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Lemonair 7th Sep 2018 14:59

At my Stage 2 in July this year they said 12 months, but it sounds like it's changed a lot over the last few years!

dromtsos93 7th Sep 2018 22:50

Hello all,

I have been following this blog for months now, ever since the day I applied for the job.

I am lucky enough to have been offered a place on the Jerez course starting in Feb, and I am over the moon!

Just wanted to say that this blog was a massive help through it all, so thank you all.

I have noticed a few people mentioning that they also have been given a conditional place on the Jerez course in February, so if there’s been some sort of separate group created, please let me know :)

Good luck to any applicants going through their Stage 2 / 3 Assessment days!

chips1 8th Sep 2018 15:29

For those who have been given places in Jerez, have you been given a breakdown of the training schedule?
How long will you be in Spain, and will there be opportunities to return home during courses?
What will be the next step after Jerez?

If I am lucky enough to be offered a position, family circumstance pretty much dictates that I'd be looking to travel home every weekend on the Friday and then returning on the Sunday night. I'd hope this wouldn't be an impossible scenario but seems unlikely if Jerez is the only location offered.

Flying184 8th Sep 2018 16:43

Originally Posted by chips1 (Post 10244290)
For those who have been given places in Jerez, have you been given a breakdown of the training schedule?
How long will you be in Spain, and will there be opportunities to return home during courses?
What will be the next step after Jerez?

If I am lucky enough to be offered a position, family circumstance pretty much dictates that I'd be looking to travel home every weekend on the Friday and then returning on the Sunday night. I'd hope this wouldn't be an impossible scenario but seems unlikely if Jerez is the only location offered.

I would strongly recommend against this! Do not under-estimate the workload involved in the basic and rating courses. I hold a degree and masters and can honestly say the ATCO training was by far the hardest of all study I have ever done.

If you need to be in the UK for family then, if successful, there are UK college options.

Good luck!

Jay010500 8th Sep 2018 22:32

Hey there :)

Is the Knowledge test computer based or paper based? Is it a multiple answer kind of thing or open answers?

Thank you!

chips1 9th Sep 2018 15:45

Originally Posted by Flying184 (Post 10244321)
I would strongly recommend against this! Do not under-estimate the workload involved in the basic and rating courses. I hold a degree and masters and can honestly say the ATCO training was by far the hardest of all study I have ever done.

If you need to be in the UK for family then, if successful, there are UK college options.

Good luck!

Thanks, I guess I'd be as well letting them know during the interview that Jerez is not an option for me then, no point going through the process and leaving my current job if the only option is Jerez which just won't work for me unfortunately, as it sounds like a great option where my circumstances different.

LyanRewis 11th Sep 2018 11:00

Originally Posted by dromtsos93 (Post 10243918)
Hello all,

I have been following this blog for months now, ever since the day I applied for the job.

I am lucky enough to have been offered a place on the Jerez course starting in Feb, and I am over the moon!

Just wanted to say that this blog was a massive help through it all, so thank you all.

I have noticed a few people mentioning that they also have been given a conditional place on the Jerez course in February, so if there’s been some sort of separate group created, please let me know :)

Good luck to any applicants going through their Stage 2 / 3 Assessment days!

Hi mate, private message me your number and I can add you to the WhatsApp group for Jerez in Feb!

chips1 12th Sep 2018 21:53

Hi folks,

Delighted to have learned that I passed the Stage 3 interview and, subject to conditions, will be joining the January course at CTC.

Has anyone else been booked onto this course?

Hoping to get a group going and also see if anyone is looking to flat share....

Cameron_95 14th Sep 2018 09:45

Originally Posted by chips1 (Post 10247830)
Hi folks,

Delighted to have learned that I passed the Stage 3 interview and, subject to conditions, will be joining the January course at CTC.

Has anyone else been booked onto this course?

Hoping to get a group going and also see if anyone is looking to flat share....


I’ve been offered a place at the CTC for January, just waiting on the medical next month!

I haven’t seen anyone else say they’re on the January course as well?

I’m going to start looking for flats once everything has gone through next month :)

simba090 14th Sep 2018 11:02

Hi all,

Finding it hard to believe that 'there is no way to practise for the stage 2 testing'?? Surely the tests on the NATS website are helpful, as well as other basic aptitude testing online? Preferably something with time limits, since I read someone say that. Any links?

