure that neither you nor any other controllers have missed something. Not talking about checking every detail, but making sure the info you get from the transfer matches what you see on radar / in the sky and on your strip is surely best practice?
Good stuff. I would imagine you are right about that.

I just got my pin number for the NATS lounge. Does anyone know if the e-learning needs to be done before you attend the college or is it for whilst you are there??

Arrows2100 23rd Feb 2009 18:45

Originally Posted by dunelmitepilot
I attended the assessment day on Friday 13th February in Manchester. Fortunately I had the email today saying that I now need to fill out the online personality questionnaire. Having read previous posts on here about how to fill the questionnaire out, I will be doing it very carefully I think!

Has anyone else who had the assessment on this day received an email yet?

Just answer these questions swiftly, go with your heart. It has been discussed very recently on these forums as I am sure you've read.

It doesn't matter if the answers seem repetitive or there to catch you out. Think of every question as a fresh question, and don't *try* to relate it to previous answers. If you're torn one way only to make a chain of similarities between answers, take a few seconds and try again to find the right answer that suits you.

As long as you answer totally honestly, they will be able to make the most of the results and hopefully see that you are fit for the role as an ATCO.

Best of luck, and don't worry too much about it. It will only skew your judgement.


PDF 24th Feb 2009 07:01

ATC Noob - I have just got my pin for the lounge, having not been on the site yet I can't 100% say about the elearning - although during my phone call advising me about the result from stage 3 I am pretty sure they said to learn it before college ?

Sorry it's not a definitive answer.


ManWithNoMouth 24th Feb 2009 10:54

Had my stage 3 yesterday at CTC, just got the phonecall I'd been dreaming about getting this morning. I'm in! Properly stunned, I didn't think I nailed the interview as well as I could have but I seem to have done enough.

If any of the other 4 that were there with me yesterday are reading this, do let me know how you did. I think you all deserved to go through, so fingers crossed!

paperclip810 24th Feb 2009 11:12


Congrats! Area or Aero? Any idea which start date you're going to go for?

ajfaccini 24th Feb 2009 11:36

hey all. I had the email the other day saying I had passed the tests etc and just needed to do the personality questionnaire. Don't know how I've done yet.

ManWithNoMouth 24th Feb 2009 12:19

Thank you paperclip!

I chose area preference and although I was told April/May was still free (are they running short?), I will wait until August at least.

paperclip810 24th Feb 2009 12:39

I spoke to HR last week to confirm my start date - I'm starting on Aero in July - they mentioned then that they've got a couple of spaces left for April May. I won't have finished my job until June-ish so can't take them, but I'm sure there's a few keen ones who can!

When's your medical?

JonathanB 24th Feb 2009 12:56

Well done everyone! I'm hoping (assuming I get through each stage!) that things will get going nice and quickly after my stage 1 in 3 weeks!

ajfaccini 24th Feb 2009 13:18

does anyone know how long it takes to hear back after you have filled in the online questionnaire?

Dave Z 24th Feb 2009 13:20

Area or Aero?
Got my stage 3 in a couple of weeks. Went to see Heathrow tower last week and loved every minute of it. Think i definately want to go Aero if i'm good enough to get in. When do they ask you about your preferences?

CJayne 24th Feb 2009 13:33

I've got my stage 3 on 31st March DaveZ...trying to arrange Tower visits now. I'm arranging one for Southampton and someone has been kind enough to give me Gatwick's number too...how was it at Heathrow?!

ManWithNoMouth 24th Feb 2009 13:38

Paperclip, not sure when my medical will be, it seems I can book any Friday for the NATS one. I have to come clean to my employers first of all though, that's my immediate concern! That and find all my education certificates.

Dave Z - I was asked on the phone today when offered my place but I've no idea if this is the "official" time they ask!

Dave Z 24th Feb 2009 14:04

Heathrow tower was amazing. Must be one of the highest around. Certainly felt a little dizzy when i first looked down :O. I sat with one of the GMC's for about half an hour and she was very good explaining everything whilst doing her job. Infact i was amazed at just how welcoming everyone i met there was. Not that i was expecting them all to be grumpy or anything, but you'd think some of them might be wary of visitors whilst they're hard at work. Was the picture of calmness up at the top. I'll be going back at least once more before my stage 3

shugs 24th Feb 2009 14:11

Hi Dave Z

got my phonecall last week and they asked then. Like MWNM said, it didn't sound too official, but I think it was.

I had been swithering for ages but plucked for area when put on the spot, told to expect a July/August start.

congrats on getting through MWNM


ATCNoob 24th Feb 2009 14:52

Had my stage 3 yesterday at CTC, just got the phonecall I'd been dreaming about getting this morning. I'm in! Properly stunned, I didn't think I nailed the interview as well as I could have but I seem to have done enough.

If any of the other 4 that were there with me yesterday are reading this, do let me know how you did. I think you all deserved to go through, so fingers crossed!
Congrats MWNM! It's a good feeling isn't it?!?!?!?! You got your results pretty quickly!

DaveZ - I have just been in touch with HR regarding start dates. They said there are spaces in April/May (as said above). I was then told that I hadn't put forward for my preference yet. I guess if you contact them now they can put it to paper for you straight away.

I have my medical this Friday and if all is well will have to get my Class 1 at Gatwick....

paperclip810 24th Feb 2009 15:34

Just had a call from HR who seem to have been told to find more candidates for the April/May course. Unfortunately I can't leave my current position until June, but for anyone who can start earlier and has ticked all the boxes etc, it's probably worth giving them a call (it'll probably make their day as they're sounding a little desperate...)!

