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RigATC2B 30th Jul 2009 13:41

Had my Stage 3 on the 22nd. Found I passed today too. Soo happy and relieved.
At the college most people either rent or stay in B&Bs so i hear. You get some accomodation money on top of the 10,000.

Moravcik25 30th Jul 2009 13:54

Stage 3
Yeehaa! Just found out I passed S3 also!

It has taken me about an hour to calm back down!

Brian, PM your email address to me so we can keep in touch as it looks like we'll be on the same course now!

Thanks to everyone who posted help and advice on here it has been a great help!

grum123 30th Jul 2009 13:59

Congrats, any ideas how many days a week the course is?

Saraj 30th Jul 2009 14:02

congrats ! well done

now we all know who to PM for help on the stages !

STEVE_JOHN 30th Jul 2009 14:16

Congratulations to all those that found out that they have passed today!

Now the hard work starts eh!

How long did the process take from applying to now??

RigATC2B 30th Jul 2009 14:18

actually not too sure myself but am pretty sure it has been mentioned previously in the forum so worth looking back a few pages.

Gd luck to all if you are going through the selection process. Hopefully meet many of you in the future.

Those who have passed. Have you booked medical dates? for when and where?

Moravcik25 30th Jul 2009 14:26

I couldn't find the bit to book it, did your page bring up a list of dates and locations?

As for time, I sat my first stage in the middle of march, and found out today I was in.

pugwash4x4 30th Jul 2009 14:27

Congrats to those who passed S3- you must all feel so happy!

did you guys all take S3 on the 23rd July? if so then i wonder if us guys from the 28th might hear soon!

RigATC2B 30th Jul 2009 14:50

I did mine on the 22nd, not sure how the rest of my group did.

Mine came up with 1 location - swanwick and 1 date - 14 august. So i bet u can guess when and where im going.

Moravcik25 30th Jul 2009 14:53

I was clearly too slow off the mark :)

I was on the 23rd and I know Brian 2503 was on the 23rd aswell, didn't expect to hear so quickly to be honest!

brian2503 30th Jul 2009 15:18

grum 123 - i imagine i will be renting a B&B...at least to start off with. I live in N.Ireland so i will be moving over!
and the course is mon to fri....8 to 4 or something like that i think???

STEVE JOHN - mine was quite drawn out( due to having to finish uni etc)...S1 was 26 feb...stage 2 wasnt until 19th may and S3 was 23rd july!

RigATC2B - i only had one choice aswell....14th aug at swanwick control centre.

I am soo happyy.....still hasnt really hit me!!!

paperclip810 30th Jul 2009 16:00

College stuff...
HP20 & grum123 (+ anyone else interested)

I think a 15-25 minute commute is fine - you're at the college all day so it's not that bad. However, you might think it's a lot - depends what you've done before! There's not many places to live that's significantly closer since the college is on the airport site, so I think it's reasonable to expect about 15 mins each way wherever you choose to live.

Dress code: stated as smart, and just about everyone follows it (boys: trousers, shirt, proper shoes; girls: similar). No tie or jacket required. Dress down Friday so jeans, t-shirt, trainers, etc.

Hours: must be in college by 0815 each day (Monday-Friday). Classes from 0830 until 1615 with two breaks and lunch. Sometimes you'll get an early go, but most people don't get away until 1615.

Money: unless you already work for NATS, you'll earn just over £10000 pa (taxable). You also get a £60 per week accommodation allowance (not taxed). If you're over 25 and single, you're entitled to working tax credits which will boost your income a little. Overall, before working tax credits, you get about £950-1000 a month (ish) after deductions. B&Bs cost in the region of £80-£100 a week, so you've still got spending money for nights out etc (I'm managing to pay B&B plus mortgage at home and going out on my pay).

Hope that helps a bit...

BirdInControl 30th Jul 2009 17:12

You have to wait 12 months from the 'date of your last application'...

Makes it a bit better doesn't it!

HP20 30th Jul 2009 18:28

thanks paperclip thats actually really helpful :)

grum123 30th Jul 2009 22:14

paperclip810 & brian2503
Thank you very much, everything i wanted to know and more

happy.paul 31st Jul 2009 13:24

All the guys/gals that have just started at the college
If i could trouble any of the people on the July Aero course for a few dumb questions!