Thank you for the tips about bringing your own food etc, going to need to be switched on.

Also, I assume the interview is behavioural questions about past experiences and your responses to situations? Can someone confirm?

I am flying across the world for this (Australia to England) and really don't have much money so really need to know as much as possible, greatly appreciated.

So can you be sent to Spain to train even if you apply through the UK NATS at CTC?

DistinctlyPlain 14th Sep 2018 21:55

Originally Posted by simba090 (Post 10249004)
Hi all,

Finding it hard to believe that 'there is no way to practise for the stage 2 testing'?? Surely the tests on the NATS website are helpful, as well as other basic aptitude testing online? Preferably something with time limits, since I read someone say that. Any links?

Thank you for the tips about bringing your own food etc, going to need to be switched on.

Also, I assume the interview is behavioural questions about past experiences and your responses to situations? Can someone confirm?

I am flying across the world for this (Australia to England) and really don't have much money so really need to know as much as possible, greatly appreciated.

So can you be sent to Spain to train even if you apply through the UK NATS at CTC?

Sure, those onlines tests will be helpful but at the end of the day won't make a big difference to how you do in the test. It's good to get used to using your brain in that way before the assessment day though.

Yeah the interview is largely about past experiences and demonstrating how you've coped with pressure/workload etc. so try to prepare examples of that.

You can be sent to Spain yes but at the end of the day if you're dead set on wanting to do the course at the CTC then you could just wait until one opens up there and then do that one. Once you're through all the stages you aren't forced onto any course, but at the same time you might not know how long you'll have to wait for a course starting at the CTC to appear.

Fair play travelling from Australia, that's nuts! That puts travelling from Scotland into perspective haha. Good luck man.

simba090 15th Sep 2018 01:16

Originally Posted by DistinctlyPlain (Post 10249483)
Sure, those onlines tests will be helpful but at the end of the day won't make a big difference to how you do in the test. It's good to get used to using your brain in that way before the assessment day though.

Yeah the interview is largely about past experiences and demonstrating how you've coped with pressure/workload etc. so try to prepare examples of that.

You can be sent to Spain yes but at the end of the day if you're dead set on wanting to do the course at the CTC then you could just wait until one opens up there and then do that one. Once you're through all the stages you aren't forced onto any course, but at the same time you might not know how long you'll have to wait for a course starting at the CTC to appear.

Fair play travelling from Australia, that's nuts! That puts travelling from Scotland into perspective haha. Good luck man.

Yeah I think any testing practise would help, especially the landing and gate tests on the NATS website to get your brain used to sequencing for the DART test.
I'd be fine with Spain, I've been there before and absolutely loved it.
Yeah well I've always wanted to be an ATC, and went through the academy at Airservices Australia back in 2010-2013, then had to quit for personal reasons, and unfortunately I don't think they let you retry more than once. Also the RAAF rejected me due to asthma (ridiculous) so this might be my last shot!
Thanks for the info and all the best!

simba090 16th Sep 2018 03:11

Can someone give some information on the timed questions in the tests? Which tests, how many questions are timed, what type of questions, examples, what time lengths are there, and possibly a link to practise timed questions? That would be amazing.

And also, if you can be posted to Spain to do the training, does that mean you can be posted there to control afterwards as well?

The preparation booklet they sent me says this: "Successful candidates will, after successful completion of training which takes place at NATS Training at our corporate and technical centre (CTC) in Whiteley, be posted to join the team of professionals who work for NATS at the various units around the country"

ATomCO 17th Sep 2018 01:32

Originally Posted by simba090 (Post 10249546)
Yeah I think any testing practise would help, especially the landing and gate tests on the NATS website to get your brain used to sequencing for the DART test.
I'd be fine with Spain, I've been there before and absolutely loved it.
Yeah well I've always wanted to be an ATC, and went through the academy at Airservices Australia back in 2010-2013, then had to quit for personal reasons, and unfortunately I don't think they let you retry more than once. Also the RAAF rejected me due to asthma (ridiculous) so this might be my last shot!
Thanks for the info and all the best!

