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radarcontrol 18th Jan 2005 18:38

NATS Tests Today
Anyone else just get back from Manchester?

I thought it was a very interesting day, but I'll be flabberghasted if I get in. I simply didn't get through enough of the questions... especially on the cubes and the diagramming. Really confusing when you have 5 shapes each with their own commands and you then have to reverse the order in which they are addressed!

The motivation paper was the only saving grace....nice and easy if you've been "into" aviation for a few years.

Lets hope it gets easier at your second attempt!


Hold27Left 18th Jan 2005 19:34

Hey radarcontrol!

I did mine today, was in group A, not sure which you was in? Was an interesting day, and it dont get much easier the second time around either!! lol Best of luck though :)

sarah123 19th Jan 2005 11:20

Hi there,

I was in Manchester for the tests yesterday(19/1) too. I was in group D.

I was really pleased I got that group as we got our tests out of the way in the morning and had a fairly easy afternoon. That said it didnt really help when it came to 'cubes'. All i will say on that is 'nightmare'. Think there were 40Q's and I got to 15 which was part way through the 2nd cube. How many I got right is anyones guess tho.

Motivation paper was easy. Apart from the fact that I had sat there thinking I had finished for 5/10mins only to notice I hadn't done Q23 so was a bit upset with that as I guessed it.

Apart from the cubes I was generally happy with my performance. The only thing that will let me down would be my speed(i hope).I could have gone quicker but its easy saying that the next day.

How did you all feel after the day. I was in a bit of a daze. Didnt sleep the night before and was up at 5 on test day so come 5pm
I was out of it.

Day of rest now and revision of cubes soon for take 2! lol

Biggles_WannaB 19th Jan 2005 13:10

Hi guys,

Well done on getting to the first stage!

Can anyone tell me what the Motivation paper entails?

Thanks!!!! :ok:


ILS 119.5 19th Jan 2005 17:32

When I did my tests, many moons ago. I remember getting to the last page of the cubes Q36. I do not know how many I got correct but I passed. You have to pass each test and not attain an average. Well done to those who have passed. If you have not passed then comiserations, but try again. If you cannot do it then do not worry, there are other careers out there. Think about flying, it's easier, believe me.

SantaUK 19th Jan 2005 17:46

I was at selection on Monday in Manchester.

Feel it went pretty well, managed to finish all the questions off, hopefully getting them right.

It doesn't get easier second time though believe me!!!

I got to the interview stage first time, probably slipping up on the computer tests!!! D'Oh!

Hope I get there this time...I know what to expect this time.

If you've got any questions about what to expect then feel free to ask, but there is loads of other threads on here that will help you loads.

All The Best!

DEVIL201 19th Jan 2005 18:22

I didn't think i'd done that hot, didn't finish a lot of the question sections and i still got in, so don't woory too much. Get used to wondering if you've failed though, you never feel like you've really aced it when you probably have :-), it was like that for the whole recruitment process for me. But i promise it's all worth it when you get into the college.

dannyo 21st Jan 2005 19:29

I came away from the tests at Kemble Street (remember Kemble Street?.......thought not!) thinking I may as well start sending the ole CV round all and sundry but got in too! And yes, it was the cube nightmare that had me worried too!

Don't fret too much, its out of your hands now. sit back and relax and wait for the results.

Am now on 202 course and having the time of my life!

Oh, but it does get alot harder....

Aviation law....mmmmmmmm!

Winter2004 21st Jan 2005 19:47

Just want to ditto what dannyo and Devil said!

You leave the test day feeling really drained and pessimistic but you never really know what they're looking for! I felt awful afterwards despite really enjoying the day itself! I had resigned myself to another year in my current job but, thankfully, got though.
Had my medical yesterday so just playing the waiting game now.

Looking forward to getting down to Bournemouth!

Fingers crossed for you all, let us know how you do!


SantaUK 28th Jan 2005 12:03

2nd Stage
Just got my e-mail inviting me to the interview stage!

Little sooner than expected!

Absolutely over the moon...Come On!

How has everyone else got on?



jimthings 28th Jan 2005 14:38

Just got the email through this morning that I'm through to the second stage. Top banana!

They certainly don't mess around when it comes to providing you with some light bedtime reading material. Have just downloaded the document, looks like it's time to get my study hat on again!

sarah123 28th Jan 2005 14:40

I didn't!!!!

Got a nice email saying I will not be invited to the interviews.

Also have the pleasure of waiting 12 months to re apply now. Looks like I will have to find something else to do.

So its not 'come on' for me unfortunately.

Congrats to all who did get to the interview stage. Hope it works out for you.

AutoP 28th Jan 2005 15:54

I know this question has been asked before in different variants, but has anyone passed the initial selection tests even after they thought they'd TOTALLY screwed up the "cube" test? By TOTALLY screwed up I mean answering 25 or less out of the 40 questions....

italiancars 28th Jan 2005 16:03

I know its not a direct ans to your question but I know that these tests are marked on a sliding scale of 1 - 10. NATS expect a prospective ATCO to get some where between 5 & 8. Not entirely sure how they're marked but I suppose you could read into that you need 50% - 80% overall so therefore could still pass with only answering half the questions but getting them all correct. The mark scores are correct the method of marking speculative. How do I know this, they bring it up if you every get in the situation of having a training review.

For the record I got 10, 10, 9, 6, the 6 being for the cubes which I didn't complete.

jimthings 28th Jan 2005 16:09

The only thing I would say on the dreaded cube test is that it is pretty much designed to make you feel as though it has gone badly. That's why there are so many questions in such a short space of time; it tries to make you flap and see how you cope.

I've done similar things like it before and each time you come out semi-baffled.

I'd think that as long as your accuracy (i.e. the ones you answered you got right) is pretty good then 25 shouldn't be too bad a number.

AutoP 28th Jan 2005 18:52

Thanks for the responses. I only ask because this is my 2nd attempt at applying. I got through to the final stages two years ago and failed the personnel interview. I remember thinking that I'd done terribly on the spatial awareness test back then as well, yet I still passed. This time was slightly different though as I'm pretty sure I did as good - if not better - on the other 4 tests, but did worse on the cubes one (it was nearly 5pm. I was tired. I needed alcohol;) ) Anyway, thanks again. Apologies for clogging up this section with the same old "NATS Tests" shennanigans that are clearly answered in the 'pinned' thread at the top.:O

veetwo 29th Jan 2005 15:15

Unfortunately I didn't get through this time either. I didn't feel I'd done very well though. Not as heartbroken as I could be as it was my first attempt, and even the ATCO giving the talk on the day didn't get in till his second try.

Back to the PPL training for now I guess!

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