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Kimmikins 8th Jul 2015 18:33

Stage 2 failure rates
Just a heads up for those of you worrying about how many are getting through the first part of Stage 2. It's always been a high failure rate from Stage 2, it's just that before there were bigger groups so, while more people physically got through before, percentage wise the same amount got through then as seem to be getting through now.

Hanima 8th Jul 2015 21:02

Thanks, Manusa. It helps a lot. I'll be arriving at Southampton in the early afternoon the day before, so I'll definitely take the time to get acquainted with the place then. It's not like I'll have much to do anyways ;)

markthornton90 14th Jul 2015 16:00

Hi all,

I start my final year at University in September and I am strongly considering applying to NATS.

Am I right in thinking that I could apply any time (i.e. now) and not have to wait until my degree is finished because the selection process takes so long?

Many thanks

CJWSTR93 15th Jul 2015 20:20

Hey guys!

Went in for my stage 2 assessment today and ended up progressing to the DART section. Without giving away too much, it certainly seemed intended to dive the survivors into somewhat of a deep end! I was left feeling ambiguous about my performance.

With 30 working days to wait until my results, can anybody who passed/failed the DART section recall their performance?

I recall 6-8 missed checkpoints (most of those barely missed), probably 6-8 potential conflicts which were all immediately averted, no collisions, probably around 35-50% on audio sums and an acceptable (although, not efficient) time of completion. You can most likely see why I feel that if I pass, it could be by the skin of my teeth! I have no idea what the pass criteria is, of course.

I'd like to think the 30 days are given for human assessors to look for the training potential in candidates (i.e. sensible bearings, lack of collisions, response to conflict reports, etc.), hence I'd also like to think the pass mark is more relaxed in that sense. I know that if I were to retake the DART scenario there would be an instant improvement on my first time, so I really hope I did enough the first time!

Good luck to all taking their assessments soon! :8

The Many Tentacles 16th Jul 2015 05:55

I'd like to think the 30 days are given for human assessors to look for the training potential in candidates (i.e. sensible bearings, lack of collisions, response to conflict reports, etc.), hence I'd also like to think the pass mark is more relaxed in that sense!
On the basis that almost all of HR seem to have absolutely no idea about what the job entails beyond a brief description I'd highly doubt it. I fully suspect it's all done by a computer with reviews by someone checking against some guidelines.

There is nothing to do to prepare for the FEAST and DART tests. If you buy some sort of product that gives you some tasks to complete, they may be different to what you face in the actual tests and you'll hesitate and screw up. If you think about it too much going into it, you'll screw up. They want people who can naturally pass it, and quite frankly I wouldn't want to do the course if I couldn't have naturally passed it considering how difficult they are reassuring me the course will be. If you have the natural skills you'll be fine, and I imagine a lot of people would only have applied if they thought they could do the job on some level.
This is the most sensible piece of advice I've seen on here in a long time. If you're not suited for it and try and force yourself through the tests you will come unstuck later in training, maybe not at the college, but you'll get found out at some point.

manusa 16th Jul 2015 10:27

Originally Posted by markthornton90 (Post 9046338)
Am I right in thinking that I could apply any time (i.e. now) and not have to wait until my degree is finished because the selection process takes so long?

It took me 2 years from first applying online to passing Stage 3, so I'd say the sooner you apply the better!
In any case, I believe you can always apply and, if you pass, wait until you finish University to start.

Megamc 16th Jul 2015 10:31

I agree with you manusa :ok:

markthornton90 16th Jul 2015 10:48

It took me 2 years from first applying online to passing Stage 3, so I'd say the sooner you apply the better!
In any case, I believe you can always apply and, if you pass, wait until you finish University to start.
Thought so, thank you! Lots of thinking to do then.

Hanima 22nd Jul 2015 11:39

Stage 2
Finally went it for the dreaded day, to take the stage 2 assessments. To be honest, the morning was pretty nerve racking. In the end, 4 out of a total 9 moved on to the afternoon.

"I recall 6-8 missed checkpoints (most of those barely missed), probably 6-8 potential conflicts which were all immediately averted, no collisions, probably around 35-50% on audio sums and an acceptable (although, not efficient) time of completion."

