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coolbeans 27th Aug 2004 14:26

ATCA Appreciation Day
Dont ATCA's (or ATSA's or what ever you want to call us) have a hard job?

Putting up with all kinds of junk, constantly making cups of tea and coffee doing the really crpy jobs for piddly all money.

So this Friday (3rd) show your atca you care, make him a cuppa, do some strips yourself for a change or just say thanks.

Come on, 1 day a year isnt that much is it.


HEATHROW DIRECTOR 27th Aug 2004 15:54

They don't all have crappy jobs.. and on many, many occasions I owed my life to some of my ATCA friends - especially the lighting ops at Heathrow who are a very special breed of supermen/women.

Thanks to ALL the ATCAs/ATSAs I worked with - you were brilliant!

peatair 27th Aug 2004 20:48

How right Heathrow (ex) Director is!! The ATSAs were (and still are) a great bunch. Management were always trying to get rid of them but never coming up with the systems to replace them!! Long may that be the case. They are the unsung heros of ATC.

rotatrim 27th Aug 2004 22:15

I've seen the ground lighting ATSA in operation in the Heathrow Tower and it was scary!! (Sorry, don't know the correct title for the job and I'm pilot, not ATC)

I've heard that the job can burn some people out and I can easily believe that. I watched as the ATSA held conversations using one ear and responded to the Ground Controller's instructions to aircraft using the other ear and at the same time flicked myriad switches. Very impressive. Why isn't this job ATCO/Ground Controller?

Gonzo 28th Aug 2004 06:53

It's too difficult!

coolbeans 28th Aug 2004 12:47

thanks guys its really good to see we're appreciated out there.


zed3 28th Aug 2004 13:41

If only management understood all this !!!

Mr_Grubby 28th Aug 2004 14:11

I can’t speak highly enough of the ATSA Grade.
When I think back over my career the number of times I have been bailed out of the :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: by a good assistant. Be it on the edge lit boards at Northern Radar, Lindholme, the boards at Gailes Radar, Scotland or the wings at West Drayton. A good ATSA is worth their weight in gold.
Thanks Guys and Gals.


ILS 119.5 28th Aug 2004 17:06

I agree with you all, I have been an ATSA, ATCO and now Pilot. If it was not for all the members of the team, which also includes the CSD, CA's, and ground staff then business would not be so professionally run. Unfortunately the only thing which spoils our professions is management and the way they try to screw us.

yellowplane 28th Aug 2004 22:02

ATCAs are, I agree, worth their weight in gold. The three that work in the tower where I am are wonderful. Thanks for everything team.. There are days when you're still running around when we (ATCOs) aren't doing a thing and when we're busy, you're still busy.. so, 1 word ... thanks!

Connex 30th Aug 2004 09:31

Appreciation Day, Friday 3rd September, eh?

This is definitely one for the diary - I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing how the ATCOs will show their appreciation of us all at my Unit!

I won't hold my breath

shuttle1tango 31st Aug 2004 22:53

Northern Radar, Lindholme,
Bye heck lad you're going back a bit . You're not the Clint G are you ?:D

chiglet 1st Sep 2004 00:27

I'm on leave :ok:

Connex 1st Sep 2004 12:05

Chiglet -

At least YOU'LL get to have a nice day - I have already packed the paracetamol:ugh:

If all ATSAs everywhere can't be just genuinely appreciated and respected for their professional efforts (and we have to resort to posted requests on public forums!), then I think that says it all.

ATCO silence speaks volumes!

I get up every workday and think "If it wasn't for the money............"

How different ATSA life must be at a non-NATS Unit:sad:

coolbeans 1st Sep 2004 14:17

"How different ATSA life must be at a non-NATS Unit"

Yup sometimes we even get an end of stale bread with our cup of tepid water :)


Helen49 1st Sep 2004 15:10

As an ex-ATCA, ATCO and SATCO of many years, may I say that the work of the ATCA is not to be underestimated, though too often unappreciated and undervalued. Their workload is often relentless, they have no such luxury as SRATCOH and hence often work without proper breaks, unless a kindly ATCO is prepared to help out. Too often they do get the unpleasant jobs and some ATCOs treat them as serfs rather than assistants.

I wish all ATCAs a happy and 'appreciated' day on Friday and it gives me great pleasure to thank, albeit anonymously, the many ATCAs who helped and worked with me over many years.

This is a crisis 3rd Sep 2004 17:06

Well.....how did National ATSA day go?

I left a note on our whiteboard but have been off for 3 days.

Mr_Grubby 3rd Sep 2004 19:50

My son, who is an ATSA @ West Drayton just arrived home after an afternoon shift and said, " Same :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:, different day "


Connex 4th Sep 2004 17:39

Well - how was it for YOU, campers? Was your Friday brightened by cheery ATCO smiles, morning coffee and meaningful conversation with our fellow work brethren, perhaps even a thankful bit of eye contact during the course of the working shift (but no words spoken, obviously!)??

Sorry - speak up out there....I didn't hear that....and I have waited, but nobody's posted anything on here either!

What?? Nothing?? NO, I DON'T, I DON'T... ..I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! How COULD they do this to us - their most LOYAL of subjects/minions/menials/ATSAs?

:{ :{ :{ :{

Nice try, Coolbeans...

but then, what did you REALLY expect?:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

VATCA 5th Sep 2004 09:41

Hi, I'm new to the forum!

coolbeans, you should come and work at EGHH. The controllers here may refuse circuits, but they treat us ATCAs with the respect we deserve. They even make US cups of tea if we're REALLY good. :)

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