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Bradshaw89 24th May 2010 09:04

Hey guys! Well what a godsend this forum is, i just wish i had found it earlier. A full month earlier!

So i've got my stage 1 selection tommorow morning at CTC Whitely. Hello to everyone who is also going to be there I only applied to be an ATCO about 3 weeks ago, so i've been pouring over the provided documentation ever since. Overjoyed that the paper is multiple choice, it makes life a bit easier. Not sure what else to say, except good luck to everyone!

jenga-jen 24th May 2010 10:41


I took my stage 2 and started laughing to myself half way through one of the sections because I was sure I'd gone completely wrong!

The other thing was that I was usually one of the last people finishing a section and thought 'I'm waaaay out of my league here' :ooh:

BUT I passed and have my S3 next month, so as previously said try not to worry! Hardly anyone comes out of that test feeling like they've done a good job!

Good luck :)

cheapaschips1000 24th May 2010 19:29

Jen a lot of us felt the same so.......

Just a case of wait and see really, more the frustration of making silly mistakes really.

Jay79 26th May 2010 11:54

I've got my Stage 3 in a month and after visiting Swanwick want to visit Newcastle Tower. NATS have been unable to help me as this airport isn't under their jurisdiction.

My attemps to contact the tower so far have failed. Can anyone help?

jimmy780 28th May 2010 11:24

End of the road .....
Hi all,

Just a quick signing off message, just found out ive failed stage 3 again, final attempt has gone so this is the end of the road for me.
All the very best for everyone out there taking various stages and wish you all the best of luck.
You can only try your hardest, put as much effort into all of it as you can.

cheapaschips1000 28th May 2010 16:01

A stage 2 fail for me, meh, probably the first bits that did me in, it just took me a little longer to click than it should have and lots of silly mistakes. In reality I reckon with longer to practice I'd have nailed them, bit of a criticsm there, seems a bit harsh to expect people to pick something up first time like that when not everyone can do it instantaneously, but if that's what they're after, who am I to complain.

On the bright side I've just about finished my degree and done well in that, hopefully it works out for the best. Good luck to others.

ml113558 7th Jun 2010 16:07

it's gone a little quiet on here lately..

T6MCX 7th Jun 2010 19:58

Hi there just wondering if anyone has bought and used the mock feast test online. What do you think. Worth it or just go for it on the day ?

Thanks Tom

T6MCX 9th Jun 2010 10:53


ah I see I was unaware nats were unhappy about this software in that case I won't be buying it. Thanks for the help Tim

Greg81 9th Jun 2010 11:58

I heard about 10 days ago that I had been successful at my stage 3 assessment (May 6th) and have since begun the medical process. I understand that there are potentially a lot of 'ifs' that may affect the length of this process but does anyone have a rough idea how long I may be looking at before I get a date for college?

Thanks in advance.


lemony 10th Jun 2010 01:49

You can get a start date from them as soon as they have a copy of your medical certificate, but just to warn you your start date will be at least Jan


liamsimner 10th Jun 2010 09:58

TATC Process
Hi Guys,

Bit of a newbie here its my first post.
I applied for TATC at NATS last week and did the online test on monday, everything seems to be moving extremely fast and I have been invited down to stage 1 assessment, I was just wondering if (I know its a big if) I am successful what my likely start date will be and the next stages and timescales of the assessments.
Also I was just wondering about travel expenses, I know at stage one travel costs arent reimbursed and was wondering at what stage they are as I am from Wolverhampton and its rather expensive to travel down on the train.


Angels-One-Five 10th Jun 2010 11:36


The speed at which the application process is completed is pretty much determined by you. The quickest you could clear all three stages is probably less than 10 weeks from the date of your S1 assessment to your medical clearence.

In reality however most take a little longer, choosing to research the role between Stage 2 (FEAST Tests) and Stage 3 (Competency Interview) including making tower visits and generally preparing themselves for what is a tough process.

If you were successful now, I think the next start date you are likely to get would be November 2010 for an Area course, or April 2011 for Aerodrome. As you are just starting the process, I would expect that is you completed the assesment phase in an average time then you would be looking at a mid 2011 start date.

Travel expenses are on your head until Stage 3, and then only expenses greater than £50 can be claimed back.

Hope that helps.

liamsimner 10th Jun 2010 14:03

Thanks for that information Angels, I'm going down to do my stage 1 next friday. I really want to do the approach training rather than the area training so i'll have to see how i get on.

Greg81 10th Jun 2010 15:09

Thanks for your reply Lemony, I am expecting a start date of January/February if it is to be an Area course, so thats ok. The main hurdle I suppose is the Medical Certification-hopefully this process won't take too long and then I can plan for next year!

airborn9_78 10th Jun 2010 17:32


i have recently applied for the ATC trainee position as was successful with the application and online test, now have to attend stage 1 of the assessment. At the age of 22 with a degree in engineering i have full faith in my abilities but through some of the posts i see here i feel like chances of people being successful is slim? i did read somewhere that only 3% of applicants will be accepted, that would be roughly 1 in 33 people. what kind of people are applying for this position and am i employed for this kind of position ?

T6MCX 10th Jun 2010 18:42

Hi there does anyone know if the 60 pound a month for accom is taxable ?

Thanks T

T6MCX 11th Jun 2010 00:20

Cheers peter

T6MCX 13th Jun 2010 12:22

Hi again I'm not asking for an exact percent of people but does anyone no how many people if any pass the college course go to there unit and fail to meet the required standard and get layed off.

Thanks Tom

binbrain 13th Jun 2010 17:09

Application Process
Hi guys.

I was just wondering what the 3 stages involve. I applied last yr, and failed my stage 3 :{ I was absolutely gutted. Anyways, the year gap you have to leave was up this week and my new application is in.

Does anyone know if the process is the same as last yr, i.e.
S1 - multiple choice, diagramming, CUBES :ugh:
S2 - feast tests and nats tests
S3 - group exercise and individual interview.

I hope it is the same, because then I'll know how to prepare myself! Also, is the material for the S1 test the same, as I still have the stuff from last yr, so can start revising it now!

Thanks, and good luck to everyone else going through it!!

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