CJWSTR93, my experience with DART was slightly different. On the 5th exercise (second scored one) I got a crash or two (silly mistake, really, but oh well). Other than that, got every checkpoint (most of them close to the red dot), no potential conflicts, and missed one audio sum. However, admittedly, I got those objectives at the cost of some efficiency (in number of instructions, not time of completion). I'm crossing my fingers now, on account of that crash in ex.5, but feeling optimistic.

Here's to a (hopefully) not very long wait for stage 3! Maybe I'll see some of you there ;)

Btw, how is the situation for those who were waiting for new dates?

KeyHolder 22nd Jul 2015 12:13

Stage 2 attire?
Could someone tell me what did people wear or wearing for the stage 2 day, please?

Thank you :O

Megamc 22nd Jul 2015 12:44

flip flops and bathing suit .... mmmmm ..... I think not :E

KeyHolder 22nd Jul 2015 14:41

Ooooh something I'll feel comfortable in, Thank you Megamc :O :O :O :O

Megamc flip flops and bathing suit .... mmmmm ..... I think not

Megamc 22nd Jul 2015 16:10

Hi again KeyHolder,

I don't remember where Nats says what can you wear, Don't need a suit, only well dressed, and , "We respectfully advise that your attendance for the assessment process will be treated as a formal interview. Your conduct will be monitored and should you behaviour raise concerns; you will be asked to leave :sad: the premises and withdrawn from the selection process :mad::mad::mad::mad:. "

Hanima 23rd Jul 2015 08:55

KeyHolder, they give you a set of instructions by email well in advance. Dressing code for the event is smart. You want to appear professional and capable.

Got my email last night saying I passed stage 2, only a day after the test. I'm so excited now!

In the message, they said: "We will be sending you an email soon so that you can book to attend a Stage 3 Assessment Centre." Something tells me I should not wait by the 'phone' though... :S
Does anyone have any idea of a possible time for a stage 3 assessment? I know they just had one.

Megamc 23rd Jul 2015 14:31

Congratulations Hanima!!!! :ok::ok::ok:

KeyHolder 28th Jul 2015 13:15

So i've just received an email from NATS saying my stage 2 date has been cancelled! After i've booked hotel and travelling arrangements! and will lose money! BANG OUT OF ORDER!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad:

Megamc 28th Jul 2015 13:21

WHAT ????? :sad::sad:

KeyHolder 28th Jul 2015 13:40

Now they've sent me an email to arrange a new assessment date and there isn't any available dates left! Gets better!!:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

Megamc 28th Jul 2015 13:45

:ugh::ugh: That !·"$=%(€#@|~€ :bored:

WelshPride1989 28th Jul 2015 13:47

Same thing KeyHolder. Booked hotel and everything for Friday 7th August. Absolutely gutted!! And no dates available now but they are arranging some for after September. Grrr!!

RobertSaturn 28th Jul 2015 15:32

I'm in the same situation, I've booked for 3rd August the assessment and the hotel for Sunday 2nd August and got the same email...
And got the 2nd email too, but no better results than you, WelshPride, no dates available yet!!!
Who knows, maybe... someday...

RobertSaturn 30th Jul 2015 16:11

I've got today another email and managed to book my test for 13th Nov!!!
No available dates in August, September & October!
Good luck for all!!

Megamc 30th Jul 2015 16:55

I'll be there too

19th-oct :ok:

Good luck!! :D

WelshPride1989 30th Jul 2015 21:14

I was in work and only read the email two hours after it was sent. :( Luck is definitely not on my side!! Anyone know if any more dates will be released this year??

WelshPride1989 30th Jul 2015 21:19

I'm extremely disappointed. Surely the people who had their dates cancelled next week should get first refusal?? Probably have to wait until next year now :( !!!!

SkyGuardian 30th Jul 2015 23:51

Goodluck to all who will be attending the stage 2 assessments. I have a question about the stage 2 assessment for those who have already taken the assessment. Were you given a notepad and calculators for the tests?

Hanima 1st Aug 2015 22:05

SkyGuardian, you won't need any material to answer the tests. All you need to bring is your personal ID and (if you desire) a bottle of water. There's no need for calculator or notepad, as all the math envolved is pretty simple.

Good luck, everyone!