Do bear in mind that to work for NATS, you need to pass a Class 3 European Medical which does also have certain conditions on asthma: "There should be no significant respiratory disease. A past history of asthma may be acceptable but significant symptoms at time of application are likely to disqualify you".

Originally Posted by simba090 (Post 10249546)
And also, if you can be posted to Spain to do the training, does that mean you can be posted there to control afterwards as well?

The preparation booklet they sent me says this: "Successful candidates will, after successful completion of training which takes place at NATS Training at our corporate and technical centre (CTC) in Whiteley, be posted to join the team of professionals who work for NATS at the various units around the country"

The NATS college training is split into the Basic course and either the Aerodrome/Approach course or the Area course - which pathway you are allocated to depends on business needs and your aptitude (although recent #AskNATS Youtube Q&A videos seems to suggest most people's preferences are taken into account). The latter courses are conducted at the CTC in Whitely, but the Basic course can be taken either at the CTC, Jerez in Spain, or at Global ATS in Gloucestershire. They all form part of NATS training so you will not be posted to Spain after training but to an Area Control Centre or airport within the UK.
If you're interested the reason training is done in Spain particularly (due to a large recruitment campaign and many trainees there's not enough capacity at CTC for everyone) is that NATS is in a joint venture with Spanish service company Ferrovial (called ferroNATS) which currently provides ATC at 11 Spanish airports and has a training facility at Jerez.

Good luck with everything!

chips1 17th Sep 2018 13:29

Originally Posted by Cameron_95 (Post 10248954)


I’ve been offered a place at the CTC for January, just waiting on the medical next month!

I haven’t seen anyone else say they’re on the January course as well?

I’m going to start looking for flats once everything has gone through next month :)

I've sent you a private message mate

Also Shinka I tried replying to your message but it says your inbox is full if you want to clear it I'll try again.

Shinka123 17th Sep 2018 14:07

NATS interview

Originally Posted by chips1 (Post 10251123)
I've sent you a private message mate

Also Shinka I tried replying to your message but it says your inbox is full if you want to clear it I'll try again.

Hi Buddy, thank you, Ive cleared now if you want to send again please.

You can’t use the Private Messaging system, add url links or images until you have an established posting history.

scottishstevie 17th Sep 2018 17:20

Originally Posted by simba090 (Post 10250191)
Can someone give some information on the timed questions in the tests? Which tests, how many questions are timed, what type of questions, examples, what time lengths are there, and possibly a link to practise timed questions? That would be amazing.

Unfortunately NATS make it clear that they don't want candidates that have been through the recruitment process to share with future/current applicants to ensure a fair playing field. Which is why it is so difficult to find anything that can be used as practice. This means we can't really go into too much detail. The tests are well explained on the day though.

I honestly wouldnt focus too much on practising tests online if I was you, there's really no perfect way to prepare. The tests you take on the day might be completely different to anything you can find online and you dont want to end up panicking if you sit down and are met with something you haven't previously practiced. Follow the previous advice on here, learn the info booklet, sleep well, have a good breakfast and try and keep calm when taking the tests. It sucks but it really is the best way to approach it.

Trevor Hannant 18th Sep 2018 11:38

In addition to what Stevie says above, the only tests you should have any sort of look at are the 'games' on the NATS website. They may/may not be accurate to the Stage 2 tests but what they will do is get your mind into the right mindset. That said, don't go overboard on them, use them to get your focus going - there's only so much you can do before you potentially make your brain go in the wrong direction...

AQ121253 19th Sep 2018 14:27

Quick query to those that have done a medical at Swanwick; I've been told to arrive at 09:00, I'm just wondering what time I will be done by and also, do you have to fast before hand for the blood tests or is that not necessary?


ezmabo04 19th Sep 2018 14:54

Hi All,

I've been following this forum for a few months now.

I have stage 2 assessment next week on the 26th Sept and just wanted to ask a few questions:

I'll be driving down, is parking okay on site? should I get there partially early to ensure a space?

I'm not focusing too much on the games on the website but I am really worry about the maths questions (Maths isn't my strong point!) is it only Speed, distance , time calculations that you are asked to do or will I get any other nasty surprises?! ha!

Wishing everyone good luck at whatever stage you are on!


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