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VFFX 12th Sep 2009 10:19

"Just wanted to find out if you completed an online test ( basic checking and calculation) before sitting the stage 1 papers?"

I did complete this test but as to the results/feedback I havent received anything back at all. Nothing was mentioned at my S1 and to be honest it's a bit confusing. The NATS literature places emphasis on you completing this yet it seems to have no impact whatsoever on wether you can or can't sit your S1, so who knows...

The numeracy questions asked during the online test are different than the ones asked on the S1 (Speed Distance Time) which require you to solve 2 or 3 small calculations per question to arrive at a answer.

Looking at all the taster examples NATS gives you to prepare for these tests I'd say on a difficulty scale of 10 the examples are 2/10 - actual questions 6/10 - 10/10 (with a ticking clock factored in:hmm:)

Hope you do well mate.

Edfreestyle 12th Sep 2009 13:14

Some really useful info and tips on here. I've got the stage 1 selection tests coming up. We have to take some online tests before going in for the actual selection tests themselves. Can anyone enlighten me as to how to access these online tests? Do they mean the practice tests on the SHL website? Thanks for any help.

Pat42 12th Sep 2009 15:25

did the online tests and my performance on the calculation part was terrible so very worried abt it's impact after i sit my atc papers for stage 1

I did complete this test but as to the results/feedback I havent received anything back at all. Nothing was mentioned at my S1 and to be honest it's a bit confusing. The NATS literature places emphasis on you completing this yet it seems to have no impact whatsoever on wether you can or can't sit your S1, so who knows...
From what I can tell, know one really seems to know quite what the importance of these tests are. Entry into stage 1 is not dependent upon them, though NATS do stipulate that you have to complete them before attending stage 1 most people get their invite to S1 before or at the same time as the invite to take the online tests. If I had to hazard a guess I'd reckon that NATS might judge the results of these tests alongside the results of your S1 pen & paper tests when deciding whether or not you make it through to stage 2.

I wouldn't worry too much about it if you struggled on them. They are really tight for time and I think everyone finds them hard.... I thought I did pretty poorly on them in comparison to how I did at the S1 test day, but still got through to S2.

Can anyone enlighten me as to how to access these online tests? Do they mean the practice tests on the SHL website?
You should have had an email titled "TRAINEE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL RECRUITMENT - INVITE TO ONLINE TEST" at around the same time as you got the invite to S1, this has the relevent link in it. If you've not had it I recommend contacting HR ([email protected])

whitelighter 13th Sep 2009 15:10

Next area course starts in February next year

ShaunL 13th Sep 2009 15:33

VFFX, like you, think I have totally messed up the last test. I managed to complete the operations paper which I think I have done pretty well in. I also agree there should be more questions based on what was actually in the booklet. Fingers crossed though we get the result we want.

AdPrd 13th Sep 2009 15:40

I booked onto my stage 3 a couple of weeks ago for 7th October - at that stage Swanwick was the only option, however at stage 2 the HR lady said they were trying to get some dates arranged for Prestwick - a bit closer to Glasgow Cheryl!!

santomotion 13th Sep 2009 16:12

Hi leanne1987,

I've booked the18th. I really don't know what to do to prepare for it...

Finto 13th Sep 2009 16:21

1st Round Selection test
Hi There,

i have the 1st round test in Prestwick next thursday. Just have a few questions to anybody who has already been through this.

1. I have read and learned the initial test document, are the many questions regarding all the aircraft information towards the back.
2. Does anyone know good links for practice tests on the shape tests etc?
3. I heard there are some questions regarding calculating distances from one airport to another, any info on this or where I would get practice material.

Cheers for any help


MG1987 13th Sep 2009 18:09

Hey ShaunL and VFFX, I was at Prestwick on Friday aswell. I pretty much did exactly the same, I answered only 11 on the last paper (numerical test), which was a bit annoying. I got through the spatial awareness and the operations pretty well I thought, considering I didn't practice them.
I really feel though as if I let myself down on the first exam. I didn't manage my time well on each question and was completely thrown off by the Speed/Distance question which I wasn't expecting in that part of the test. I think nerves got the best of me at this point, but I settled down by the second test.
If I'm being honest, not 100% confident I got through because of the begining.
Do you guys think you made it through to the 2nd Stage? I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to get through 11 questions. It's pretty intense to answer questions like that in 45 secs, considering its not simple arithmetic.


VFFX 13th Sep 2009 18:33

Do you guys think you made it through to the 2nd Stage?

If you asked me that on Friday afternoon straight after the test I'd have said no I didn't make it. That last test really shot me down.

In retrospect and several days later I do feel a bit more optimistic as I did do very well in the other tests and only let myself down on one test... however.... the bar is high and we just don't know how they're marked.

It's funny everytime I see a plane flyover, first of all I recognise it instantly (usually a 757 or A321) then I think about that last test:(

Going on holiday for a week on the 20th really hope it takes my mind of it all.

SebbyK 13th Sep 2009 19:42

I was pretty confident that i passed stage 1 after i did it. However i did feel i did well on all the papers except the cubes. There is simply no way of knowing really as no-one can tell what the pass marks are. A stat for you though, 90% fail stage 1.

Good luck!

P.S. Stage 2 i wasn't confident i had passed but i did so don't think too much into it!


Pat42 13th Sep 2009 21:06


With regards to your questions:

are the many questions regarding all the aircraft information towards the back
Only a couple, but I'd advise you do your best to revise it all as you never know what those couple of questions will be.