SkyGuardian 2nd Aug 2015 12:46

Thank you for the information Hanima.

yingyangryder 16th Aug 2015 11:42

Good luck to those who will be attending the stage 2 assessments.
I am also playing the waiting game as I wasn't fast enough when the email came through a couple weeks ago. I know it's anybody's guess, but any speculation for when there will more stage 2 dates?

joebog 21st Aug 2015 12:57

Hi everyone! Long time lurker whilst going through the process, first time poster! I had my stage 2 assessments on Wednesday (19th) and found out the next morning that I've passed! Now awaiting an email regarding stage 3 dates (not holding my breath). Can any of the people who recently attended a stage 3 tell me what their 'you've passed stage 2' email said? The one I've received says they'll be sending me an email regarding stage 3 dates 'soon', I just wondered if this was an email they send out regardless of any planned stage 3 coming up, or whether I genuinely will be hearing from them soon? Cheers!

manusa 23rd Aug 2015 12:01

Originally Posted by joebog (Post 9089858)
Hi everyone! Long time lurker whilst going through the process, first time poster! I had my stage 2 assessments on Wednesday (19th) and found out the next morning that I've passed! Now awaiting an email regarding stage 3 dates (not holding my breath). Can any of the people who recently attended a stage 3 tell me what their 'you've passed stage 2' email said? The one I've received says they'll be sending me an email regarding stage 3 dates 'soon', I just wondered if this was an email they send out regardless of any planned stage 3 coming up, or whether I genuinely will be hearing from them soon? Cheers!

In my case, 'soon' meant waiting since January 2014 until June 2015 :rolleyes:

joebog 23rd Aug 2015 18:34

Did you get the same "you've passed" email stating they'd email you 'soon' with stage 3 dates? I only ask because my email saying I'd passed stage 1 made it clear that no stage 2 dates had been planned at that time, whereas the stage 3 dates one doesn't.

Looks like I need to settle in for the long wait!

manusa 24th Aug 2015 07:31

Originally Posted by joebog (Post 9092454)
Did you get the same "you've passed" email stating they'd email you 'soon' with stage 3 dates?

Looks like I need to settle in for the long wait!

Although it was a long time ago, I believe it was the same. But it seems things are moving faster now!

joebog 24th Aug 2015 09:06

It does seem as though things are moving along more now! I'll keep my fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone else going through the process and to those awaiting the start of your new careers!!

Thanks for the input manusa.

Hanima 24th Aug 2015 11:21

I got the same email exactly one month ago, and haven't heard from them since. Given that the last round of interviews took place in June, and that the successful applicants filled in the vacancies for courses starting in September, December, and March (at least), I'd say they won't be having another stage 3 until this stage 2 is over. Unfortunately, however, they just postponed some of the dates for the FEAST and DART assessments, which won't be over until late November, so I'm not counting on hearing from them until then.

If I were to take a 'lucky' guess, I'd say they'll be reaching out to us sometime between January and March next year, to hold interviews for the rest of the 2016 courses. But I know as much as the next guy... ;)

Megamc 24th Aug 2015 11:46

I think, (hope) the same HANIMA.

I have my stage 2 19st OCT, and they have some dates in november, so probably they will put new dates to stage 3 in the second quarter, if a new course start in june, if not, the stage 3 will be like this year, to star the course in september, december and march.

Niki86 25th Aug 2015 09:40

Hi everyone!
I'm new here ;) Just got jealous reading the posts of people who passed Stage 3. Congratulations!!! :D Unfortunately I didn't pass it. But I'm not giving up. There's a few things to improve and I'll be ready to apply again in about 2 years.

Good luck to everyone who's waiting for Stage 2 & 3 Assesment Centres ;)

Megamc 27th Aug 2015 08:18


Can any of the people who recently attended a stage 2 tell me How long is the test? What time do you finish? about 3pm or 4pm?

Thankyou and good luck to everyone:ok::ok:

joebog 27th Aug 2015 10:16

Hi megamc

We were done by about 1pm. However, only 2 of us passed the FEAST and went on to do the DART test, so I can imagine if more people passed then that time would get pushed back (you can't leave the room until everyone has finished).

Good luck!!

Ariadne 27th Aug 2015 16:37

Stage 1
Hi all,

I'm new here. Just wondering how people found the initial stage one tests (verbal and numerical reasoning plus the error checking) and if you practiced before hand?

Also, how quickly after completing the test did you get your feedback to move onto stage 2?

Haven't seen anyone really talk about stage one or if it was difficult or not.

Thanks :)

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