Dave Z 24th Feb 2009 16:23

Thanks for the info. I think i might wait and see if i make the cut before putting my 'official' preference down. I'm sure i'll make it known in my interview though

Btw, my friend had his stage 3 last week and said there were no ATCO's present in the interview, just HR. Seems a little strange from the experiences i read from here.

ATCNoob 24th Feb 2009 16:36

I didn't have an ATCO either. There was one HR and the other was Head of ATCO training which I would assume used to be an ATCO. Either way he would know what ATCO qualities are required.

JonathanB 24th Feb 2009 17:30

Originally Posted by ATCNoob
I have my medical this Friday and if all is well will have to get my Class 1 at Gatwick....

I wonder what they gain from the separate company medical, and if they do anything different for those of us who already have a Class 1... :)

paperclip810 24th Feb 2009 17:32

I don't think I had an ATCO either - one was HR and the other was an ATCO, but is now an instructor at the college. Probably better since he's one of the people that would have to teach me, and might have a better idea of who will make it!

abracadabra28 24th Feb 2009 18:06

The 'NATS' medical is actually more stringent than a CAA class 1. I guess it is to safeguard against potential investments being wasted if a candidate were to fail their class 1 having started training

ATCNoob 24th Feb 2009 18:06

I also got a phone call from HR. I asked if it was possible to start later in the year but was told that only in exceptional circumstances will they defer a start date for someone. I have quite a few financial commitments and won't be able to afford starting in April/May. Does anyone know if they will consider this as 'exceptional'? And will they cancel my application if I am unable to start then?

abracadabra28 24th Feb 2009 18:37

ATCNoob........check your PM's :ok:

bobbin 24th Feb 2009 19:36

Anyone going for their Stage 1 on the 30th March?
Woah, what a fantastic thread! This has been brilliant for my revision for the exams. I'm a newbie going for their stage one on 30th March in London, and just wanted to see if anyone on here was going for it on the 30th March. Just thought it would be nice to see if anyone else was in the same boat!


Bobbin :)

ATCNoob 24th Feb 2009 20:02

Cheers abracadabra! :)

jack.raven 24th Feb 2009 20:12

I also got the phone call today about starting.... I am on the area one in may and have the medical at Swanwick this Friday :) looking forward to seeing you guys

ATCNoob 24th Feb 2009 20:37

I also have my medical this Friday at 15:00. What time is yours? We may cross paths, hopefully not in a gown though! :eek:

jack.raven 24th Feb 2009 22:12

Mines at 11:00 :) Hopefully I wont be there 4 hours!! Your not going to be starting in May?

Arrows2100 24th Feb 2009 22:20

Originally Posted by JonathonB
I wonder what they gain from the separate company medical, and if they do anything different for those of us who already have a Class 1... http://static.pprune.org/images/smilies/smile.gif

When I went for mine they made quite clear the differences.

NATS are investing a shed-load of money in you. The medical expenses from the CAA are the least of their worries. The CAA medical covers you for a few years, as such you need to be 'fit enough' at the time of the medical. The NATS medical is set out to make sure you are employable as an ATCO for a lifetime.


ATCNoob 24th Feb 2009 23:53

I see. I am phoning HR tomorrow to explain that it isn't feasable for me to start in May due to financial commitments so hopefully I won't have to start then. Don't get me wrong, I would love to start tomorrow if I could but I just can't. I am hoping for October but I think I could squeeze July.

paperclip810 25th Feb 2009 07:07


Good luck with HR - I can somehow see that they might say that they pay you enough to live, so finances don't count but I don't know! All I do know is that the lady I spoke to was a little fierce and the fact I have a contract is the only thing that got me out of April/May.

Expect July - I don't really think you've got a chance for September/October (I have heard in the past from HR that deferring more than one course isn't acceptable - you should have applied when you knew you were ready they say). Just a warning for anyone else considering when they should apply. It seems to be related to the current economic situation - when before they'd be happy to defer someone for the final year of a degree, now they're just not sure if there'll still be recruitment in a year...

Bloody credit crunch!

callum91 25th Feb 2009 09:54

Stage One

Woah, what a fantastic thread! This has been brilliant for my revision for the exams. I'm a newbie going for their stage one on 30th March in London, and just wanted to see if anyone on here was going for it on the 30th March. Just thought it would be nice to see if anyone else was in the same boat!
Hello - I also have my Stage One in London on that date at 13:30.

Anyone tried the SHL trial tests? For the Calculations test it says you may use a calculator, which I found surprising, I thought it was meant to test mental abilities not how quickly you can press buttons.



paperclip810 25th Feb 2009 10:04

There's no calculations tests as such in the NATS Stage 1 selection, apart from a couple of distance/speed/time calculations contained in the motivation paper (you can't use a calculator, but they're fairly easy to work out in your head).

Not everything on the SHL site is aimed at NATS applicants - they do testing for all sorts of companies.

Good luck with Stage 1...

callum91 25th Feb 2009 11:56

Thank you - I'm glad you said that because those tests were actually quite difficult, now at least I can focus my efforts more on what is likely to be at Stage One!

MaggiesFarmer 25th Feb 2009 12:26

Can I check - this medical, it is just the eyes, ears, blood pressure type stuff that is posted on the website? I'm not very fit and, I have to say, somewhat podgier than I used to be... plus I have had back problems in the past (nothing requiring sick leave, just prescribed pain killers)...

...My ears are great, my eyes are good with specs & all the other stuff is within their parameters... Someone tell me I'll be okay please!

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