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Courtenay 9th Jul 2006 18:27

Tests 11th July
Hi Guys & Girls,

I posted on here a couple of months ago before applying, I have finally got my 1st stage selection tests on Tuesday 11th July...

I've been reading through the Nats document for the motivation test, and whilst I wouldn't want to cheat, I was wondering if anyone who had taken it recently could give me a bit of guidance?

Obviously I've read it through a few times now and can remember bits like how many % a year increase in air travel, when the date was for 1.5 million movements etc... But I am struggling with all the different speeds, passengers, FL and airlines that use each plane! I should remember how the motivation test was structured when I took it 4-5 years ago, but I can't.

Any helpful comments as to which bits to concentrate on would be much appricated...


vfr800i 10th Jul 2006 07:26

Hi James

I took my selection tests on the 8th June and no dates on when NATS made their 1.5 Millionth movement or when Swanick opened were asked.

Questions are generally more aimed at things like
What does VOR stand for?
What's the distance between London and Brussels/Aberdeen/Bristol or such?
Do Aeroplanes take off into or with the wind? - Into wind
What aeroplane would make a transatlantic crossing, B737 or B767?
How many holding points are there at Heathrow?
What are holding points located over?
What angle is an ISL decent path?
What affects the spacings between aeroplanes on final approach?

The specifics on aircraft is important and 2 or 3 questions will be related to it but don't get hung up on knowing those lists, you need to be aware of all the info in that booklet. It's multiple choice answers so even if you can't repeat the booklet word for word you should recognise the correct answer from 4.

Good Luck!


gconatyuk 10th Jul 2006 11:37

Just out of interest, how did you find the initial testing? I applied to NATS just over one week ago and so im hoping to complete initial testing within the next couple fo months with a bit of luck.

Fidgell 10th Jul 2006 13:15

Without opening another can of worms here folks...

Be aware the testing is after-all a "motivational" paper. Your motivation being the desire to pursue this career. If you want hints and tips (obviously not cheating!!!) just read the info the company has sent you... there are no trick questions - if you know it youll be fine. If you are having trouble with sections of the work, then you will have problems in Hurn on the course as the motivational paper is a walk in the park compared to the hard work ahead. Its not a fight or trick to passing the tests, its to see your potential for being successful down the line. That's not just to save the company time and money training less likely to succeed candidates but also to save the time and life changes for those who may not be as likely to succeed from making the upheaveal in their lives.

Give your best, if its enough you WILL succeed - if not maybe it isnt the career for you!

Good Luck:ok:

speedbird911 10th Jul 2006 13:29

id also advise you to practise some maths questions...be very familiar with the distance=speed x time equation......you will need it for initial tests and for the second stage as well. I just had my second stage tests and interview. will get a reply next week on whether i get through or not..fingers crossed, i reckon its a 50/50.
take care, good luck!!

gconatyuk 10th Jul 2006 15:15

What does the actual initial stage and second stage cover exactly? There have been a number of posts regarding this which i have searched through but i cannot seem to find any consistency in what people have been saying in the posts. I presume this is due to the fact that the assessment stages have recently changed?

I am aware that the initial stage will include aptitude tests and a motivational paper but what exactly do the aptitude tests consist of? What types of questions are asked? The reason i ask this is because there are hundreds of different types of aptitude tests.



BOH 10th Jul 2006 23:55

I just took my initial selection tests today and I wouldn't say it is anything to really stress out over!

I started in the morning with a talk with an atco....gave a really useful insight into the world...told us all about the training and stuff like pensions and shifts.

Then for the rest of the morning we did the "easy" bit of the day which was just the personality test and the "what type of mind" test, which suprisingly i was a theorist :S doesnt quite sound like me!

Then we split up for lunch, which until the afternoon they didnt tell us we could claim back for! As long as its below £4.50 and you have a reciept then its ok!

After this we went back into the classroom this time for more demanding tests...it included the motivation paper, 30 questions in 18 minutes and i was asked the same stuff as mentioned above, not anything to worry about, then we had a 50 question maths paper, then there were two tests of 5 minutes, each with 40 questions in which you had to match up numbers and letters and things, a spacial awareness test which involved a net of a cube and you had to deciepher which cubes were possible.

The last test must have been the hardest! ....basicaly you had to follow instructions but they got harder and more varied and it was just meant to confuse you!

The most important thing to do is STAY CALM!! The amount of time for each test is short, but thats the point! Be honest in your personality questionaire or they will catch you out. I chose to take my time and make sure the answers i got were correct instead of rushing them to complete them but get lots wrong...i don't know if that was the right thing to do but time will tell...

The day was over before 3pm.....nice and easy...not half as stressful as you might think just aslong as you get a good nights kip before!!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed to get to stage two....good luck to the rest of you with them today and in manchester later on!!

