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jking101 3rd Feb 2010 08:21

CAA Medical
Here is a question that has been bugging me for a while and no were seems to know. I have an expired CAA Class 1 med (expired to class 2) but it’s for flight crew licensing. Does this mean I only need a renewal (no trip to Gatwick + allot cheaper for NATS) or is the ATCO medical completely different if so can I just get a conversion thingy??? Though I do keep hearing about a euro medical class 3? But now I’m being told it’s changed to a CAA medical and you need to go to Gatwick for your initial which I did for my class 1? Any input would be appreciated or a nudge in the right direction would help as the CAA website has come up with nothing. Many thanks (oh and thanks for the replyes to the other post thay realy helped)

Watching The Skies 3rd Feb 2010 09:24

Dear Pat42,

Hmmm… just a bit shocked how the test prep material did not correspond to the current tests. As for their professionalism this time around… I’m sure it was just a once in a blue moon thing as the last time I went through all of the stages they were highly professional. Just with it combined it was a bit more noticeable if you understand what I am getting at…. Ah well here’s hoping my commonsense got me through it this time.


Watching The Skies 3rd Feb 2010 10:11

Capt Jay Jay,

In response to your above reply… I would like to state a few things. The aviation paper… was not difficult… the questions regarding principle of flight… were not a problem in the slightest. As for having interest in ATC… I would say I have a very strong interest which was rubbed off from a very young age from my Grandfather who was an ATC and also from my friends who went on to become pilots or winch men. So the interest has always been there from my first visit to Leuchars Air Show when I was 7 and my first visit to an Aerodrome in my early teens.

As for the maths… I have good mathematical grades don’t get me wrong but any sort of mathematics I have been used to in the last few years is that of working with financial figures like I said. As the saying goes… you lose what you don’t use. I was just merely indicating that given a bit of notice I would have spent an hour or two doing some maths and would have had it all fresh in my memory hence why they give out practice material as it’s there to help you freshen your memory on things. I’m also sure that I would not have been the only person there that would have had the same thing considering the average age in the room was about 26 meaning people could have been out of education for up to ten years and may have never needed to use any sort of Maths since.

I don’t think it is very nice to classify your grade as a “lowly B grade” as its still accepted and so is a C which indicates that NATS finds that level acceptable.

If I wasn’t capable of the job I would not have made it to the third stage and be told I was capable of the course work but it was a bit risky spending 750K for my training for me to run off to RAF if I don’t like it as I had met the grades for most trades in RAF and they knew it was an option for me.

Basically… the message I put was me saying how the practice papers did not correspond with the tests to come up as they were suited for the previous layout and if anyone that has attended lately felt that there was a lack of relationship between the two. My department would never think of issuing its students module booklets and teach them things that have nothing to do with their module tests (mind it has happened at some institutions before!). I just feel that when you only get 3 chances and its plenty of people’s dreams that it can be rather miss guiding.

I know the reply was rather long winded but had to be as your reply was very on-sided and very criticising (not the constructive type). Little bit less one sided criticism doesn’t go a miss.

But I do agree about it should have been easy to do the Maths paper.

P.S. Your 747 is flying a little slow there ;P !

lemony 3rd Feb 2010 12:18

Stage 1 - 25th Jan
I had my stage one assessment on the mon 25th and remember them saying that we should have the results by the end of the week. Just wondering if anyone else has theirs yet??

Also does anyone know how to log on to the NATS site to track our applications? On the nats site itself it says it doesnt recognise my e-mail, but on atcocareers there is only the option to apply and not log-in. Any help on that would be appreciated.

Hope we dont have to wait too long!! Can't wait to become an Atc (fingers crossed)

Watching The Skies 3rd Feb 2010 13:36

Hi Lemony,

Im not sure about logins for NATS now. I remember a few years back you could use it but im not to sure if you can now until stage 2 but don't qoute me on it.

When I did my first stage 1 test a few years abck I do recall that I did have to wait several weeks to do it. I don't think SHL run any of the tests now except the online test and therefor it will be down to HR to do them. There seems to be alot of stage 1's atm so I assume that everyone at yours will be waiting for another working week.

I know the anticipation just kills you! The very best of luck to you!!!!

CaptJayJay 3rd Feb 2010 14:37

Watching the skies,

All understood. Well done on getting through to Stage 3 last time, here's hoping you get all the way sometime soon.

I'm still nail biting over results to Stage 1, not yet received!!!!

Pat42 3rd Feb 2010 14:40

Jking, RE: medicals,

ATCO's now have to have the new European Class 3 medical. I believe its almost identical to the the the old class 1 and ATCOs who previous held a class 1 were able to switch to the euro class 3 by renewal... not sure what the situation would be for you though seeing as yours has expired. Probably best to give NATS occupational health a ring as they'll be able to answer.

I might be wrong but I think NATS reimburse travel expenses if you do have to go to Gatwick (again, best to check with OH).

CaptJayJay 3rd Feb 2010 14:40


Hi, I also had my Stage 1 on 25/01, @ 1230 - no results received yet.

Guess we may have to wait the full 15 working days eh!

Hopefully no news is good news?

CaptJayJay 3rd Feb 2010 14:43

Watching the skies,

Just thought - I have to admit that I was also dissapointed there was no basic checking, had been revising that until I was super speed with 100% accuracy..