Does anyone know good links for practice tests on the shape tests etc?
There don't seem to be many practice resources available for these apart from what NATS give you. There have been a lot of questions on this thread about this, but I don't think I've seen any links to more examples of these as NATS (& Eurocontrol with the FEAST test) seem to be the only people who use them. You could try creating your own practice questions, but otherwise there's not a lot of practice you can do.

It's also worth practising your mental arithmatic. A good website with lots of questions similar to those you'll be asked in the NATS tests is Speed Distance Time | OASC: RAF Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre

I heard there are some questions regarding calculating distances from one airport to another, any info on this or where I would get practice material.
They throw in one or two questions about distances between a few major european airports on the ATC motivation paper (the one based upon the document). I thought this was a bit mean as this info isn't in the document, but I guess they are free to throw anything at you they like. It's multiple choice, so you don't need to know precise distances, but it might help to brush up on your european geography so you've got a good mental map of where everything is, that way if you just learn a few distances then you should be able to work others out reasonably accurately.

I wouldn't worry too much about this, I completely shot myself in the foot on these questions and still got through. I'd recently driven one of the routes they asked for so tried to remember the mileage I'd done... only to realise after I'd finished that the figure I used was the mileage for the return trip rather than a single leg. I then screwed up the second question as well because I tried to calculate it as a fraction of the distance I'd worked out for the previous question :ugh:

Pat42 13th Sep 2009 21:15

A stat for you though, 90% fail stage 1.
That's an interesting stat! Out of interest, where did you hear it?

I read on the NATS website that only 3% of applicants make it through selection, which had me worrying a bit for stage 2. But if 90% of applicants fail at stage 1 that means the odds of passing stages 2 and 3 are actually not that bad once you're through to them.

EGTI 13th Sep 2009 21:46

A question to those who've recently sat stage 1:

In diagramming/commands/operations/sequence test, was the command for swapping the symbols:

'Swap figure in this box with figure in box below'


'Swap figure in this box with figure in box above'

Can't remember which it was from my stage 1, I think I recall that the NATS practice pdf said one of the options above and then on the day it was the other option!
Can anyone remember?

SKOS 13th Sep 2009 22:58

Hi Sebby K, the stats of a 90 percent fail as Pat42 puts it, is interesting. It makes stage 1 sound difficult but even though I am yet to sit mine on the 25th of this month, I have to say that the stage 1 papers should be the more manageable cos at least we KNOW what to expect unlike stages 2 and 3. Regarding the stats I believe I have a good explanation ( not sure where u sourced the info from though) below:

NATS' entry requirements to sit stage 1 one is no more than passing your GCSE's with at least C's in English & Maths. I mean lets face it, how difficult can this be?! That allows a large pool of people to go through to stage 1 but that's where the real examination kicks in so I will not be too surprised at the 90% fail if accurate (i bliv it's a bit too high though).

For those of us who are lucky to be on this forum, except your desire is not up to scratch to be an ATCO, the advice given by people here is more than enough to see you through if you really want it.

I am very confident of passing stage 1 because of all the help and advice since joining this forum. Like someone said on this thread, we know what to expect so just practice, practice, practice............! I mean VFFX went as far as cutting pieces of cube nets and making questions out of them for the spatial reasoning tests - now that to me is passion and I can learn from that!!!

My major concern though I have to admit is those awful online selections tests but like others have adviced - I shouldn't worry abt them as they are unlikely to be used in the criteria for stage 1 (hopefully!!).

Thank you all guys for your help!

Fretwanger 13th Sep 2009 23:04

When I spoke to HR they mentioned they get a 60% no show rate for stage 1's, so maybe that is something to bear in mind also.

I think 90% of people failing sounds far out to me, this means that 3 out of 10 people who pass stage 1, will be admitted to the college according to NATS, although I would love for this to be true, I don't think it is.

SebbyK 13th Sep 2009 23:12

SKOS and Pat

I heard this stat several times now, but heard it myself from NATS when i sat my Stage 2. 90% do fail stage 1. I personally found it easy, but then again as you said that this forum has helped loads! I would probably guess that most people on here pass Stage 1. However, you still need to know your maths etc. Some people just can't handle it, and trust me if you struggle slightly at Stage 1, be prepared to be overwhelmed at Stage 2 lol. Stage 1 is about getting rid of the people that can't handle it which is suprisingly to you and me a lot! I read somewhere that someone walked out after 2 exams!
Once you pass stage 1, the odds are in your favour. Something like 55% get through Stage 2 and then 55% through Stage 3. However once you pass stage 3 you aren't guaranteed as about half drop out during college and verification....It isn't easy and you need to be committed. I know for sure that this is what i want, got really excited at stage2 when they brought in a college graduate to talk to us at lunch who is doing his verification.

Not trying to scare you, just saying how it is, you either have what it takes or you don't and there is only one way to find out! So enjoy the experience!


cottam approach 14th Sep 2009 08:14

You cannot draw comparisons with GCSE's and stage 1. Stage 1 is an aptitude test and check of motivation.

Pat42 14th Sep 2009 09:42

A question to those who've recently sat stage 1:

In diagramming/commands/operations/sequence test, was the command for swapping the symbols:

'Swap figure in this box with figure in box below'


'Swap figure in this box with figure in box above'

Can't remember which it was from my stage 1, I think I recall that the NATS practice pdf said one of the options above and then on the day it was the other option!
Can anyone remember?
If I remember correctly the test actually contained both of these, but can't be completely sure.

Pat42 14th Sep 2009 09:44


Sorry, I think you misunderstood my post. I wasn't doubting the statistics, just a little suprised by them and was wondering about the source.

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