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Squadgy 21st Jun 2004 07:41

Sharing Headsets

Are any ATCOs/FISOs out there expected to share headsets with other members of staff. Does anyone know of any H&S requirements for this?

2 sheds 21st Jun 2004 08:51


I do not know what any H&S regulations specify, but - assuming that you imply that you are required to share headsets - surely this could be raised on a "common sense" basis with management? If not, do you have union representation?

Even in the absence of specific H&S requirements, you could always quote "custom and practice" as the vast majority of ATSUs provide individual headsets for good reason which I am sure they would be willing to specify.

Another valid comparison would be handset telephones that are used by several people - is there not a requirement, or at least a practice, at many places (including offices) of these being regularly disinfected for reasons of hygiene?

2 s

ILS 119.5 21st Jun 2004 09:35

I have my own headset, however this does not stop another person sitting in the left hand seat for the next 9 hours with some sort of virus, and 3 hours later another person sitting there for another 9 hours, and so on. Nor does it stop the person on my right bringing something nasty on board and coughing/spluttering in our confined environment. I can see your views regarding the sharing of headsets, which H & S should be aware of. But of course management will not address this due to costs, (unless the HSE say so). A pilots environment does not comply with H & S requirements and it will take a long time for it to do so. However, your concerns do raise an issue and the only way to solve the issue is to bring the matter to the attention of the Health & Safety Executive.

SirToppamHat 21st Jun 2004 09:49

Even in the military we are not expected to share items that come into contact with our skin, and that seems to be the issue here.

I think your management needs to be updated on personal hygiene issues!

As for H&S, I work in an environment where the kit itself makes full compliance impossible, but that does not absolve employers of a responsibility to comply with H&S requirements if reasonable and possible. I think you have a good case ... go to the Union ... at least you can have one!


Squadgy 21st Jun 2004 11:01

ILS 119.5, when you say you have your own headset, was this provided by the company or did you have to purchase it?

ILS 119.5 21st Jun 2004 14:03

company provided it

Spitoon 21st Jun 2004 17:21

119.5 - just interested but in what way doesn't a pilot's environment meet h & S requirements?

This is a crisis 21st Jun 2004 19:50

Nobody in this day and age should be expected to share a headset. The same goes for ear defenders. It is well known that that the ear canal is very warm and moist and if you add something that encloses that completely you have an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

I have read this recently but not sure exactly where - if i find the link I will post it here.

ILS 119.5 21st Jun 2004 20:05

if you look at the H & S Regulations regarding the amount of space required for a workstation which basically is what you are sitting in, then it is far too small. Also the VDU rules would come into effect regarding the cockpit display screens. I'm not being pedantic about this but H & S are, and could be if given the chance.

letMfly 22nd Jun 2004 21:16

Having just recovered from a bad eye infection, I wondered if the one pair of binoculars shared by thirty ATCOs had anything to do with it. Do other units have their binnocs cleaned/sterilised on a regular basis?

Flyin'Dutch' 23rd Jun 2004 20:12

Hmm, I wonder how many on here wipe their phones at home before they put the receiver to their ears or other bits of commonly shared hardware both in and outdoors before they entrust the respective bodyparts to get in contact with them.

Just looking from the outside in so not sure what the issues are but it is more likely that you will succumb to your colleagues' illness after being exposed to a generous sneezing/coughing fit than by sharing a headset.

I can however understand that there are more compelling reasons why you would want your own.


2 sheds 24th Jun 2004 10:28


The issue is one of hygiene.

I would hope that most people do, in fact, clean the telephones in their own homes, just as they clean the toilets and keep food preparation surfaces clean.

It is to be hoped that any colleagues sneezing or coughing would have the common good manners to contain such outbursts to a handkerchief - or take sick leave.

Clearly we cannot protect ourselves from every contact with germs but we can eliminate the most obvious ones. Even hospitals are, at last, recognising that simple but regular precautions are useful in preventing the spread of infection. It would be nice if some schools could do the same and actually provide soap in the toilets. It is usually only a week or two after the start of each term before some dreadful germ is doing the rounds!

2 s

MaxBlow 24th Jun 2004 12:58

A headset is like a toothbrush...

I carry my own - and 'no' the company did not pay a cent.


Squadgy 24th Jun 2004 18:17

Thanks for the replies - Mrs Squadgy (also a FISO), has an ear infection - I've had one recently too. We both share headsets with colleagues.

Doctor advised yesterday that occupations where a headset is worn is high risk for getting ear infections etc. She suggests that you should each have own headset and also using olive oil drops each week :ugh:

niknak 24th Jun 2004 18:58

Sterilising bino's might be just a little too much for some of my colleagues, leave a bottle of domestos around and they're as likely to drink it as use it properly:p .

2 sheds 25th Jun 2004 08:42


If your doctor were to commit herself to that in writing, that could be used in evidence to the employer if necessary. There must be a "duty of care" angle even if there is no specific H&S reg.

What good will olive oil do to a headset? - hadn't heard that one before!

2 s

Squadgy 25th Jun 2004 09:53

2 sheds - The Doctor issued an 'advise' sheet which does mention this.

The Olive Oil bit is to do with ear wax loosening - ear wax can build up if enclosed headsets are worn regulary appearently - nice

Good news is that extra headsets are now on order, so hopefully we won't have to share any more :ok:

2 sheds 26th Jun 2004 09:58

It was a joke, squadge!!!

Glad to hear the news.

2 s

Foxy Loxy 29th Jun 2004 13:22

I am lucky enough to have been issued my own headset. However, that hasn't stopped my SATCO "borrowing" it on the many occasions he's mislaid his own. Can anyone think of a polite way I can tell him I don't want his hair grease all over it???

As an aside, I once read in a magazine that bacteria increases at a rate of 800% per hour in one's ear'ole when wearing a headset.


Daysleeper 29th Jun 2004 13:30

Its not just the ears, look how close the mic is to your lips and think of all the people with cold sores and worse. Euugh

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