Slipped my mind that they didn't test me for it until I got home!

Scrotchidson 3rd Feb 2010 14:52

Results of Stage 1, 2, 3
Hi Guys,

Don't think too much about the time it takes to receive your results for Stage 1,2 or 3.

My Stage 1 results came AFTER 15 days, purely because in my opinon the number of people who take the Stage 1 assessment.

My Stage 2 results came through after around roughly a week

My Stage 3 results came in around 2/3 days

Never think too much about timescales, SHL tests they get you to do, if your good enough you'll make the cut. Wish everyone the best of luck!

Scrotchidson :ok:

jimmy780 3rd Feb 2010 15:22

Sorry ive been off the forum for a while as i failed stage 3 last year, its now time i can apply again so been routing through my pc for the files, will try and upload them all again for you and post a link for anyone else that would like them.
Please be advised that this info is from the stuff given by NATS so it may not be up to date.
Good luck with your application for Eurocontrol.
Good luck to all who have NATS tests coming up, hopefully see some of you in the future, will complete the online application today !!!

Watching The Skies 3rd Feb 2010 15:25

Yeah it was gutting alright... its a test where like you said 100% can be easily gained... I think thats why I was totally gutted about it lol. Would have improved my chances.

Watching The Skies 3rd Feb 2010 15:33

Yeah thats about the same as me.

Mind.. I got my stage 3 results on same day... was traveling from Fareham to Newcastle... got the text message saying that a message was sent from NATS... and then not one phone worked at getting on the net... was devastated when I got home! (think deep down I knew what it would be though!).

Achhhh welll..... less of the stage 3 talk... roll in those stage 1 results!

tooomek 3rd Feb 2010 18:30

Just wondered if someone knows the best way of getting from Swanwick railway station to the NATS centre?

Looks like a walking distance, but I don't really want to get lost, so I thought either a taxi or bus would be a better solution.

If any one had a previous experience in travelling there by train, I will appreciate any advice.

tooomek 3rd Feb 2010 19:46

Aren't they located at 4000 Parkway ?

According to the map they have sended with an invitation, I should rather go over the motorway bridge and head to the right. Sorry if I misunderstood you though.

Anyway thanks for the advice, I'm gonna be there 2 hours in advance so I may just take a walk to calm my nerves down, but the way google maps showed me looks a bit tricky! :}

I think the safest way will be to take a taxi, though I will have to hang around for quite a bit there. If anyone from here is planning to be there much earlier u can let me know.

jimmy10 3rd Feb 2010 20:22

Stage 1 Maths
Got my stage 1 in a few weeks and only thing I would say im not the best at would be the maths since it was about 10 years ago I last done anything on it.

I would like to know if the maths I found on this site AT-SAT math help - Air Traffic Control - ATC - Aviation ( the guy gives a link in the 3rd post down ) is in anyway relevant to the maths i'll be doing at stage 1.


craig51 3rd Feb 2010 20:40

Hi all,

Does Nats ever hold stage 1 exams on weekend or late evenings?


eglnyt 3rd Feb 2010 22:09

Walking from Swanwick railway station to CTC takes about 25 minutes. As tooomek has noticed the pedestrian friendly route isn't straightforward but it isn't quite as bad as it looks on the map. I'm not sure which map HR send out but the council produced Whiteley Walks map is the one I'll use to describe the way to go because it shows the footpaths. It's available on line at http://www.whiteleypc.info/Parish%20...eley%20Map.pdf

The station is bottom left on this map and CTC is the building just to the right of the toucan crossing and pond almost in the middle.

Turn right out of the station then right at the top of the hill and across the railway and M27 bridges. Turn right into Rookery Avenue and follow the footpath which initially runs beside the road and then turns left between the houses. At the footpath T junction turn right and follow the path past the nature reserve on the left. You need to take the first tarmac path on the right which is a narrow path which runs in front of a row of small terrace houses. This brings you into Berber Close. Turn left and then right and follow Berber Close to the roundabout where it joins Rookery Avenue. Turn left and follow Rookery Avenue all the way to the roundabout outside the Solent Hotel. Follow the path round to the left of the big roundabout and cross Whiteley Way at the Pelican Crossing. Turn left and follow Whiteley Way. At the junction with Parkway cross over and keep following Whiteley Way. Just past the toucan crossing the path turns right, keep following it over the bridge. At the far side of the bridge go straight ahead onto the gravel path to the left of the wooden gate and then onto the small path which leads into the CTC car park. The main entrance is straight ahead.

tooomek 3rd Feb 2010 23:30

@eglnyt, thank you so much. I appreciate your time and effort to explain that! That helps alot.

Google maps way fallows the main roads therefore it seemed to be a lot of walking, but yours is spot-on.
That means I'll have a nice walk in the morning! :ok:

Wish me luck!


Keylock321 4th Feb 2010 00:14

Hey guys. I have my stage 1 tests this coming Monday and have just read on here that basic checking is now not included? If so, will it just be the motivational paper, spatial reasoning (sense a fail there) and diagramming.
Also, does anyone have any information/examples of the speed distance time questions they ask you? As in school the only units i ever used were metres, seconds m/s etc. and im guessing these avaiation questions would be in mph?
Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated :)

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