Hows the course?! Is it as hard going as people say?

Does anyone cycle to the college?! If so how long does it take( from westby road area) and whats the best route?

Whats the gym like at the college? Is there lots of equipment and how busy does it get?

Cheers guys and good luck with the course:ok:

adam28 31st Jul 2009 15:31

Stage 1 NATS

I sat my stage 1 tests at Fareham last Friday (24th July) and thought i'd post about what they were like and how i got on.

I was booked in for 12:30. At approx 12:00 I arrived and spoke to reception about why I was there. They gave me a personality questionnaire of 99 questions(i think) which I completed, and then another woman signed us in and took us to a classroom to sit the tests. There were 9 of us although the woman said she'd been expecting something like 60! The woman we had was very nice and gave us plenty time to go to toilet etc before we began.

First test was the ATC motivation paper. This test is 20 questions and you get 18 minutes to complete this paper. It is multiple choice. I managed to complete the paper and check back over it and still had a few minutes to spare, so if you read the information then you should be fine.

Second paper was the cubes. I would agree with other people when they say this is the hardest test of the four. This was 40 questions in 20 minutes. Again it is multiple choice. I completed 32 of the 40. There are three cube nets, one t-shape, the other two are more awkward to assemble in your head. Some of the patterns are quite complicated as well. Key thing is not to open the booklet and panic, just concentrate and do as many as you can.

Third paper was the diagramming. Same concept as the practice leaflet they give you but with more 'operations' or 'commands' that can be applied to the object. They can also ask you to reverse the column or put it in a certain order. This test was 50 questions in 20 minutes. Multiple choice. I managed 48, gutted not to get the last two and complete it!

Last paper was the mental arithmetic, or D/S/T questions. 20 questions and 15 minutes to complete. I found this a reasonable paper which I completed and checked over in the time allowed. Typical questions involve aircraft heading towards one another, descent rates, distance to a beacon.

During the tests we had opportunity for toilet breaks and to get a drink of water. After tests we were thanked for attending, wished the best of luck and sent on our way. I am waiting to hear my results!

Note for anyone going to NATS CTC from Southampton Airport

There is a free shuttle bus(more of a van) that runs from the car park at the train station next to the airport. The van is blue with 'Airlynx' written on the side in yellow. When exiting airport, turn left, walk to road, cross road to train station and turn left. Walk alongside platform to other end of station where car park is.(as you crossed the road look left and you should see a bus stop on the oncoming traffic side of the road, the car park is just next to this, entrance should be visible next to bus stop.)

Times for shuttle bus

I got a timetable from the driver of times from the CTC, however I am not 100% sure if these were just for that day or are permanent times. The journey from CTC to airport and vice versa is around 15-20 minutes, although slightly more at peak traffic times.

These times are:

leaves CTC 0810, 0840, 0855, 0920, 0945, 1545, 1615, 1640, 1700, 1740, 1815.

Add approx 20 mins to these and that is when bus should arrive at airport. If it is the case these times are altered or bus arrives early and so departs early, as you can see it is not too long a wait until the next bus.



I spoke to you on the 24th July at CTC when we sat stage 1 together, if you happen to be on here and read this then let me know how you did when you get your results.:)

piqla 31st Jul 2009 15:52

hey guys,

tried to search for but failed.
if somebody succesfully goin' through at S3 and could go to the training he/she HAS to move into the college or just highly recommended? is there enough place for everybody or just some fortune-blessed people get rooms?

JonathanB 31st Jul 2009 15:57

piqla, there is no accommodation provided at the college. You will need to sort out a B&B or shared house or similar in Bournemouth or the surrounding areas (many people opt for B&Bs in Boscombe). NATS provide a list of accommodation, but I hear it is somewhat out of date.

piqla 31st Jul 2009 17:43

oh, okay then, good to know.
and the trainees rent rooms together so they can keep in touch after the school and idunno they can do the homework together? or everybody goes into his/her separated, comfy flat?
i guess version A is better if somebody wants to be well-socialed and beloved :]

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