BOH :)

Dances with Boffins 11th Jul 2006 09:53


Wise words.:ok:


Beware the difference between a terminal hold and a holding point. One is a beacon that aircraft use as a reference point to "hold" in the air [basically fly round and round, one above the other] prior to approaching to land.The other is a line of yellow paint on the taxiway [and don't no-one start getting smart about there being two lines of paint] where anyone moving on the surface can be instructed to stop. Heathrow has 4 of the former but lots and lots [and indeed lots] of the latter.

Some bright spark from LHR will no doubt now go out and count them so that you can be enlightened as to exactly how many there are....

vfr800i 11th Jul 2006 10:45


From my memory in the tests they were refered to as "Holding Points".

In the motivation papers given for stage one they're refered to as "Stacks"

Thanks for the info on Terminal Holds, at this stage though it may only lead to confusion?

Ps, there looks to be about 42 hold points from the aerodrome chart :ok:

Gonzo 11th Jul 2006 14:36

Some bright spark from LHR

You called..??

Dan MK 14th Jul 2006 19:19

The problem here is that there is too much information about interviews and tests etc... I am through to the second stage now and don't know what to believe from PPRUNE. So I 'm going for the first attempt then I will know first hand what happens - don't expect to get through this time.

Number2 14th Jul 2006 19:42

Nothing like a positive attitude!

Dan MK 15th Jul 2006 13:47

Point taken Number 2 - I was just getting bogged down with all the contradictory information on here - I am going to give it my best shot but I am realistic that at just 18 it may take a couple of attempts.

Dan MK 26th Jul 2006 14:21

Changes to interview format?
It seems that the interview format has changed again - I am booked for one in August and am told that I will only need to be there for a few hours when I will have a general interview and computer tests. If I am successful then I will be called back for full assessment day - so it looks like there are now 3 hurdles to climb over before reaching CATC - I am told this is a recent change, has anyone else had experience of it?

Gonzo 26th Jul 2006 15:50

The change happens in early August. Nothing has been added or taken away, AFAIK, just that it's been moved around.

The computer tests and structured HR interview have been taken away from the final assessment day to form the new stage 2. Everything else is now stage 3.

Barnaby the Bear 27th Jul 2006 08:30

In my day, you had no internet forums. Just a small book written by Graham Duke and as many visits to units as you could arrange.
Its useful to hear what other people experienced in the tests, but if you have the right attitude, apptitude and motivation, then you should have no problem.

Good luck. This is the easy part!! :}

Courtenay 27th Jul 2006 20:44

I too have heard today, and will book my second stage ASAP when I know what time I can get off work..

There is no explanation about the change in recruitment stages... I thought it was all going to be done in this stage.

They now state that no site visit is necessary before this stage. Do you really think that is the case? I would have thought (even with it being a general interview not technical) that it would be more impressive and show commitment and determination if you have been to 1 or 2 places and seen what really goes on!?

Sorry to be a pain to you old sweats. Can you actually explain what the finally tests are now?

Stage 2:

General interview
Computer test

Stage 3:


anyone care to give me (and others) a little clue about what the computer test actually tests?



smellysnelly2004 27th Jul 2006 23:08

It is very difficult to explain the computer tests

PM me and i'll try.

NeoDude 27th Jul 2006 23:35

Originally Posted by smellysnelly2004
It is very difficult to explain the computer tests
PM me and i'll try.

I PMd you the other day dude. Your box is full.

Courtenay 28th Jul 2006 09:54


Just tried to PM you and I am informed you have exceeded your space allowance!



smellysnelly2004 28th Jul 2006 22:21

Sorry lads and lasses,

Inbox now empty so please re-PM

Courtenay 31st Jul 2006 23:55

I had a strange phonecall today... Nats HR saying "have you read your email today", to which I replied "no", they then said that the recruitment process had changed into 3 parts, however they had a cancellation on one of the old assessments, did I want to go on it...

So now I am doing part 2 (&3) on 8th August!

I asked if a visit to a Tower etc was necessary and they said not, however I thought it was recommend? give me something to talk about in the interviews anyway??

So does anyone work at Stanstead, Gatwick, Heathrow or in area control at Swanwick? It is short notice I know... and I'll have to travel from Southend area... but I'd appreciate a leg up if anyone can?



raviolis 3rd Aug 2006 22:40

I know on the initial day of selections applicants are asked to sign their availability to relocate anywhere in the country, but, out of curiosity, does anybody know if there are any Scottish job opportunities for those successful ones to make it to the College for training int he next months ?

Barnaby the Bear 4th Aug 2006 08:54

So does anyone work at Stanstead, Gatwick, Heathrow or in area control at Swanwick? It is short notice I know... and I'll have to travel from Southend area... but I'd appreciate a leg up if anyone can?
Why don't you visit Southend tower? You can usually get a visit at short notice...... When I visited last year, they did heckle me for biscuits. But that is standard payment :}

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